Wednesday, December 17, 2014

YES, I'm "a bit of" (Read: "A LOT of") a SHOW-OFF.

WHEN I "find"/notice an activity at which I am VERY GOOD, I like to DISPLAY said "MASTERY".

The other day, I decided to SHOW my "neuro-psychotherapist" my "WALKING"-- APPROXIMATELY 30 feet--in the lobby of her office.


I do NOT "brag".
Instead, I prefer to let "(my) ACTIONS 'speak' LOUDER than (my) WORDS".

For example/'Por ejemplo', I started MY OWN "MATH-tutoring service", 'cuz I'm EXEMPLARY 'con numeros'.
((… According to my very ASTUTE & OBSERVANT neuropsychologist noted, "NUMBERS RELAX (me)."))

I "balance my (mom's) checkbook"---ROUTINELY.
(SSSHHH, doN'T tell the I.R.S.!)


I STILL observe … & occasionally TEACH … KIDS' "martial arts"-classes.
Since I used to--COMPETITIVELY--wrestle for ~EIGHT YEARS, AND--UNFORTUNATELY--I canNOT--CURRENTLY/TEMPORARILY--stand NOR walk, I teach & DEMONSTRATE various 'jiujitsu'- ('GROUND-fighting'-)techniques.


Due to my LONGTIME-obsession with ANY/ALL sporting-events,
I know--almost TOO MUCH--RANDOM sports-trivia!


Finally, I had a FANTASTIC/STUPENDOUS, tiring LEG-workout TODAY at "NeuroFit 360"!
First, I completed 12 "wall-SQUATS" ("my squatting ~105 degrees with my back PRESSED AGAINST a wall"), stretched for EIGHT DEEP, EIGHT ONE-legged leg-bends-on EACH leg)--with my OTHER leg stretched WAY BACK & SLOWLY leaned my UPPER body FORWARD while pulling my BACK leg FORWARD as I STRAIGHTENED my FRONT leg.  I "performed"ALL exercises WHILE ALWAYS maintaining PROPER, STRAIGHT back-POSTURE.
ALSO, I "found my 'CENTER of gravity'/BALANCE" as I gripped a HORIZONTAL weight-bar.
Then, I weight-shifted onto my LEFT-hip.

FINALLY, I let go of said "bar"!

So, I STOOD--ALONE/UN-assisted--for ~10 seconds!
(… I REPEATED that GREAT FEAT … for ~12, ~15 & … ~24 seconds!)

Today's date is … 12/17/14.
(… "Write that down."--'The Office')


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