Tuesday, December 23, 2014


My BLOG-"Engineer"/"Architect"(--'The Matrix Revolutions') "worked WONDERS" on/for my "STRUGGLING" laptop!
(… ALAS, HE is in Philly, and I am in SOUTH Florida.  So, HOW could this WORK/HAPPEN?!)
(… Well, I GUESS that some of my EXTRME MENTAL-"strength" is "rubbing off on him", 'cuz he just "SENSED" that my computer WAS in "UTTER DIS-array".)
((… My onlooking "caregiver" watching said FIXER-upper: "What's he doing?"
ME--about blog-CREATOR: "He's beginning to BELIEVE!"  (… that he IS "the ONE"--'The Matrix Reoladed')


With my VERY LIMITED ability to SEE, SPEAK TO & INTERACT WITH others, I "TREASURE" my VERY KIND & UNDERSTANDING friends & family!


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