Thursday, December 25, 2014

'Feliz Cumplean(tilde)os, … Jeses.'


"We come bearing 'GIFTS'."
(--Biblical tale of 'Three Wise Men')

(… A.J. thought this story would be APPROPRIATE as he BEGAN his day with a "TREK" to "his OFFICE" at ~6:34 am.  THEN, Altan "dropped QUITE the DEUCE" in his "john".)

(… "WE, THREE Wise men" = "ME, MYSELF & I" = "The ROYAL 'we', the EDITORIAL"--The Dude. 'The Big Lebowski')

A.J. occasionally speaks in

So, my (excretory)"GIFTS" were ACTUALLY "merged"/"combined" into ONE "MEDIUM-sized"(--my caregiver) bowel-movement.

My last 14 "fecal-FRENZIES" in the last 30 days (30/14 = ~2.1438) have ALL been--AT LEAST--"SEMI-solid"!
(…. So, YAY for my stomach "triumphing OVER" my RIDICULOUS, STUBBORN & VERY STUPID G.I.-"doctors"!)
(… JEEZ!  They're SEMI-"retarded"!)
(… Ha ha HA!  I LOVE how WELL "the shoe fits on the OTHER foot"!)


I was WELCOMINGLY/JOYOUSLY surprised by a VISIT from my UNCLE!
(… HIS PRESENTS for/to ME were his VERY PRESENCE AND his recommendation to play my FAVORITE card-game--CRIBBAGE.  My GIFT for/to him was his FIRST--EVER VICTORY over me in said game.
(… Although, I was A BIT of an "Indian-giver", 'cuz I took the SERIES--2 games to 1.

(… Is THAT TERM--"Indian-giver"--"politically CORRECT"?!)


Since I did NOT have my USUAL therapy-/gym-schedule 'cuz of the HOLIDAY, I did/"HAD TO DO" some arm-/leg-strength exercises.  
I've begun INCORPORATING my LEARNED-"strategies" from "NeuroFit-360" into my "EVERYDAY-routine".  I "steer MYSELF"--with ONLY my LEGS--CLOSE to my toilet.  THEN, I grab my LEFT-handed arm-rail--with my LEFT/INJURED hand/arm, and PULL myself UP & OUT of my MANUAL-wheelchair.
(… SSSHHH!  If you SILENTLY listen CAREFULLY, you can hear my urine SPLASH against the toilet-water.)


I'm VERY EXCITED to HOST another "par-TAY" to MEET friends for the holidays!


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