Friday, December 5, 2014

'Tis a sad, SAD day.

I awoke this morning, to see--upon "THE Facebook"--that a DEAR friend from my WONDERFUL days in high school recently "PASSED".
(  : (  )
I have NO shame/embarrassment/shyness in ADMITTING that SHE was the EPITOME/"PEAK" of my "'high school'-CRUSHES"!

I'm very, VERY SAD!
However, my "T.B.I." does NOT allow me to CRY … even though I WANNA!
(… It's a PSYCHOLOGICAL issue.)
This AWFUL incident is MUCH LIKE the TERRIBLY CATASTROPHIC incident of my father's RECENT death … in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT kind of AFFECTION & REGRET!


As if by a sense of KARMA, I had one of my WORST days in RECENT memory!
(… "SURE, I believe in 'karma'!  'Karma' is a WORD … like 'LOVE'!"
(--'The Matrix Revolutions')

FIRST, my nurse told me that I'll have this (DAMN, FRICKIN') "peg-/feeding-tube" sticking out of my stomach "FOR-EH-VER!"(--Squints, 'The Sandlot')
OR, I can go to the hospital AT LEAST twice a week (like what SHE does) for I.V.-treatments of nutrients & vitamins.
(… So, there's NOT even a CHANCE of my "RIGHTING myself"?!  Well then, THAT's YET ANOTHER "piece of medical BULLSHIT" I'll just HAFTA DIS-prove!)


Next, I STUMBLED--three different times--as I "WALKED" to my toilet to urinate.


Later, it was VERY UN-orthodox/STRANGE for the OWNER of my GREAT gym to be so STUPID, INCONSIDERATE and IMPATIENT!
I was having DELAYS as I TRIED to grasp a HORIZONTAL-bar to grasp for my SQUATS & KNEELING.
(… I was SO UPSET with the owner's UN-characteristic RUDE-ness that I--sarcastically but ANGRILY--asked my staff-guy: "HOW MANY TIMES do I HAFTA TELL people about my BOTCHED forearm-surgery?!  Is he STUPID or just REALLY FORGETFUL?!)




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