Sunday, December 28, 2014

… More GOOD stuff!


So, my day BEGAN with a VERY GOOD night's sleep, … 'cuz I HAD TO "show off" my "WALKING" to visitors the evening BEFOREHAND. 

THEN, a good friend RETURNED my car-keys that he FORGOT to give-back YESTERDAY.
(… WHEW!)

Right AFTER I saw my LAST video of MY "WALKING", I felt … INSPIRED!
So, I "WALKED" to my toilet to "STAND" & urinate.
I "WALKED" 73 steps TO said receptacle & 69 BACK to bed.
(… NONE/ZILCH/ZIPPO/ZERO of those 142 steps involved my DRAGGING my LEFT foot along the floor OR my incidentally/accidentally KICKING my walker with my LEFT foot.)

((… My 71-step AVERAGE indicates that I'm USING the WISE/HELPFUL advice of my 'NeuroFit 360"-(LEG)trainers to take SMALLER--so, MORE--steps to maintain BALANCE, STABILITY & ankle-rolling PREVENTION.))

"Nature called"-- "on Line 1" (= "for URINE") again after my "DINNER".  This time my "WALKING-trek" consisted of 67 steps THERE & 61 steps on my RETURN.
This "AMBLING-trip"--of an AVERAGE 64 steps--was VERY STEADY.  
(… Although, I DID--INADVERTENTLY--"kick" the LEFT pedal TWICE.
… SHOOTSKEES!  "Back to the ol' drawing-board.")

I watched 'The Matrix'-trilogy.  These three AMAZING films reiterated/confirmed to me my PRIMARY/MAIN alias/pseudonym:

"My name is 'NEO'."
For I am "The ONE".

"Why, WHY, Mr. (Kaynatma)?  WHY do you PERSIST?!"
ME: "Because I … CHOOSE to."

My best friend ("The Architect" of my blog) to ME--about MY IMPROVING "WALKING":
"Did you ALWAYS … KNOW?"
MY reply--as "The Oracle": "(Chuckle) No.  But, I be-LIEVED!"


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