Monday, December 1, 2014

MANY people THINK that I BRAG.

But, I do NOT boast!
(… I caN'T help it, if MUCH of the TRUTH just HAPPENS to be rather COMPLIMENTARY to … ME!)

(… Yes, I have a "LAUNDRY-LIST" of ESTEEMED accomplishments in the ACADEMIC, ATHLETIC, PHILANTHROPICAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL "fields".  But, I MUCH PREFER to let "my ACTIONS speak for themselves".
So, I guess you COULD say that I'm "a bit of a SHOW-off".
(… Pun IN-tended.)


Since my SPEAKING is rather UN-intelligible and DIFFICULT to--COGENTLY/CLEARLY--"produce", I--LOGICALLY/UNDERSTANDABLY--can-NOT "sing my OWN praises".
(… ALTHOUGH, I WAS in the school-"Chorus" in fourth & fifth grade.)
My speaking IS improving!
So, maybe SOON BOAST MORE of my ESTEEMED accomplishments.

(… Please IGNORE my listing of my MANY successes on HERE.
But, then again, isn't THAT the PURPOSE of a BLOG--to "note" HOW my "RECOVERY" is going?!)


DESPITE a VERY UN-charasterically BAD session of LEG-training at "NeuroFit 360", I STILL managed to have a FEW GOOD instances.
1) While I was "WALKING" (with a walker), the OWNER of my gym yelled some rather UN-pleasant, UN-wanted CRITICISM of my "AMBLING".
(… His UN-welcome RANTS were NOT even A FORM OF "CONSTRUCTIVE-criticism".  They were just KINDA … mean!  I;m sure he MEANT WELL.  But, his DICTION and TONE were VERY POORLY-executed!)
2) … Nonetheless, I "pushed through" the BLATANTLY ANNOYING teasing to have THREE SEPARATE LONG "WALKS"--WITH MY walker--of ~30 feet (=10 yards) (= 360 inches).
3) One VERY ANNOYING & MEAN mother of a patient was walking VERY CLOSE to me.  I closed my eyes to DESPERATELY TRY to IGNORE her!  So, she YELLED--in Spanish--'DUERME!'  She--STUPIDLY--THOUGHT I was SLEEPING--DESPITE sitting FULLY-UPRIGHT & NOT leaning on ANYTHING!
4) … My NOT PUNCHING her "DUMBASS"-face displayed REMARKABLE control & discipline on MY part!
5) A staff member showed me a BETTER, more CONTROLLED way of "STEPPING with MY WALKER".  With this NEW, smartER technique, I minimize my LEFT leg CONSTANTLY swinging-out WAY WIDE LEFT with EVERY step.
Thanks A LOT!


I've GOTTA THANK ALL those who HELP me!


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