Sunday, January 31, 2016

“I am NOT what you THINK I am.YOU are what you think I am."

... --Amadeus Wolfe

DESPITE my LOUD, "HEAVY-steps", while I "WALK", I'm STILL quite-NIMBLE.

... “Paradoxes contain the ultimate truth: You do not see with your eyes, you see with your mind.”

(--Amadeus Wolfe)
(... BIG-'kudos' to my Karate-inspired FLEXIBILITY ... & my PRIDE-inspired UNDERSTANDING/APPLICATION of PHYSICS!)

-- "Ya know, I WISH there WERE 'PIG-Men' around here.  ... SUDDENLY, I look ... BETTER."
(--George, 'Seinfeld')


(INSPIRATION --'Girls, Who Run the World'

BY Beyonce)

Girls! We run this mother (yeah)
Girls! We run this mother (yeah)
Girls! We run this mother (yeah)
Girls! We run this mother (yeah)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother! Girls
Who run this mother! Girls
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Some of them men think they freak this like we do
But no they don't
Make your cheque come at they neck
Disrespect us no they won't
Boy don't even try to touch this
Boy this beat is crazy
This is how they made me
Houston, Texas baby
This goes out to all my girls that's in the club rocking the latest
Who will buy it for themselves and get more money later
I think I need a barber
None of these niggas can fade me
I'm so good with this
I remind you I'm so hood with this
Boy I'm just playing
Come here baby
Hope you still like me
F' you pay me
My persuasion can build a nation
Endless power, the love we can devour
You'll do anything for me
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother! Girls
Who run this mother! Girls
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
It's hot up in here DJ
Don't be scared to run this-run this back
I'm rapping for the girls who taking over the world
Help me raise a glass for the college grads
41 rolling to let you know what time it is, check
You can't hold me
I work my 9 to 5, better cut my check
This goes out to all the women getting it in you're on your grind
To other men that respect what I do please accept my shine
Boy you know you love it how we're smart enough to make these millions
Strong enough to bear the children then get back to business
See, you better not play me
Oh, come here baby
Hope you still like me
F' you pay me
My persuasion can build a nation
Endless power, the love we can devour
You'll do anything for me
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother? Girls
Who run this mother! Girls
Who run this mother! Girls
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who are we?
What we run?!
The world
(Who run this mother?)
Who are we ?
What we run?!
The world
(Who run this mother?)
Who are we?
What do we run?!
We run the world
(Who run this mother?!)
Who are we?!
What we run?!
We run the world!!
Who run the world? Girls

(MY version:
'LEGS, They RAN My Life':)

(... DOUBLE-entendre' on "RAN")

"LEGS!  They RAN my WHOLE-Life.  (YEAH)

Legs!  They ran my whole-life.  (Yeah)

Legs!  They ran my whole-life.  (Yeah)
Legs!  They ran my whole-life.  (Yeah)

What RAN my life?!  Legs!  (LEGS!)
What ran my life?  Legs!  
What ran my life?  Legs!  
What ran my life?  Legs!  
What RUNS my life?!  Legs!  (LEGS!)
What runS my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runS my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runS my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my whole-life?  Legs!
What runs my whole-life?  Legs!
What runs my whole-life?  Legs! 
What runs my whole-life?  Legs!
What runs my life?  Legs!  (LEGS!)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs) 
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs) 
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)

Some o' you, 'NORMS', think ya KNOW how I FEEL.

Sadly, you doN'T. 
Make sure you check the pressure-gauge on your TIRES,
And, have a 'Disabled-decal' you WON'T.
Please, doN'T 'toy me' with 'FAUX'-ehm-pah-THEE.
Jeez, this 'SHIT' is cray-ZEE.
Ah-LAS!  ''C'est la VIE.''
NOW, I'm 'rep-ree-ZENT-in' day-VEE!

Dis goes out to ALL my-peeps searchin' fo' some IN-spih-RAY-SHUHN,
Who ''FACE Life's tests'', but then struggle-to go-ON.
For-now, I NEED this TUBE.
Nonetheless, my BRAIN-strength's still STRONG!
I'm an ah-naw-mah-LEE.
'Test me'!  I Kid-NOT!
I hope you're NOT up-SET,
'Cuz I'm smartER than THOU.
Restless-de-ZIRE ... could 'IGNITE' the 'FIRE'.
I'll do ANYTHING for YOU.
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs) What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my WHOLE-life?!  Legs!
What runs my WHOLE-life?!  Legs!
What runs my WHOLE-life?!  Legs!
What runs my WHOLE-life?!  Legs!
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
DoN'T be scared-of what's to-COME--what's to-COME.
I'm 'WALKING' 'tward the girls who'll 'treasure' my 
I've gotta-RAISE my LEGS ... one-at-a-TIME.
23 WALKING-years of MUSCLE-MEM'RY, it is, CHECK.
Nerves caN'T STOP ME!
I SLEEP from 12 to 6, & that is IT.
This goes out to ALL my NERVES that RIH-FUSE to RIH-SPOND to 'MESS-UH-JESS:
I've waited LONG-enough, but I'm STILL TRY-IN'!
NERD!  You KNOW you LOVE that we're SMART-enough to MANAGE my MILLIONS.
STRONG-enough to 'WITHSTAND' two comas & STILL fun-TION!
Oh, c'mon, leg-NERVES!
HOPE you're NOT-'DEAD'!
Be 'Christ', & RISE-UP!
Restless-de-ZIRE ... could 'IGNITE' the 'FIRE'.
I'll do ANYTHING for YOU!
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my WHOLE-life?!  Legs!
What runs my WHOLE-life?!  Legs!
What runs my WHOLE-life?!  Legs!
What runs my WHOLE-life?!  Legs!
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What runs my life?  Legs!  (legs)
What are THEY?
WHAT do they RUN?!
(What runs my WHOLE-LIFE?!)
Who are THEY?
WHAT'd they RUN?!
(WHO runs my WHOLE-LIFE?!)
Who are THEY?
WHAT'd they RUN?!
(WHO runs my WHOLE-LIFE?!)
Who are THEY?
WHAT'd they RUN?!
They run MY-LIFE!


-- (WARNING) As of ~6:15 pm EST, I had TRIUMPHANTLY/EXCITEDLY-"dropped THREE 'BOWEL-BOMBS'" in a span of ~14.25 hours.
(... YAY ... for MY "digestive-PROCESSING"!)
(... THAT's ONE "Excretory-Extravaganza of Excess- ... 
EVERYTHING every/per ~4.708333 HOURS.)
(... IS that "HEALTHY"?!)


Granted, 'tis EARLY ('Twas ~4:00 am.) & I AM "tired", (STRANGELY, I am NOT "sleepy".) but I thought I SHOULD "note" my "Gastro-Intestinal FORTITUDE"!

1) I KNEW & TOLD my Weekend-Nurse yesterday that I had a "SLIGHTLY 'upset-stomach'", but "'tis LIKELY 'cuz I need-to 'RELIEVE-myself' via 'EXCRETORY-EVACUATION'"*.  

2) (WARNING) As my "POOP-PARTIES" have become more-SOLID, I've ACTUALLY-been SEMI-/QUASI-/SORTA-
(... 14 out of 16 "2016-DUMPS"** have "PENETRATED" & "been DETECTED BY" my "NASAL-nerves".) 
(... 14/16 = 87.5%)

3) As CONTENT/SATISFIED as I FEEL right-AFTER a SUCCESSFUL "bowel-movement", I'm even-MORE EXCITED, when I "UNLEASH my 'digestive-WASTE'" with-OUT any "NUTRITIONAL-/MEDICINAL-stimulant"!  
'Twas ALL-ME!

* = YES, that's how "OUTLANDISH" I speak.  ... ACTUALLY, to be more-POSITIVE, I "KNOW my AUDIENCE".  Ergo, I was talking-TO a NURSE, so I COULD "employ some 'MEDICAL-jargon'".

** = YES, I "DOCUMENT"CHART ALL of my "FECAL-FESTIVITIES", 'cuz I HAVE-to "monitor" my "G.I.-activity".
... "It's SCIENCE!"


Saturday, January 30, 2016

I ALWAYS "go/give 100%-EFFORT" ... at my "JOB"!

... (The "Occupational-DIVISION":
17%- Monday, 19%-Tuesday, 18%-Wednesday, 21%-Thursday, 7%-Friday, 13%-Saturday, 5%-Sunday)

-- "That's been one of my mantras - FOCUS & SIMPLICITY. 'SIMPLE' CAN-be hardER than 'COMPLEX': You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.
(--Steve Jobs)

(... I'm ALL-about "Establishing 'GOALS'", in-order to ACHIEVE 'em.)

-- 'Tis a DELAYED-"celebration" of "Global 'Belly-LAUGH' Day"!  
(... 'Twas January 24, at 1:24 pm.)
... So, in HONOR-of THAT day, be ... FUNNY ... EACH & EVERY day!)

-- So, I guess there's a SLIGHT-delay to my BEGINNING my "PROGRAMMING"-class at Miami-Dade.
(... APPARENTLY, there is NO "Weekly-REVIEW" for the FIRST-week.)

... THAT allows/gives ME more-time to LEARN (MORE) "Binary" & "ASCII-coding"*.

... In lieu of my NOT-attending my 'FAUX'/NON-existent "REVIEW" today, I JUST kinda-"hung-OUT" today. 

((... I, MAINLY, "shot the (proverbial) 'SHIT'".
... 'Twas "MESSY".
... It's okay.  ... I've got a MAID-service!))

... Seriously though, I DID watch PARTS-of a couple SPOOKY-flicks--'Joy Ride' & Swim Fan'--NEITHER of which I'd ever-SEEN!
(... "NOICE!")

-- In a way, this blog is KINDA-like "MY-Memoirs--tentatively entitled: 'You're WELCOME, Mankind'.
(--EGOTISTICAL-Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

-- GOTTA "practice":

00000010 **
01001001 __ 
01100001_01101101 __
00000011 ***   


(... I tell MYSELF that EVERY-morning, ... as I START my blog-post.)

* = "American Standard Code for Information-Interchange"
** = "START of text"
*** = "END of text" 


Friday, January 29, 2016

My-OWN 'Pursuit of HAPPY-ness':

So, UN-fortunately, "that URINARY-urge" "DISTURBED my SLUMBER" at ~2:15 am.  So, I "SIGNALED" to my Caregiver that I NEEDED-to URINATE.  DESPITE my URGENCY & pleaS for "HURRIED-attention", he "took his PRECIOUS-time" in putting-ON my shoes.  
... SURE-enough, he SEMI-tied my RIGHT-shoe WAY-too LOOSE, & I SEMI-stumbled during my "TREK".  
("Fool me ONCE --> SHAME on YOU.
Fool me TWICE --> SHAME on ME."

-- IF I say, "FIRST of all,"

... RUN-AWAY, 'cuz I have prepared RESEARCH, DATA, CHARTS & WILL 'DESTROY you'.
(... Case-CLOSED.)

-- I am "at a LOSS" ... of WHAT to do.
I recently-discovered that I'm quite GOOD-at "TWIDDLING my THUMBS".  My mom's ARDENT-DISapproval of SAID-"boredom" ASIDE, I'm VERY-HAPPY with my MANUAL-dexterity & -flexibility.
(... Find the "GOOD-side" of a "BAD-situation".)

... In lieu OF my STRUGGLES to determine a PRODUCTIVE-/BENEFICIAL-activity, I went to a NEARBY-"Convenience store" & asked,  

"May I have TEN THOUSAND marbles please?"
(--Flounder, 'Animal House')

... I USED-to ... & STILL-DO ... have some "RATHER-unorthodox" (Read as "REALLY f---in' STRANGE".) ways of "ENTERTAINING-myself": 

-- I would--RANDOMLY--act-out "MARTIAL ARTS"-techniques.  NOW, I "VISUALIZE"--in my-HEAD--HOW I would REACT-to various STRIKES, & "record" the techniques to TEACH.
-- RATHER-than "TWIDDLE my THUMBS", I would--MENTALLY--design MATHEMATICAL-"conundrums" ... to SOLVE 'em.  I "THINK--in NUMBERS--even-MORE NOW!
-- I USED-to "convert ANYTHING into a "GAME" or "PATTERN".  NOW, I HAFTA-determine the PROBABILITY/STATISTICS of ALL-deeds I do, in order-to ENSURE "REPETITIVE-satisfaction".        

-- "Do NOT 'judge', lest YE be 'judged'."

(--Matthew 7:1, Bible)

... "For a 'SEED' to achieve its 'GREATEST-expression', it MUST-come 'COMPLETELY-UNdone'.  The 'shell' CRACKS, its 'insides' come-OUT & EVERYTHING CHANGES.  To someone who doesN'T understand 'GROWTH', it would LOOK-like 'COMPLETE-DESTRUCTION'."

(--Cynthia Occelli)   

... IMAGERY: My HEAD is my "SHELL".  My societal-OBSERVATIONS/recommended-CHANGES are my "INSIDES".  My intuitive-SOLUTIONS are OFTEN-"MIS-understood" as DESTRUCTIVE.      

-- To CONTINUE my PREP-work for my STARTING my "CS50 -- Programming"-class TOMORROW at Miami-Dade College, I printed-OUT seven pages of the "ASCII-Code"* ... to ASSIST my LEARNING the "LETTERS-aspect" of "BINARY".

-- "'HAPPINESS' is NOT something 'Ready-MADE'.  

... It comes from YOUR-own ACTIONS."
(--Dalai Lama)

... Happiness and love are what you MAKE of 'em.
The more you MAKE, the more you HAVE.  ...

(... AM advocating/SUPPORTING "Socialism"?!
... No, no, ... NO!  I am merely-PROMOTING "SOCIAL/NON-'hermit' activitIES".)
(... A.J., .... "PRACTICE what you PREACH.") 

... Regarding MY suspension--in high school--

ME: "I still maintain that he kicked-HIMSELF in the balls."
(--Kat Strafford, '10 Things I Hate About You')
(... I was--PROBABLY--"HATED" at St Thomas Aquinas High School--for my UNIQUE-combination of ACADEMIC-excellence, HILARIOUS-reparte', ATHLETIC-prowess & kind-DISRESPECT of/for authority.)

But, ALAS!
"You doN'T ALWAYS-HAFTA-be what everyone WANTS you to be, ya know."
(--Kat, '10 T.I.H.A.Y.')
(... Can I get an "AMEN!"?)

... My "high school"-principal WANTED me to be "someone I'm NOT"--e.g. an UN-funny, "STRAIGHT-as-an-ARROW", NON-sarcastic, "Neo-MAXI Zoom-DWEEBIE".
(--'The Breakfast Club')  Completely-AGHAST & -OFFENDED by her--INDIRECTLY--telling ME HOW-to "VOICE MY words", I "FILLED" MY VALEDICTORY with HUMOROUS-comments, SMARTass-remarks & "Insubordinate-remarks" ... as MY KINDA-"F--- you" to her.
(... "Stick THAT in your PIPE, & smoke it!")      

... My brother--to/about ME:
"WHAT are YOU gonna do about MY-foot lodged-SQUARELY' up YOUR ass'?!"
MY reply: 
"Well, it really DEPENDS-on DEPTH.  
... I'd EITHER see a PROCTOLOGIST or a general-SURGEON.
... And, of-COURSE, I'd CRY."
HIM: ... "Like a lil' BITCH! Ha ha HA!"
ME: "Speaking of HILARITY, how COMEDIC would it be, if/WHEN a 'CRIPPLE' 'REARRANGES your KNEES' ... & LAUGHS?!"

-- THIS song TRUKY-inspires me:  

'I Want You To Want Me'
by Cheap Tick

"I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm begging you to beg me
I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me

I'll shine up the old brown shoes

Put on a brand new shirt
I'll get home early from work
If you say that you love me

Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?
Feeling all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

I want you to want me

I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm begging you to beg me

I'll shine up the old brown shoes

Put on a brand-new shirt
I'll get home early from work
If you say that you love me

Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?
Feeling all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

Feelin' all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying

Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

I want you to want me

I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm begging you to beg me
I want you to want me
I want you to want me
I want you to want me
                               I want you to want me"  

(... MY-version -- 'I'll Lead You to Lead Me')

(... My-BRAIN TO my-LEGS:)

"I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!

I NEED you to NEED me!
I'll 'FEEL-you' to 'FEEL-me'!
I'm YEARNING'-for you to YEARN-for me!
"I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I NEED you to NEED me!
I'll 'FEEL-you' to 'FEEL-me'!

I'll lift-UP my IN-jured LEGS,

Shift my weight through my HIPS
And applYYYYY some bio-PHYSICS,
To ah-SIST in your 'WAH-KING'!

DidN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?!
Feelin' all-ALONE with-OUT a means-of-transportation ... but WTH a HEART!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?! 

"I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I NEED you to NEED me!
I'll 'FEEL-you' to 'FEEL-me'!
I'm YEARNING'-for you to YEARN-for me!

I'll lift-UP my IN-jured LEGS,
Shift my weight through my HIPS
And applYYYYY some bio-PHYSICS,
To ah-SIST in your 'WAH-KING'!

DidN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?!
Feelin' all-ALONE with-OUT a means-of-transportation, ya KNOW you FEEL-like CRYIN'!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?! 

Feelin' all-ALONE with-OUT a means-of-transportation, ya KNOW you FEEL-like CRYIN'!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?! 

I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I NEED you to NEED me!
I'll 'FEEL-you' to 'FEEL-me'!
I'm YEARNING'-for you to YEARN-for me!
I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!

I'll LEEEEAD you to LEAD me!"


-- "NO amount of 'SMILING at a flight of STAIRS' has EVER made it turn-INTO a RAMP.  EVER."

(--Stella Young)

... Regarding the saying, "The ONLY 'disability' in LIFE is ... a 'BAD-attitude'.":

THAT is ... (HHHMMM, HOW do I say this?) ... BULLSHIT.

... I've spent the last ... ~11,253 days DIS-proving CYNICS & DOUBTERS.

-- I've GOTTA allocate my TIME & FOCUS BETTER!

There are (FREQUENT) times, when I'm devoting MUCH/ALL of my ATTENTION to/on "BLOGGING".

... NOW that I've RE-STARTED school, I've REALIZED that I've GOTTA concentrate MORE-on my ACADEMIC-pursuits than on my PUBLIC-updates.

... Even though this class is PURELY/ONLY/JUST for FUN, MY-personality "creates" the MINDSET of "I LIKE-to FINISH what I START."

* = "A.S.C.I.I." --> "American Standard Code for Information-Interchange"


Thursday, January 28, 2016

I DO what I DO, 'cuz I kinda-HAVE-to!

... --Personification of MY-HEART


"You know what I did last night?
(--Dirty Mike & the Boys, 'The Other Guys'-Gag Reel)

-- (WARNING) I had a GREAT-start to my way!

At ~6:09 am, I "Dumped a Deluge of Deafening-Dung".

... "Alliteration aside."

'Tis ENCOURAGING/"REWARDING" when my "Bio-PHYSICAL calculations" prove CORRECT!  
(... KNOWING I "EAT" ... via peg-tube ... at ~6:00 am on weekdays, IF my stomach "SIGNALS-to me", I'll get-in my wheelchair EARLY to BETTER "stimulate my BOWEL-activity".
... Ergo, I REPEATED my "Excretory-EXTRAVAGANZA" at ~11:25 am.

-- Last night I "took a BIT of a" REMARKABLE-"step" in my "RECOVERY"!  As a TRIBUTE-to SAID-"feat", I thought I'd RE-design the SONG in-question:

"High Dive"

(by Andrew McMahon)
I took the train home, facing backwards
Another hopeless chase
Echo Park, Indian Summer

I wrote a new song

About your new life
Like steps I retrace
Block letters in your little black notebook


Flashbacks get me close

I'm almost there

Headlight in the driveway

You stand in the window waiting
The stars are out tonight
One million fires burning

Out there on the high dive

You dance with your headphones on
And I could watch you all night long
Dancing to someone else's song

Oh, dancing to someone else's song

Oh, dancing to someone else's

Black jacket, a blue motorbike

Pass the mission in the moonlight
Teenagers in the alley kissing

Smell the gas burn, saw your street sign

Doing 80 in a 45
Throwing shadows you could hear if you listen

Flashbacks get me close

I'm almost there

Headlight in the driveway

You stand in the window waiting
The stars are out tonight
One million fires burning

Out there on the high dive

You dance with your headphones on
And I could watch you all night long
Dancing to someone else's song

Oh, dancing to someone else's song

Oh, dancing to someone else's


Oh, oh


Oh, oh

Flashbacks get me close

But I'm staring at someone else's

Headlights in your driveway

You stand in the window waiting
The stars are out tonight
One million fires burning

Meet me on the high dive

You dance with your headphones on
So I could watch you all night long
Dancing to someone else's song

Oh, dancing to someone else's song

Oh, dancing to someone else's song

Someone else's song

To someone else's song
To someone else's
Someone else's
Someone else's

(MY-version, 'Strong-WALK':)

"I practice at home, with my back-STRAIGHT.

Another hope-FULL STRIDE
Davie, South-Flohr-IHDA


To be more STAY-BUHL.
Small-steps I must TAKE
To maintain STAH-BIHL-IH-TEE in my GAIT.


Muscle-memory HELPS

Me to WALK where I NEED-to GO.
My LEGS are strong-ER.
One million nerves 'CLICKING'.


I 'WALK' with BOTH-eyes UP
And, I wanna 'WALK', as my brain 'BEGS':
'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's LEGS!

Oh, 'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's LEGS!

Oh, 'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's LEGS!

'T.B.I.', severed-NERVES

For 'ANSWERS' my MIND's still-'SEARCHING'!

I watch my FEET, even though I shouldN'T.

'Tis merely 'Force of HABIT'.
Leanin' BACK but I SHOULD-be 'paying-FORWARD' 

'SELF-drive' gets me CLOSE.

My thighs 'CHURN' as I 'WALK'

I NEED patience as I'm WAITING
For nerves to RE-DEV'LOP.


I HAFTA-bend my knees, as I STEP.
I doN'T WANT the EASY-way OUT:
'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's LEGS!

 Oh, 'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's LEGS!

 Oh, 'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's ... 

OH!  Oh, oh.

OH!  Oh, ... oh.  

WILL-power gets me CLOSE.

I doN'T WANNA-be 'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's ...

My thighs 'CHURN' as I 'WALK'

I NEED patience as I'm WAITING
For nerves to RE-DEV'LOP.



To my MANY 'neural-NOTES'!
'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's LEGS!

Oh, 'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's LEGS!

Oh, 'WALKING' with someone-ELSE's LEGS!

Someone-ELSE's LEGS!

With someone-ELSE's LEGS!
With someone-ELSE's ... 
Someone-ELSE's ... 
Someone-ELSE's ...

My EX-girlfriend's GOSSIPING with/to her friends:

"You know what's sexIER than a 'BAD-BOY'?  A MAN who 'has his LIFE together'!"

... I may-NOT SEEM WELL-off ... in terms-of "CONTROLLING various-aspects of my 'STATUS', ... but "LOOKS can be DECEIVING".

... OCCUPATIONALLY: I "WORK"-for ... "the PEOPLE"!

-- "The ONLY-place where 'SUCCESS' comes BEFORE 'WORK' is ... in the dictionary."

(--NBA-analyst Jalen Rose)

... The MORE you TRY, the MORE you FAIL. 

The MORE you FAIL, the MORE you LEARN. 
The MORE you LEARN, the MORE you GROW.

-- THANKFULLY, a FRIEND of mine emailed me his GOOD-notes from our "Programming"-class at Miami-Dade College yesterday-evening.

(... I was ABSENT ... from CLASS, 'cuz I CHOSE-to attend my high school's WRESTLING-"dual meet".)

... "Sometimes 'being IGNORED' is WORSE-than 'being BLAMED'."


-- ME, to my YOUNG 'Karateka', as we SPAR:

"Stop THINKING you can hit me, & HIT ME!"
(--Morpheus, 'The Matrix')
(... I did NOT attend "Martial Arts"-CLASS today, 'cuz the weather was ... "POURING!")

-- A friend said she wanted a "Treadmill-powered Netflix-account", so it ONLY plays shows, WHEN she runs.

... HOW 'BOUT a "'WALKING'-fueled 'Medication'"-account?!
(... I get "NUTRITION", when I PRACTICE my "WALKING".)

... Call it "WALK-ification".


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