Friday, January 29, 2016

My-OWN 'Pursuit of HAPPY-ness':

So, UN-fortunately, "that URINARY-urge" "DISTURBED my SLUMBER" at ~2:15 am.  So, I "SIGNALED" to my Caregiver that I NEEDED-to URINATE.  DESPITE my URGENCY & pleaS for "HURRIED-attention", he "took his PRECIOUS-time" in putting-ON my shoes.  
... SURE-enough, he SEMI-tied my RIGHT-shoe WAY-too LOOSE, & I SEMI-stumbled during my "TREK".  
("Fool me ONCE --> SHAME on YOU.
Fool me TWICE --> SHAME on ME."

-- IF I say, "FIRST of all,"

... RUN-AWAY, 'cuz I have prepared RESEARCH, DATA, CHARTS & WILL 'DESTROY you'.
(... Case-CLOSED.)

-- I am "at a LOSS" ... of WHAT to do.
I recently-discovered that I'm quite GOOD-at "TWIDDLING my THUMBS".  My mom's ARDENT-DISapproval of SAID-"boredom" ASIDE, I'm VERY-HAPPY with my MANUAL-dexterity & -flexibility.
(... Find the "GOOD-side" of a "BAD-situation".)

... In lieu OF my STRUGGLES to determine a PRODUCTIVE-/BENEFICIAL-activity, I went to a NEARBY-"Convenience store" & asked,  

"May I have TEN THOUSAND marbles please?"
(--Flounder, 'Animal House')

... I USED-to ... & STILL-DO ... have some "RATHER-unorthodox" (Read as "REALLY f---in' STRANGE".) ways of "ENTERTAINING-myself": 

-- I would--RANDOMLY--act-out "MARTIAL ARTS"-techniques.  NOW, I "VISUALIZE"--in my-HEAD--HOW I would REACT-to various STRIKES, & "record" the techniques to TEACH.
-- RATHER-than "TWIDDLE my THUMBS", I would--MENTALLY--design MATHEMATICAL-"conundrums" ... to SOLVE 'em.  I "THINK--in NUMBERS--even-MORE NOW!
-- I USED-to "convert ANYTHING into a "GAME" or "PATTERN".  NOW, I HAFTA-determine the PROBABILITY/STATISTICS of ALL-deeds I do, in order-to ENSURE "REPETITIVE-satisfaction".        

-- "Do NOT 'judge', lest YE be 'judged'."

(--Matthew 7:1, Bible)

... "For a 'SEED' to achieve its 'GREATEST-expression', it MUST-come 'COMPLETELY-UNdone'.  The 'shell' CRACKS, its 'insides' come-OUT & EVERYTHING CHANGES.  To someone who doesN'T understand 'GROWTH', it would LOOK-like 'COMPLETE-DESTRUCTION'."

(--Cynthia Occelli)   

... IMAGERY: My HEAD is my "SHELL".  My societal-OBSERVATIONS/recommended-CHANGES are my "INSIDES".  My intuitive-SOLUTIONS are OFTEN-"MIS-understood" as DESTRUCTIVE.      

-- To CONTINUE my PREP-work for my STARTING my "CS50 -- Programming"-class TOMORROW at Miami-Dade College, I printed-OUT seven pages of the "ASCII-Code"* ... to ASSIST my LEARNING the "LETTERS-aspect" of "BINARY".

-- "'HAPPINESS' is NOT something 'Ready-MADE'.  

... It comes from YOUR-own ACTIONS."
(--Dalai Lama)

... Happiness and love are what you MAKE of 'em.
The more you MAKE, the more you HAVE.  ...

(... AM advocating/SUPPORTING "Socialism"?!
... No, no, ... NO!  I am merely-PROMOTING "SOCIAL/NON-'hermit' activitIES".)
(... A.J., .... "PRACTICE what you PREACH.") 

... Regarding MY suspension--in high school--

ME: "I still maintain that he kicked-HIMSELF in the balls."
(--Kat Strafford, '10 Things I Hate About You')
(... I was--PROBABLY--"HATED" at St Thomas Aquinas High School--for my UNIQUE-combination of ACADEMIC-excellence, HILARIOUS-reparte', ATHLETIC-prowess & kind-DISRESPECT of/for authority.)

But, ALAS!
"You doN'T ALWAYS-HAFTA-be what everyone WANTS you to be, ya know."
(--Kat, '10 T.I.H.A.Y.')
(... Can I get an "AMEN!"?)

... My "high school"-principal WANTED me to be "someone I'm NOT"--e.g. an UN-funny, "STRAIGHT-as-an-ARROW", NON-sarcastic, "Neo-MAXI Zoom-DWEEBIE".
(--'The Breakfast Club')  Completely-AGHAST & -OFFENDED by her--INDIRECTLY--telling ME HOW-to "VOICE MY words", I "FILLED" MY VALEDICTORY with HUMOROUS-comments, SMARTass-remarks & "Insubordinate-remarks" ... as MY KINDA-"F--- you" to her.
(... "Stick THAT in your PIPE, & smoke it!")      

... My brother--to/about ME:
"WHAT are YOU gonna do about MY-foot lodged-SQUARELY' up YOUR ass'?!"
MY reply: 
"Well, it really DEPENDS-on DEPTH.  
... I'd EITHER see a PROCTOLOGIST or a general-SURGEON.
... And, of-COURSE, I'd CRY."
HIM: ... "Like a lil' BITCH! Ha ha HA!"
ME: "Speaking of HILARITY, how COMEDIC would it be, if/WHEN a 'CRIPPLE' 'REARRANGES your KNEES' ... & LAUGHS?!"

-- THIS song TRUKY-inspires me:  

'I Want You To Want Me'
by Cheap Tick

"I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm begging you to beg me
I want you to want me
I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me

I'll shine up the old brown shoes

Put on a brand new shirt
I'll get home early from work
If you say that you love me

Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?
Feeling all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

I want you to want me

I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm begging you to beg me

I'll shine up the old brown shoes

Put on a brand-new shirt
I'll get home early from work
If you say that you love me

Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?
Feeling all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying
Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

Feelin' all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dying

Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you crying?

I want you to want me

I need you to need me
I'd love you to love me
I'm begging you to beg me
I want you to want me
I want you to want me
I want you to want me
                               I want you to want me"  

(... MY-version -- 'I'll Lead You to Lead Me')

(... My-BRAIN TO my-LEGS:)

"I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!

I NEED you to NEED me!
I'll 'FEEL-you' to 'FEEL-me'!
I'm YEARNING'-for you to YEARN-for me!
"I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I NEED you to NEED me!
I'll 'FEEL-you' to 'FEEL-me'!

I'll lift-UP my IN-jured LEGS,

Shift my weight through my HIPS
And applYYYYY some bio-PHYSICS,
To ah-SIST in your 'WAH-KING'!

DidN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?!
Feelin' all-ALONE with-OUT a means-of-transportation ... but WTH a HEART!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?! 

"I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I NEED you to NEED me!
I'll 'FEEL-you' to 'FEEL-me'!
I'm YEARNING'-for you to YEARN-for me!

I'll lift-UP my IN-jured LEGS,
Shift my weight through my HIPS
And applYYYYY some bio-PHYSICS,
To ah-SIST in your 'WAH-KING'!

DidN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?!
Feelin' all-ALONE with-OUT a means-of-transportation, ya KNOW you FEEL-like CRYIN'!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?! 

Feelin' all-ALONE with-OUT a means-of-transportation, ya KNOW you FEEL-like CRYIN'!
Oh, didN'T I, didN'T I, didN'T I feel you TRYIN'?! 

I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I NEED you to NEED me!
I'll 'FEEL-you' to 'FEEL-me'!
I'm YEARNING'-for you to YEARN-for me!
I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!
I'll LEAD you to LEAD me!

I'll LEEEEAD you to LEAD me!"


-- "NO amount of 'SMILING at a flight of STAIRS' has EVER made it turn-INTO a RAMP.  EVER."

(--Stella Young)

... Regarding the saying, "The ONLY 'disability' in LIFE is ... a 'BAD-attitude'.":

THAT is ... (HHHMMM, HOW do I say this?) ... BULLSHIT.

... I've spent the last ... ~11,253 days DIS-proving CYNICS & DOUBTERS.

-- I've GOTTA allocate my TIME & FOCUS BETTER!

There are (FREQUENT) times, when I'm devoting MUCH/ALL of my ATTENTION to/on "BLOGGING".

... NOW that I've RE-STARTED school, I've REALIZED that I've GOTTA concentrate MORE-on my ACADEMIC-pursuits than on my PUBLIC-updates.

... Even though this class is PURELY/ONLY/JUST for FUN, MY-personality "creates" the MINDSET of "I LIKE-to FINISH what I START."

* = "A.S.C.I.I." --> "American Standard Code for Information-Interchange"


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