Saturday, January 16, 2016


-- I was PLANNING-on going to Karate-class LATER (than USUAL) today, 'cuz my dojo was having a DISTINCTIVE-visitor, ... & I WANTed to see him.

... HOWEVER, I HAD-to take my laptop IN for a MANDATORY-repair ... this MORNING.  So, I met the TALL, BIG dude--who FOUGHT Muhammad Ali, George Foreman AND Sonny Liston.  
... But, I did NOT get the chance to SPEAK with/to him EXTENSIVELY, 'cuz my WEEKEND-Nurse had an "ISSUE".  ... PLUS, the Computer "Fixer-Upper" called me to say he was DONE.
(... YAY!)

-- (WARNING) I--GRACIOUSLY/GRATEFULLY--appreciate my MAIN-Nurse's KNOWLEDGE: She WITHHELD my USUAL laxative/bowel-stimulant "medication" this MORNING, as she UNDERSTOOD that I had a couple "OUTSIDE-obligations" (Karate-guest & Laptop-delivery).
... AFTER my TWO "obligations", I "let-LOOSE" with an Enormous, Extremely Encouraging Excremental-Extravaganza!


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