Friday, January 8, 2016

Flourish in the 'Faux'-"Fun Freakin' weekend-Festivities!

"Alliteration aside."
(--Peter LaFleur, 'Dodgeball')

… "DODGEBALL"--THAT's a FUN-game … that I haveN'T played since … grade-school!
(… It's ALL angles & strategy … & "PSYCHE-OUTS".)

-- So, I arose REALLY freakin' EARLY (at 4:07 am), 'cuz "NATURE called" ("I HAD-to URINATE.").
Since I was SLEEPY, & I had SOMETHIN' REALLY-IRRITATINGLY stuck in my RIGHT/BETTER eye (AND my LEAST-reliable/-competent Caregiver was working), I chose-to SIT-on my "toilet-chair" … & NOT to "WALK"-to 'mi "JUAN"'.
(… He could BARELY-comprehend/-accomplish THAT!
((… I know I told my housemate that I'd give this "NINCOMPOOP" "another-CHANCE".  But, SERIOUSLY, how MANY times do I HAFTA REPEAT my INSTRUCTIONS, … 'cuz he's too-STUPID to understand (MY) BASIC-LOGIC?!))

… Since, UN-fortunately, I could NOT "fall-BACK-asleep" (PROLLY 'cuz I was SO-FRUSTRATED & SEMI-/QUASI-hurting) (… JEEZ, he's an IDIOT!), I HAD-to use my time WISELY: I researched some SPORTS-info, played ALOTTA "Minesweeper" & typed-up a ("high school-"/"folkstyle-") WRESTLING-scoring guide for my two pals for our trip to watch OUR 'alma mater' on January 27th.
(… SURPRISINGLY, 'twas really-NOT that difficult.  … Since I ALSO constructed TWO-MORE Jujitsu-techniques, 'tis MORE-than FAIR to deduce that I am a "QUALITY"-Instructor.)

-- As I prep-for a--HOPEFULLY--EVENTFUL "Martial Arts"-class 'man(tilde)ana por la man(tilde)ana', I MUST EMPHASIZE this concept: 

"Find your passion... Question everything. 

If you don't have questions, you'll never find answers.

WHENEVER you're UN-sure about ANYTHING, it NEVER 

'hurts'  to ASK."

 In LIEU of MY "PASSION"-search, I MUST abide-by the 

words of Kristin Hannah:

"Finding your 'PASSION' isN'T JUST-about CAREERS & 

MONEY.  It's about 'finding your AUTHENTIC-SELF': The 

one you've 'BURIED-UNDER' OTHER-people's needs."

(… Such "advice" ESPECIALLY "rings-true" for/to ME NOW! I USED-to be rather-PROUD-of my "Ivy League"-graduation, "occupational-ASCENSION" & "MONETARY-comfort".  But, RATHER-than "live in the PAST", I'm DETERMINED-to "create" a HAPPY, "NEW" life of OPTIMISM, INSPIRATION & "ROLE-MODELERY".)

-- "I know you can be 'OVER-whelmed', & you can be 'UNDER-whelmed'.  But, can you EVER just-be 'WHELMED'?"
('10 Things I Hate About You')

… THAT reminded me of a QUESTION: 
If "HYPER-tension" is HIGH-"blood pressure" & "HYPO-tension" is LOW-"blood pressure", then wouldn't THAT imply that "TENSION" equals 
"STANDARD-/AVERAGE-/NORMAL-" "blood pressure"?!  *

-- Live life to EX-PRESS … NOT-to IM-PRESS.
(… The ONLY "judge" who MATTERS … to YOU … is YOURSELF!  … I'm HAPPY with MY … MANY … accomplishments!  So, I LIKE-to SEMI-"brag" via this BLOG.)

-- In my mother's womb, I RESORBED my twin. 
… Ergo, I have the STRENGTH of a man … AND a BABY. 
--> EMOTIONAL IN-stability = BABY-esque
--> SWIMMING IN-ability = BABY-esque
--> LIQUID-feedings/-nourishment = BABY-esque
(… That "SEATING-limit" WAS only TEMPORARY.  Since I've very-RECENTLY RE-begun my "'STANDING' to PEE", y'all MIGHT say that I've--FINALLY--"sprouted" some EXTERNAL-genitalia.)
(… You MIGHT … IMAGINE that!)
(… AAAHHH, SELF-mockery is HILARIOUS!)

-- Go 24 hours with-OUT COMPLAINING.  … NOT-EVEN ONCE.  
… THEN, "watch" HOW your life starts CHANGING.
(… As of 5:00 pm EST on 1/8/2016, I will ONLY "dish-out" COMPLIMENTS!
… THIS/THAT will be PARTICULARLY-INTERESTING/-HELPFUL to/for ALL the "Karate-KIDS" 'man(tilde)ana por la man(tilde)ana'!)

-- Reflecting on ALL I do (RECUPERATE, OPERATE a HEALTHCARE-/RECOVERY-BUSINESS, EMPLOY & MANAGE 7 employees associated w/ injuries, TEACH martial arts, "FREQUENT" & PAY-for a GYM, SOCIALIZE w/ housemate & buddies, properly-/SAFELY-MAINTAIN a SIZABLE & WELCOMING house), … I DESERVE-to ONLY "WORK" "~85.71% of the DAYS I'm … ALIVE"/"~75.00% of the HOURS I'm … AWAKE!
(… Technically, SUNDAY's my "RELAX-Day".)


* = By THIS reasoning, "TENSION" will INEVITABLY lead-to "HYPER-tension", …'cuz "TENSION" = STRESS & WORRY/AGITATION.


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