Monday, January 18, 2016

"'WALK' ... (TALL), ... & 'carry a big stick'."

... --Theodore Roosevelt
(... The ACTUAL-quote is 
"'SPEAK SOFTLY', and carry a big stick." 
It means, "Do not INTEND-to offend, but expect that others will still take offense anyhow.")

AJ Walking Dec 23 2015

... I'm "walking", which is GREAT!  
I EVEN have the BALANCE, CONTROL & "'HOTDOG'-edness" to occasionally LIFT one hand/arm--as I "WALK"--to "signal" to the camera.
HOWEVER, 'tis regrettably-OBVIOUS that I'm STILL "NOT-STRAIGHT".
(... I'm referring to my "hips WAY-RIGHT" back-posture NOT my BLATANT, OVERBEARING HETERO-sexuality!  ... WEIRDOS.)

PRO                                           CON
CONFIDENCE/TRUST in          LEFT-ankle "rolling"
my LEGS'-strength

(... PLEASE feel-free to "COMMENT" on my "WALKING"!)
((... MANY "KUDOS" to "The ARCHITECT" (of my BLOG, NOT 'The Matrix') for creating ... AND posting this video!))


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