Monday, January 11, 2016

"It is HARD to tell who is MORE-'crazy'--"

… "ME … or everybody-ELSE."
(--'Mad Max: Fury Road')

-- I ponder--EVERYDAY--about HOW I can "BETTER/IMPROVE my … EXISTENCE"!
HHHMMM, THIS is gonna take a portion of my cunning.  

… No, WAIT!  ALL of my cunning!

… If you say that someone is "crazy like a fox", it means that 

their behavior appears to be insane or nonsensical at first 

glance, but there's actually something very clever and subtle 

to it that's working toward their interests in unexpected ways.

… I.e. If MY RECENT-Life were a POPULAR Children's 

story, it'd--POSSIBLY--be the CLASSIC Disney-book, 

''It's a GREAT Day for UP''--by Dr. Seuss.

(… 'Tis SEMI-"recent", 'cuz … I'm referring to my last … 

2,745 days-ALIVE, which is ~24.43% of MY 11,235 days 

since BIRTH.  Ergo, 'tis with-IN the last QUARTER--1/4th--of 

MY life.)

-- Thus, I was feeling rather-ENERGETIC/"SPIRITED" this morning.  So, I got-INTO my wheelchair rather-EARLY … AGAIN … this morning (at ~6:30 am).  
… While UP (in my chair/), I did ALOTTA "hand-OPENING"-exercises.  I am MARVELING-at my "SLOW yet STEADY"-PROGRESS/-IMPROVEMENT in/with the ROTATION/MOVEMENT of my LEFT-fingers, LEFT-thumb & LEFT-wrist!
… I can NOW 
LIFT SAID "wrist" ~75 degrees--from STRAIGHT-"rest",  OPEN SAID "thumb" ~85 degrees--from "rest" in FIST 

OPEN SAID "fingers" ~60 degrees.
(… WOW!  … "NOICE!")
… (WARNING) I--PRIMARILY--"sit-UP IN my CHAIR … while 'EATING'" to "'STIMULATE' my BOWELS".  … Evidently, I "KNOW my 'SHIT'" (PUN intended.), as at ~10:20 am EST, I "UNLEASHED an 'Excretory-EXPLOSION'"!
… Am I ODD/STRANGE/WEIRD/GROSS, 'cuz my SUCCESSFUL "excretory-expenditures" ALWAYS IMPROVE/BOOST my mood?!
My brother's reply: "'Um, … can I say, ''Hell's YEAH!''?  I thought THAT was rather- … OBVIOUS!"
MY retort: "'(Upside-down exclamation point) SILENCIO, tu'!''  Go, STUDY!'''
(… He's studying-for his PRESTIGIOUS-doctorate … in TURKEY.)

-- "DANCE, … 
like no one is WATCHING.
SING, … like no one is LISTENING. 
(To ME:)
LOVE, like you haveN'T been 'HURT'."

-- "One man's 'SUNSET' … is another man's 'DAWN'."
((--Wyatt Burp (the DOG), 'Fievel Goes West: An American Tale'))

-- Today I "worked" with two SOMEWHAT-new trainers & one BRAND-NEW trainer at my FANTASTIC-gym--"NeuroFit 360".

(… Between INTENSE-exercises for my LEGS, I would "LIGHTEN the mood" with some JOKES.)


(… "Write THAT down."--ME, my valedictory)

… On THAT note, I'll "LAUGH"-at MY-DESIGNED "MATH-problem", … 'cuz I KNOW my "MATH-conundrum" (designed by 'MUAH'), … yet I am "OPTIMISTIC"/CONFIDENT that she'll--EVENTUALLY--"GET this":

"# of HUMAN chromosome-PAIRS" PLUS "the 2016-Super Bowl #" PLUS "the CUBE of 'a FEW'" MINUS "(TEN touchdowns PLUS TEN "extra-points") = MY age (in YEARS)"

-- I've GOTTA-go watch the NCAA-championship game!
(… Go Clemson!

"With-OUT 'ETHICAL-culture', there is no SALVATION for humanity."
(--Albert Einstein)


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