Tuesday, January 5, 2016

… FURTHER "confessions":

-- "I have ALL these 'POWERS'.  … But, I've NEVER felt more 'POWER'-LESS!  (SNIFFLE, SNIFFLE, SSSOB)"
(--Supergirl, 'Supergirl')
(… Personally, I am a "MATH-magician": I've STYMIED many-a-"SMAHTIE"* with a SINGLE-equation!  … I have "TOUCHY"-senses: UNBELIEVABLE-hearing & temperature-sensitivity!  I have an AWE-INSPIRING "eye for FANTASTIC SELF-defense": I STILL design techniques via "IMAGES" in my head!)       

-- How FRUSTRATING … that, all of a SUDDEN, "Gmail" "SUCKS sooo HARD"!
(… NAH, … excuse me.  I STARTED typing THIS blog-post LATE last night.  THEN, my gmail-account INEXPLICABLY-"SHUT DOWN"!  However, after ~20 minutes of "FINAGLING-with" my two email-accounts, I "SOLVED the puzzle".  
… So, rest-ASSURED!) 

-- "PRAY, as if EVERYTHING depends on God.
But, ACT, as if EVERYTHING depends on YOU."
(--Pittsburgh Steelers defensive-player)
(… Now, I am NOT--AT ALL--religious.  But, I LIKE/APPRECIATE the WISE-words of "ACCEPTING-RESPONSIBILITY".)

I'll ADMIT: I've joined the ...


(… RELAX!  I'm talkin' about the "Laughable Genius w/ Brain-Trauma"-clan … NOT the "Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender"-society.
(… NOT that there's anything WRONG with that!  … I just doN'T "swing THAT way"!  … "To EACH his OWN.") 

--"WHEN can I FIGHT again?"
(--ME, as Rocky, 'Rocky')
"WHY do you wanna 'FIGHT'?"
(--My Neuro-PsychoTherapist, as Adrian, 'Rocky')
"'Cuz I caN'T SING or DANCE."
(--MY/Rocky's reply)
(… ACTUALLY, I DO have a GREAT-amount of "RYTHM".  I've LONG-been known-to "CUT a lil' RUG"!)

"You know what's WORSE-than 'watching your son become CRIPPLED'?!  … 'Watching your son become MISERABLE'."
(… Mom, I APOLOGIZE for being … BOTH.)
(… Yes, I made a CATASTROPHIC driving-decision.  And, I've LONG-been "KICKING-MYSELF" over THAT TRAUMATIC-experience!)

-- I designed yet-ANOTHER "Karate-Wrestling-Jujitsu"-technique … ALL this morning, … as I "ate" my … THREE "breakfasts".  
((… Due-to ONLY SMALL-students in class today, MY 'Sempai' (PRONOUNCED 'Sehm-PIY') & I decided-to TEACH my "stuff" on SATURDAY.

… My "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR asked me to come to class TODAY, … so I EXCITEDLY-obliged.
(… If ONLY my staff would/could communicate … with EACH-OTHER to COORDINATE "WHO's WHERE"!)

-- "'LIFE' is an 'ECHO':
What you 'send-OUT', 'comes-BACK'.
What you 'SOW', you 'REAP'.
What you 'GIVE', you 'GET'.
What you 'see in OTHERS', exists in YOU.
REMEMBER, 'LIFE' is an 'ECHO'.  
It ALWAYS 'gets-back to you.  
So, 'give GOODNESS'."
(--Zig Ziglar)
(… 'Tis about KARMA … & "BALANCE".)

-- I had an ENCOURAGING workout TODAY!
(… Granted, it was SUPPOSED-to be for my UPPER-body, … & 'TWAS.  Just, I ASKED-for my trainer to CHECK-out WHY 'tis almost-IMPOSSIBLE for me to rotate my LEFT-foot/-ankle INWARD, … when 'tis NOT "anchored" on/against the floor or my bed.

* = Namely, MY VALEDICTORIAN-mom


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