Wednesday, January 13, 2016

"Be PROUD-of WHO you ARE."

… 'GUY Code'

-- "'DESTINY''s what we MAKE it."

(--FELLOW GENIUS-Cripple Lincoln Rhyme, 'The Bone Collector')
(… There are NUMEROUS OUR-controlled "VARIABLES" that CAN/MAY affect/alter/influence one's LIFE: FITNESS, NUTRITION, EXERCISE, LIKES, DIS-likes, etc.)

-- “The QUALITY of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty that you can comfortably LIVE-with.”

(--Motivational-speaker/LIFE-coach Tony Robbins)
(… UN-fortunately, I'm A BIT of a WORRIER.)

-- AGAIN, I decided to "BEGIN my day" earlIER than USUAL, … MAINLY 'cuz I just have MORE-energy!

… So, I got-into my wheelchair at ~6:30 am. 
… FROM my wheelchair, I researched SPORTS, won THREE games of (EXPERT-level) "Minesweeper" (out of 8 games = 37.5% of games-PLAYED) and watched 'Kitchen Nightmares' & 'NUMB3RS'.)

-- Regarding MY transportation TO & FROM TODAY's "WORK":

"I PREFER-to do the 'CONCEPTUALIZING', & leave the 'GRUNT-work' for OTHERS."
(--Larry, 'NUMB3RS')

… "'MATH' is almost-TOO ELEGANT.  (To ME:) PERHAPS you should 'BROADEN' your 'THEORY'.  

(--Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(… I can make "MULTI-variable calculus" … GORGEOUS!)

-- DAMNIT!  My Internet-hookup was "OUT"/"OFF"/"NOT-working" at ~12:30 pm this afternoon. 

(… I was goin' "HAYWIRE"/"BONKERS"/"NUTS-ZO", 'cuz my CABLE-tv ALSO wasN'T "operating" correctly/"at-ALL"!  … PLUS, my SPEECH-Therapist called to say she couldN'T make it in today.  
Thus, I had "ZERO"/"NUTHIN'" to DO!

… Ergo, I decided-to PRACTICE my "WRITING" & "SPEAKING" … by WRITING ALL the PRIME #s b/w 2 & 100.  

… LUCKILY, "Comcast" figured-out "ITS PROBLEM" (Apparently, the WHOLE-area had its/their Internet "OUT"!) after "ONLY ... ~THREE HOURS"*!  

-- My mom came-over in the EVENING for US to REVIEW … before my BIG advisor-meeting at/for the 
"Nova Southeastern University H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business & Entrepreneurship".

… I'm gonna-TRY-to EARN a/my (SOME-SORT of) "Certificate of Achievement" … PROBABLY in the Summer-semester.  

(… After already-COMPLETING ~3/8 of my "Master's degree" BEFORE my accident, THAT sounds A LOT like one of those "PARTICIPATION-Certificates" NON-champion CHILDREN receive in YOUTH-leagues.  
… But, NOOO, I'm not BITTER!)

P.S. What does this sequence REPRESENT?
(4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2)


P.P.S. "P.S. ANSWER" = The number of PRIME #s in each "'tens-column' … between 2 & 99.
(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 87, 89, 91, 97)


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