Tuesday, January 26, 2016

'Tis School-EVE!

... ACTUALLY, now that I THINK-about it, ... AND my housemate's & my "HANDY"/HELPFUL online-calendar REMINDED me that I am going-to an "amateur-/high school-" WRESTLING match TOMORROW-"PREvening".

... I STARTED typing this "blog-POST" LATE last night.  But, now that I've "begun a 'NEW-day'", I've RE-considered my SCHEDULE & APPLIED my "FINDINGS".

(... I BEGIN my "PROGRAMMING-class" (CS50x) ... at Miami-Dade College on SATURDAY.)
((... ALSO, I START my "pursuit of a 'Certificate of ... Knowledge(?)'" in May '16.))

... I'm DUE for some PRACTICE.  ... Ergo, ...

... MY "Date of Birth" ... in BINARY:
1_0_ 0 / 1_0_0_0 / 1_0_0_0 / 1_0_1 
= 4/8/85

... My BROTHER's "Date of Birth" is 
1_0 / 1_0_0_1_0 / 1_0_0_0 / 1_1_1
= 2/18/87

... My SISTER's "Date of Birth" is 
1_1 / 1_0_1_0 / 1_0_0_1 / 1_1 
= 3/10/93

-- My "UPPER body"-trainer showed me a few "HAND-movement"-exercises ... for my LEFT-fingers.  ... I "performed" SAID "drills" VERY-WELL.
(... YAY!)

-- JEEZ!  If you make a MISTAKE, ... just ADMIT it!
My "living room"-TV was "goin' HAYWIRE"!  
... The Volume-CONTROL, Channel-CHANGER, "LAST"-button. "GUIDE"-function & even the "POWER"-button wereN'T working!  UUUGGGHHH!  So, I told my Caregiver to call Comcast & to put SAID "call" on "Speaker".  The RUDE/STUPID Comcast-Representative KEPT-BLAMING ME for "BREAKING the remote".  

... DAMN Comcast's "OUTsourcing-Labor" to India!
1) "A GOOD-workman doesN'T BLAME his TOOLS."
3) If your JOB is "Customer-SERVICE/-HELP", then have some COURTESY!

... Speaking-of FOREIGN-languages, THAT's ANOTHER-aspect of my "COGNIZANT-/MENTAL-'REPERTOIRE'" "LOST" in lieu of my DEVASTATING "T.B.I.":
(.... ALONG-with my ENGLISH-mastery, I WAS SEMI-fluent in TURKISH, Spanish & Japanese.  PLUS, I KNEW "PIECES-of" Latin, German & Italian.)

... I've ACTUALLY-become (MAYBE) MORE-"fluent" in "NUMEROLOGY".  

... I.e. "Date of Super Bowl L (50)" 
= 1_0 / 1_1_1 / 1_0_0_0_0 

-- As is my "'Tuesday-NIGHT'-ROUTINE, I watched the TERRIFIC-show 'Limitless'!  
((... NOT-to-BRAG, ... but I WILL: 
I WAS RIDICULOUSLY-IMPRESSIVE in ALL-of "Academia" ... for ~17 YEARS in an academic-institution.  
(... Mathematical-Mastery, Biotech-"'Baller'-ness", Physics-"Frolicking", "Linguistic-Laughability", "Geographic-Jolliness", "Historical-Haughtiness", etc.)
... "Alliteration aside."(--Peter LaFleur, 'Dodgeball')
I TRULY-HAD ... NO-limits!
(... In OTHER-words, I WAS "limit-LESS".)

-- Additionally, I ENJOYED watching TWO basketball game VICTORIES!
(... ONE was an overtime-"W" by my mom's 'alma mater'--University of Wisconsin, & the OTHER was a "TIGHTLY-contested VICTORY" by the LOCAL Miami Heat.)


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