Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"A DREAM you have ALONE is just-THAT. A DREAM you SHARE with OTHERS ... is called 'REALITY'."

... --Brian Finch's quoting John Lennon, 'Limitless'

... This show really-IS INSPIRING/ENCOURAGING!

Yes, 'tis TRUE that--UN-like ME--Brian's MIRACULOUS-intelligence is "PHARMACEUTICALLY-bred" & "ARTIFICIALLY-'ENHANCED'".  But, I "brush-ASIDE" this DETAIL, ... 'cuz I'm "glass is half-FULL".  I interpret the PREMISE of his staggering-WISDOM as "HOPE for a PRODUCTIVE- & "JOY-FULL"-FUTURE!

... THUS, in a WAY, Lennon advocated "SOCIAL-ism".

(... No, I am NOT referring-to his political-IDEALOGY.  I am merely HUMOROUSLY referring-to Lennon's SEEMING-to tell ME to go-/get-OUT more AND/OR to host more par-TAYS.)

-- "LOVE" comes NATURALLY.


(... 'Tis an OPTIMISTIC-outlook on the INFINITE thoughts, emotions & actions of "MANKIND".)

-- "No matter how-LONG you've 'travelled in the WRONG-direction', you can ALWAYS 'turn-AROUND'."

(--'Daily Vibes')

... "JUST-because someone 'STUMBLES' and 'loses their path', doesN'T mean they're lost FOREVER.  Sometimes, we ALL need a little 'HELP'."
(--Professor X-the eldER, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past')

... "I'm not the man I WAS.  I 'open my mind up', & it almost 'OVERWHELMS me'."

(--Charles Xavier-the youngER, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past')

... I'm "in 'EMOTIONAL-TURMOIL'" over my INTERNAL-/ "NON-visible"-empathy.  

My INTERNAL-soliloquy: "It's not THEIR-pain you're AFRAID-of.  It's yours, (A.J.).  And, as FRIGHTENING as it can be, that 'PAIN' will make you STRONGER.  If you allow yourself to feel it, embrace it.  It will make you more powerful than you EVER-imagined.  It's the greatest gift we have: to bear their 'PAIN' with-OUT 'BREAKING'.  And, it comes from the most human part of us: HOPE.  (A.J.), we need you to 'HOPE' again." 
(--Professor X-the eldER, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past')

... I've got PLENTY-of "HOPE".  But, the TRICK is to COMBINE ... GARGANTUAN-amounts of "HOPE" with Undying-OPTIMISM & RELENTLESS-ENERGY!      

-- "If 'SIZE MATTERED', then the ELEPHANT would be 

'KING of the Jungle'."
(--FAMOUS martial artist Rickson Gracie)
(... I've NEVER-been a man of LARGE-stature.  I've always PREFERRED-to let my KICKS--in "Martial Arts"-class--OR my WITTY-WORDS--to "create" FEAR or "initiate" INTIMIDATION in "my DOUBTERS".)  

-- I went-OUT to my old high school to WATCH a BIG-"wrestling-'dual meet'" against Dillard High.  I met TWO buddies AT St. Thomas for SAID "event".  ... I "JOKED with"/TEASED my two friends:

"Dillard MAY 'beat the SHIT outta us' in BASKETBALL.  But, in WRESTLING, we 'BRING da NOIZE!'"
(... BOTH of my pals USED-to be EXCELLENT BASKETBALL players ... for our high school.  ... Ha ha HA!)

... (AUDIBLE-sigh) The Scorekeeper was NOT posting/updating the ONGOING "TEAM-Score", so I HAD-to MANUALLY-/MENTALLY-"keep track".  

HHHMMM, the FINAL-Score was ... 
((12 weight-divisions --> 10 "FALLS" (times 6 "TEAM-points") + 1 "TECH-FALL" (times 5 "TEAM-points) to 1 "TECH-FALL"))
... 65 - 5 ... MY high school (Saint Thomas Aquinas) WINS!
... In BINARY 'twas "1_0_0_0_0_0_1", STA!
(... There are/were 72 MAXIMUM-"POSSIBLE-points".)
PLUS, THREE of MY ex-TEAMMATES are Assistant Coaches for the team!  We four AND my two basketball-buddies ENJOYED some LAUGHS, as we "shot the PROVERBIAL 'SHIT'" ... for ~15 minutes before the matches.
Plus PLUS, my ex-"ASSISTANT Coach" (NOW the "HEAD Coach") GAVE me two SPLENDID "STA-Wrestling"-shirts!

-- "NEW-'SHIT' has come-to 'light'."

(--Dude, 'The Big Lebowski')
My MAIN-Nurse informed me that, ALTHOUGH it IS POSSIBLE to get/have my "peg-tube" REMOVED, the technology does NOT-YET exist.
BUT, "there are TWO-sides to EVERY-coin".  So, 'tis COMFORTING/mind-SOOTHING/nerves-CALMING to know that, at-LEAST, scientists are WORKING-on a LEGITIMATE-"solution".

... MORE "NEW-'shit'": 

While coming-home AFTER the "Dual meet", a GREAT-song with a PHENOMENAL-beat came-ON my car-radio, & I was "MESMERIZED" by SAID-"beat".
I ACTUALLY-began "snapping my fingers" ... with my BAD/INJURED/"WORTHLESS" LEFT-hand.
PRE-accident, I could BARELY QUIETLY-snap with my LEFT-hand!  NOW, ... "BOO-YAH!"
(... YYYEEESSS!  ... YAY!) 


(WHAT's ANOTHER "line"/"mathematical-statement"?)

6 + 4 = 210 

7 + 3 = 410
9 + 2 = 711 
11 + 6 = 517 
14 + 3 = 1117 
8 + 5 = 313 
10 + 1 = 911
12 + 7 = 519
13 + 8 = 521
((... I DARE/CHALLENGE y'ALL (I.e. My NeuralPsychoTherapist) to determine AN equation that "follows-SUIT".))  *

... ?!


(... In OTHER-words, "TRIAL & Error".)

-- "I have AMAZING will-power!  

... I once guessed Alyssa Milano's phone number SIMPLY-by RANDOMLY-pushing buttons on the phone."
(--'New Girl')

-- I'm PROUD-of my LARGE-/VAST-Collection of ASSORTED films!

(... There are SO-MANY movies that they doN'T ALL fit IN my cupboard.  ... So, I kinda-JUST PILE-'em UP!)

... "Hey, there's a 'SYMMETRY' to my-'CHAOS': 

(--Dr. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(... "To EACH his OWN.")


* = An ANSWER CAN-be "determined" by "finding the DIFFERENCE between the 'MINUEND" & 'SUBTRAHEND' AND 'SUMMING the 'ADDENDS'".
E.g. "16 + 9 = 725" --> "'16 - 9 = 7' AND '16 + 9 = 25'",
"11 + 5 = 616" --> "'11 - 5 = 6' AND '11 + 5 = 16'"
"13 + 8 = 521" --> "'13 - 8 = 5' AND '13 + 8 = 21'"


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