Monday, January 25, 2016


-- As I REVIEW the PREPARATORY-work for my "Coding"-class, I remember that I am BOTH 
about "BINARY"-noting.  
(... When driving-TO class ... in Miami, the trip takes 
~"1_1_0_0_1_0" minutes.)
(... ~"50" minutes)

... I did NOT know that--ESSENTIALLY--the "base-root" of "BINARY-coding" is 2.  HOWEVER, 'tis read as ONLY "0"s & "1"s.

-- (WARNING) At ~5:00 am, I "UNLEASHED some 'EXCRETORY-disciples of Dump'" ... PRE-"medicinal-'HELP'".
(... YAY for "UN-stimulated" "BOWEL-activity"!)
... THEN, STRANGELY/UN-orthodoxically/A-typically/JOY-ously, I "fell-BACK-asleep" for ~2.17 HOURS.
(... YAY for being more-RELAXED!)
(... THUS, I am CALM ... yet "TIRED"--NOT "SLEEPY".)

... In ALL-LIKELIHOOD, had I JUST-needed to URINATE, I would've NOT been able-to "fall BACK-asleep".
(... 'Tis JUST how MY-attention/-"energy-displacement" functions.)

-- In lieu of LAST NIGHT's Conference Championships in the NFL, I am VERY-EXCITED, that my FAVORITE football team
--the Denver Broncos--WILL play in the Super Bowl!
Yet, I'm VERY-CAUTIOUS, that their OPPONENTS are the only ONCE-beaten Carolina Panthers.
((... Ergo, I'll just-HAFTA HOST a SMALL-"par-TAY", so guests can HELP-me "'com-BAT' MY MOODINESS".
(AUDIBLE-sigh) ''C'est la vie.''))

-- When I "STAND" w/ my walker ... to "WALK", "I'm TORN" between leaning-TOWARD "what's COMFORTABLE" &/or "what's MORE-STABLE--according-to Bio-PHYSICS.

... Today at "NeuroFit 360", two trainers HELPED me "get-over" my TENDENCY-to ONLY "STEP" ... AFTER I've GRABBED something-STABLE/-SECURE to "ANCHOR" my IN-stable, easily-SHIFTING BODY-weight.
-- ACCORDING-to "The Bangles", 'tis "Just Another 'MANIC-MONDAY':

"Manic Monday"
"Six o'clock already
I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin' Valentino
By a crystal blue Italian stream
But I can't be late
'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid
These are the days
When you wish your bed was already made

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it were Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
My I don't have to run day
It's just another manic Monday

Have to catch an early train
Got to be to work by nine
And if I had an aeroplane
I still couldn't make it on time
'Cause it takes me so long just to figure out what I'm gonna wear
Blame it on the train
But the boss is already there

It's just another manic Monday
Wish it were Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
My I don't have to run day
It's just another manic Monday

All of the nights
Why did my lover have to pick last night
To get down?
(Last night, last night)
Doesn't it matter
That I have to feed the both of us
Employment's down
He tells me in his bedroom voice
"C'mon honey, let's go make some noise"
Time it goes so fast
(When you're having fun)

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it were Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
I don't have to run day

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
It's just a manic Monday"

But, I "took it a step FURTHER" ... in MY 
'Frantic FUN-Day'

"Twelve o'clock all-READY.
I just finished watching a SHOW. 
I was doin' lotsa SIT-UPS,
In-order-to 'RE-work' my ABS.
'Cuz I caN'T put too-MUCH 'STRESS' on my TUBE!
I caN'T JUST 'fix' with some LUBE! 

'Twas just another 'Frantic FUN-DAY'!
I wish it were some-OTHER DAY,
When I can actually RUN-PLAY!
DoN'T I get ONE-SAY?!
'Twas just another 'Frantic FUN-DAY'!

Have-to APPLY some TRIG!
Gotta WALK before I can RUN.
I YEARN-to 'SCARF food-down' like a PIG!
Only THEN, will I truly-be 'The ONE'.
'Cuz it's been so-LONG, since I actually-TASTED some 'TOST'*!
Blame it on my NERVES!
But, my BRAIN's metaphorically-"THERE"**!

'Twas just another 'Frantic FUN-DAY'!
I wish it were some-OTHER DAY,
When I can actually RUN-PLAY!
DoN'T I get ONE-SAY?!
'Twas just another 'Frantic FUN-DAY'!

Of ALL my 'TREKS',
WHY did my car-tire HAFTA pick THAT-DAY
To ex-PLODE?!
(That day, THAT day)

Doesn't it MATTER
That I've ALWAYS-been 'giving with TIME'?!
MY spare-TIME's UP,
As I doN'T 'TALK' nearly as MUCH.
I YELL at MYSELF, ''C'mon, dude.  STAND-UP!''
('Cuz I RARELY have-FUN)

'Twas just another 'Frantic FUN-DAY'!
I wish it were some-OTHER DAY,
When I can actually RUN-PLAY!
DoN'T I get ONE-SAY?!

'Twas just another 'Frantic FUN-DAY'!
I wish it were some-OTHER DAY,

When I can actually RUN-PLAY!
'Twas just another 'Frantic FUUUNNN-DAY'!"


-- I am ... PATHETIC.
(... I.e. At 30 years old, I STILL have "wet-dreams".
... PLUS, DURING SAID "dreams", ... I "PRE-maturely EJACULATE".)

(... Okay, I'm KIDDING! ... I'm just ... CREATIVE ... in my JOKES.)

"It was HARD-to tell WHO was MORE-CRAZY: 
... ME?  ... Or, EVERYONE-else?"
(--Max, 'Mad Max: Fury Road')
(... I CONCUR. 
... "'BEAUTY' is in the EYE of the BEHOLDER."
... The OPPOSITE-end of the "SANITY-spectrum" is ALSO-true: By my ~3.75+ YEARS with-OUT a "ROMANTIC-partner, APPARENTLY "'SMART' is (NOT) the NEW-'SEXY'."
(--'The Big Bang Theory')      

ME--to my NeuralPsychoTherapist: 
"SOMETIMES ... it is easIER-to 'FACE-the-PAST' ... with a LIL' HELP."
... "SOMETIMES ... 'being the HERO' means 'making SACRIFICES'."
(... I--INADVERTENTLY/UNKNOWINGLY--"SACRIFICED" my once-AMAZING/ENVIABLE LEG-strength for an "open-FORUM" to "PREACH" about "OVERCOMING-'obstacles'".)
"Do as I SAY, NOT as I DO."
(... My muscles doN'T ALWAYS "PROCESS" my "NEURAL-messages" ... "in a TIMELY-manner".  So, I'm NOT one who "WALKS the 'WALK'--LITERALLY.  But, I DO-KNOW the RIGHT-thing/-way to DO ALOTTA-stuff.

I reviewed the Roman-Numerals, 'cuz THAT's how "they" "count" the Super Bowls.

* = (PHONETIC-Turkish --> 'TOHST') A DELICIOUS grilled-sandwich--USUALLY (ANY) meat & cheese ('pay-NEER') on sourdough

** = I'm STILL VERY-COMPETENT ... & actually WISER!


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