Monday, January 18, 2016

"WHY 'fit-IN', when you were born to 'stand-OUT'?!"

... --Advertising-commercial for Nissan Altima
(... Am I ... IMPLYING ... that I'm an "automotive-vehicle"?
... If SO, any LADIES want a "RIDE"?!)

-- I've been VERY "ODD"/"STRANGE"/DIFFERENT for ... AT LEAST ~83.33% (~5/6ths) of my 30-YEAR life.
(... To/For THAT I have ABSOLUTELY-NO/-ZERO regrets.)

-- So, I'm SLOWLY becoming MORE & MORE "comfortable"/"accepting" of my CURRENT/TEMPORARY "PHYSICAL-/EXTERNAL-appearance ... in a WHEELCHAIR".
My RETORT: "Hey!  ... 'EAT ... my ... SHORTS.'"))
(--Bobby Budnick, 'Salute your Shorts')

-- WHOA, c'mon, guys!  We/YOU are SUPPOSED-to be a "TEAM"!  I'm "JUGGLING" the WORK-schedules of a couple employees to "fit MY class-schedule" for a CLASS I'm STARTING to-"take"--for the next ~nine weeks at "Miami-Dade Community College".

... THAT class WAS mainly SUPPOSED-to be for "FUN". 
(AUDIBLE-sigh) BUT/HOWEVER, I just have too-MANY OTHER "commitments" to ARRANGE "transportation" & PROPER-/LEGITIMATE-"guardianship" for the designated-timeS.
(... In OTHER-words, my "team" "DROPPED the BALL".)

... "NEW-'shit' has come to LIGHT."(--The DUDE, 'The Big Lebowski')  I am "in NEGOTIATIONS" with my GYM ... as to RE-scheduling my WORKOUTS ... for my POTENTIAL-class.
(... To Be Cont'd ...)
... STARTING-in May (... I THINK!), I WILL DEFINITELY-START my ONE class at Nova ... for my "Certificate of ..." (UNKNOWN).

... "'IGNORANCE' breeds 'CHAOS' ... NOT 'KNOWLEDGE'."
(--Lucy, 'LUCY')
(... I am ALWAYS-EAGER to LEARN!  ... Since my MEMORY's kinda ... "SPOTTY"/"UN-reliable"/"SHIT", I'm--STILL--ALWAYS-learning!)

-- "'IMPERFECTION' is BEAUTY, 'MADNESS' is GENIUS, &  it's better to be 
(--Marilyn Monroe)

... THUS, I am "GORGEOUS"-ly "WAY-off my rocker".

... "PROPS to" ... MY parents!
... "There's no 'MANUAL' on HOW-to 'RAISE' a GENIUS!"
((--Sylvester's dad to Sylvester (the MATH-guru--like ME), 'Scorpion'))

(... TIPPY-Toed CALF-strengthening, LEG-movement, proper/minute FOOT-placement, ALOTTA hamstring- & quadriceps-stretching, ...)

-- OVERALL: 9.75/10

"It seems the DESTINY of great-men to 'see' their dreams UN-fulfilled."
((--Storm, at the UNFORTUNATE-funeral of WHEELCHAIR-bound GENIUS Professor X (ME), 'X-Men: The Last Stand'))

P.S. I am DETERMINED ... to prove her eulogy FALSE!


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