Sunday, July 31, 2016

"'A spoon-FULL of SUGAR' ... helps the MEDICINE ... go-DOWN!"

... (--Mary Poppins, 'Mary Poppins')

... Today's recipe for success: Be genuine, trustworthy, honest and selfless. ADD-in a splash of direction & purpose.
... PLUS, Add a "PINCH of" "OOMPF"/EFFORT.

-- (WARNING) "HOPE-FULL-EE", 'tis a FORESHADOWING-"sign" of a GOOD-day.  But, my-"SLUMBER" was "RUDELY-INTERRUPTED" by some "stomach-HOWLING/-GRUMBLING" at ~4:15 am ... EST.
(  : (  )
Even for ME, THAT's JUST a-TAD "PREMATURE" ... to ... BEGIN my ... SOLO-day.

-- ME--to my housemate:
"Dude, I THINK I just-had ... an APOSTROPHE!"
Housemate--UNDER his breath":
"THAT must've hurt. ... 'TOOL'!"
(ALOUD:) "Dude, I THINK you MEAN ... an EPIPHANY.

... ENOUGH of our quoting 'Hook'!"...
ME: "By JOVE, YES! 'IFyou BUILD it, THEY will COME.'
-PRESENCE, to get people INTERESTED-enough to VISIT!"
Housemate: "AND/OR, you just-wanted to QUOTE 'Field of Dreams'"
ME: "Eeeeehhhhh, a LITTLE of 'Column-A' & a LITTLE of 'Column B'."  

... I.e. I--MYSELF--calculated the DISTANCE of a "light-YEAR", 'cuz I was thinkin'-about some SCIENTIFIC-uncertainties.
186,000 miles/second (= speed of LIGHT) x 
60 seconds/minute x 60 minutes/hour x 24 hours/day x 365 days/year = 5,865,696,000,000
... --> = ~5,866,000,000,000 miles (... THAT's ~6 trillion miles.)  

FINDING QUALITY-shows/-movies on television ... at ANY-time! 

... "I would DRAPE-myself in VELVET, if it were 'socially-ACCEPTABLE'.  ... I'd be ENSCONCED in VELVET!"
(--George, 'Seinfeld')

-- DoN'T trust EVERYTHING you SEE.
... Even SALT looks-like SUGAR.

... Ergo, I am the "SALT", ... & a "RETARD"--as I HAVE so IGNORANTLY-, MISTAKENLY- & STUPIDLY- been-CALLED
--is the "SUGAR".

... "DoN'T 'JUDGE' a 'BOOK' ... by its 'COVER'."    .


Saturday, July 30, 2016

Make-DO ... with what you/I/ ... we ... HAVE!

-- II RETURNED BEGAN my morning NICELY ... with an EARLY-"TREK", 
... 'mientras caminaba a mi inodoro para orinar', 
('as I WALKED to my toilet to urinate',)
'Tis FABULOUS & RELIEVING ... that I have a GREAT-UNDERSTANDING of BIO-physics, 'cuz I'm SUCCESSFULLY-leaning my body-WEIGHT onto EACH-leg (MOSTLY-"my RIGHT"), as I STEP.   
(... NO-pain OR MINIMAL-aching)
(... There's a ... "MONUMENTAL"-DIFFERENCE!)

... AFTER my "GALAVANTING", I returned to bed to THANKFULLY-find the HILARIOUS-film--'Three AMIGOS'--on TV*.  

... My SPEECH-Therapist gave me a set of EXERCISES ... for HOMEWORK ... in bed.
... So, I do 'em EVERY-morning ... WITH my CRUNCHES, SIT-UPS & assorted-"abdominal-exercises".  

-- "My-BODY has a MIND of its OWN!  ... It doesN'T 'LISTEN' to ME!"
(--Lincoln, 'The Bone Collector')
... THIS is FRUSTRATINGLY-"ALL too-TRUE" ... for ME!

... WHEN WILL my LEG-nerves "REPLENISH-themselves" & my health IM-prove?!
... My brother: "As LONG as it takes COMPASSION to 'DIE'?"
MY-RETORT: "Well, THAT ALREADY-happened.  (AUDIBLE-sigh)
... Sooo, what-NOW?!"

-- 'Twas, ACTUALLY, one of my BETTER "Martial Arts"'s VIEWINGS I've been-to in a WHILE!

... 'Twas a "TESTING"-/PROMOTION-day for FOUR kids--promoted-TO 
Third-kyu (= LOWEST-ranking OF) BROWN First-ku (= HIGHEST-ranking OF) BROWN.

... I pretty-much ... RELAXED ... today.
... NOICE!    

* = During my "SPEECH-Therapy", when an exercise-paper says/reads "T.V.", I ALWAYS "VOCALIZE" it as 
"TELEVISION" ... for MORE-"practice".

Friday, July 29, 2016


-- When I awoke to "WALK" to my toilet for my "MORNING-urination" ... at ~4:45 am EST, 

 : (  ),

I noticed a "TWINGE" in my BACK, ... as I rotated my "TRUNK".  ... So, I SIMPLY/MERELY ALTERED my posture to BETTER-compensate, ... & I was FINE!
... NOW, I'm in bed ... with-OUT pain.
((... WAY-to ADAPT, A.J.!  ... WAY-to "THINK ... on your FEET!"  (Pun IN-tended.))

-- GOOD-stuff in "SPEECH-Therapy"!
... I ate two eggs, practiced my TONGUE- & LIP-movement, VOICED POLYsyllabic-words & played 'Scrabble'

"I'm like a peacock, you've GOTTA-let me 'FLY'!"
(--Terry, 'The Other Guys')  

... I demonstrated MANY "WALKING-laps"--with my WALKER ... at 'NeuroFit 360'.

-- (AUDIBLE-sigh)

"And I've dropped out, I've burned up, I've fought my way back from the dead.
I've tuned in, turned on, remembered the things that you said!"
(--''I'll Be'', Kiam Eagan)


Thursday, July 28, 2016

(AUDIBLE-sigh) Yet-ANOTHER day of "SUCKING-"

... "out ALL the marrow of LIFE"
(--Henry David Thoreau)

... As "SHITTY" as my life may SEEM-to be ... RIGHT-NOW, 'tis ESSENTIAL to "live EVERY-day, as-if it were your LAST". So, I've GOTTA-STAY OPTIMISTIC!

-- I had an EARLY-morning (8:30 am ... EST) (PRE-set) appointment with my MAIN-(MEDICAL) doctor.

... It turns-OUT ... that I JUST HAD-to "give my ANNUAL BLOOD-sample".  I--WEIRDO that I am ... APPARENTLY--STARED-at the NEEDLE the WHOLE-time!

... The nurse didN'T KNOW what she was DOING.  MY HOME-Nurse CORRECTED her ... REPEATEDLY.  ... So, a DIFFERENT-/THIRD-nurse HAD-to come-in to RE-"stick" me with ANOTHER "BLOOD-sucker".

... I wore my (AMUSING) "'PI'"-shirt, ... 'cuz he APPRECIATES my INTELLIGENT-HUMOR.  
(... The shirt reads: 
"Come to the 'MATH'-side.  ... We have ['PI'-symbol]."

-- "WHAT ... IS it ... with ME & 'STRUCTURE'?!  ... Do you find me OVERLY-'structured'?!"
(--Larry, 'NUMB3RS')

... I HAFTA-schedule stuff in-ADVANCE! 

-- I've GOTTA-use my LIMITED-time ... WISELY!
... IMMDIATELY-after my return-home from the DOCTOR's office, I utilized my ~1.25 hours to DEVISE, DESIGN & PRINT yet-ANOTHER "Karate + Wrestling + 'Jiujitsu'"-technique:
(PARDON the Japanese.  My assistant UNDERSTANDS it.)

"Kick-DEFENSE to 'Juji kitame'"
(Attacker & Defender STAND & face EACH-other.)

1) Attacker executes a RIGHT-legged 'mae kagi geri' ('front snap-kick') at Defender's groin.

2) Defender shuffles-BACK & executes a DOWNWARD-'juji uke' ('X-block') to BLOCK kick.

3) Defender steps-FORWARD with OWN RIGHT-leg & wraps OWN RIGHT-arm/-hand around BACK-of Attacker's waist.

4) Defender pivots OWN HIPS COUNTER-clockwise & leans/pulls Attacker into an 'ogoshi' ('hip-toss').

5) ... With Attacker now on the ground, Defender grabs Attacker's RIGHT-arm &  SQUATS into a 'juji kitame'.

6) ... After Defender sits-/lies-back & breaks Attacker's RIGHT-elbow, Defender REPEATEDLY-kicks Attacker's head with OWN LEFT-foot ... AND kicks Attacker' midsection with OWN RIGHT-foot. 


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I'm ... KINDOF ... a BIG-deal.

I'm HALF-Turkish, HALF-Minnesotan, ~7/103-Titanium, ~2/7-HOPES, ~1/8-DREAMS, 110%-"OOMPF" & 

RELAX, "MATH-twits"!
(... Read as: "Altan Javit Kaynatma".)
... My GENEALOGICAL-ANATOMIC-makeup CAN-be/IS overlapping.

I START-off as ... SLIGHTLY-superstitious, HOPING that there's SOME-kind of "RITUAL"/EXPLANATION I could use to ensure FUTURE-success.  Approximately HALFWAY-through any/ALL "LUCKY"-trials, I realize how RIDICULOUS the ATTMPT is.  
... Ergo, I'm ... JUST ... "SUPER".
(... 'Cuz I'm APPROXIMATELY the FIRST-HALF of "superstitious)
((... ACTUALLY, it's the FIRST 5/13ths (= ~38.46%).))

-- (WARNING) I BEGAN my MORNING TRIUMPHANTLY ... at ~6:20 am ... with a JOVIAL "Excretory-Extravaganza"!

... I FOLLOWED THAT with ANOTHER "Bowel-BOMB" at ~ 11:45 am.  (... MORE-RELIEF) 

... I CONTINUED my HAPPINESS by finding one of my FAVORITE-films--'High Fidelity'--on TV ... at 8 am.

... THIS cinematic-CLASSIC INSPIRED me to create a 
"'Top 5' List of MY ACADEMIC-Accomplishments":

#5 -- ALL "Straight 'A's" THROUGHOUT my 4-year CAREER at a TOP high school (St. Thomas Aquinas)
#4 -- "ACCEPTANCE-into" the ONLY-college to which I applied ("Ivy League"-Penn)
#3 -- "PERFECT"-Score on MATH  "S.A.T." AND "S.A.T. II (2)"
#1 -- SUCCESSFUL-GRADUATION (I THINK 'twas "with HONORS".) from "IVY League"-college

... "'Top 5' List of Athletic-Accomplishments":
#5 -- Making my (high school) VARSITY-WRESTLING team ... as a SOPHOMORE      

#4 -- Qualifying-for the "STATE-Wrestling Tournament" with ONLY ~3/5ths of my GOOD RIGHT-hand
#3 -- Being INVITED-into the ADULTS' Karate-class--TYPICALLY for students aged 16+--at ONLY-12 years old
#2 -- REPEATEDLY-combining MY UNIQUE-combination of Karate-, Wrestling- & 'Jiujitsu'-KNOWLEDGE to design SUCCESSFUL-techniques ... PRAISED-by ALL-viewerd
#1 -- SURPRISINGLY-earning TWO BLACK belts at my "TEST" ... PRE-18th birthday

... "'Top 5' List of LIFE-Notables":

#5 -- Providing a FREE "MATH-Tutoring Service" for INTERESTED-folks
#4 -- SUCCESSFULLY-being a TRUE "SCHOLAR-athlete" as my high school's FIRST ... & ONLY (to-date) VALEDICTORIAN-WRESTLER
#3 -- ESTABLISHING a CULTURALLY-DIVERSE background by FREQUENTLY-visiting family in TURKEY
#2 -- Setting an ADMIRABLE academic-standard for my youngER siblings

-- I had a PRODUCTIVE "SPEECH Therapy"-session.
... I ATE--via MOUTH--two scrambled/fried EGGS.

... I SPOKE several sentences ... EXEMPLARY, as my mom sat NEARBY ... with her back-TURNED, ... relying-to DECIPHER what I said. 

-- I BELIEVE it was the EVER-so WIIISE "Tigger" of 'Winnie the Pooh who deduced: "'LIFE' is NOT-about how-FAST you RUN or how-HIGH you CLIMB ... nut how-WELL you 'BOUNCE'"-BACK.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016


... 'Tis TRUE both in the LITERAL- & METAPHORICAL-interpretation.

... LITERALLY, my CATASTROPHIC-accident left me (TEMPORARILY-) "paralyzed".  SINCE then, ... over EIGHT FULL-YEARS ago, I've been WHEELCHAIR-bound/-dependent.  ... THUS, I've "SEEN" my EVERYDAY-world from a DIFFERENT "ANGLE"/"point-of-VIEW".  I experienced--FIRST-hand--society's PREVALENT-view/opinion of the "HANDICAPPED" as "SAD" & "SUB-humanly".  ... I'd SETTLE-for "PATHETIC".
(... 'Cuz "breaking'-DOWN the word", it LITERALLY-means 

... METAPHORICALLY, given my SEVERELY-DIMINISHED PHYSICAL-stature/-presence, I have DIFFERENT-PRIORITIES & OBJECTIVES.  ... I'm NOW more focused-ON SOMEHOW-finding a "LIFE-partner" ... to PREVENT my BOREDOM & imminent-DWELLING.

--  "There's a DIFFERENCE-betwen an 'EXPLANATION' & an 'EXCUSE'!"
... I caN'T--YET--SOLO-WALK, 'cuz MANY of my LEG-NERVES were SEVERED.
(... THAT's just-SCIENCE!)
... I haveN'T--YET--earned a BLACK belt, 'cuz ... I'm just too-DISTRACTED ... & LACKADAISICAL to try-MORE       

-- Last NIGHT, I went-DOWN to a Miami-BAR with my brother AND my housemate ... to meet two of my housemate's friends ... for a SPIRITED-game of Bar-TRIVIA.
... THAT was a "HOOT"!

... We ARRIVED-at SAID-"bar" half an hour LATE, 'cuz my housemate heard the game-details WRONG.  
... Yet, we STILL were ONLY 15 points out-of PLACING! 

-- Toward the BEGINNING of my "UPPER body"-workout I asked my trainer, 
He chuckled & asked the DIFFERENCE.
I explained:''
"'ACCURACY' is the 'the CLOSENESS of A trial-result TO the ACTUAL-outcome', while 'PRECISION' is 'REPEATABILITY of trialS'."  

-- "Well, ... what you NEED is some SUMMERTIME ADOLESCENT-hijinks."
(--Kramer, 'Seinfeld')

... I'm TRYIN'-to get PERMISSION-to SWIM in MY-POOL!
... I've GOTTA go-OUTSIDE ... more ... to get MORE of a TAN!  
... I'd LIKE-to go-TO the MOVIE-theater more to see the GREAT SUMMER-"flicks"!

-- (WARNING) EARLY this morning, not-ONLY did I "WELCOME a SEMI-SOLID 'FECAL-FRENZY'" ... at ~12:45pm, but I actually SEMI-SMELLED the SUPER-STINKY STENCH!
(... "Alliteration aside."  'Twas QUITE the RELIEF ... & FAUX-BARF!)


Monday, July 25, 2016

I've GOTTA "give-BACK" to ... ALL!

-- I am NOT-"like everyone-/ANYONE-ELSE".  
... I doN'T PRETEND to BE.
... I doN'T WANT to BE.
... I am I/ME ... Altan Javit (A.J.) Kaynatma.

-- Are y'ALL familiar with MY(-OWN) "CHARITY-service"?!

... 'Real-Smart Paraplegics'.


"Army with harmony

Dave drop a load on 'em 

OPP, how can I explain it

I'll take you frame by frame it
To have y'all jumpin' shall we singin' it
O is for Other, P is for People scratchin' temple
The last P...well...that's not that simple
It's sorta like another way to call a cat a kitten
It's five little letters that are missin' here
You get on occassion at the other party
As a game 'n it seems I gotta start to explainin'
Bust it
You ever had a girl and met her on a nice hello
You get her name and number and then you feelin' real mellow
You get home, wait a day, she's what you wanna know about
Then you call up and it's her girlfriend or her cousin's house
It's not a front, F to the R to the O to the N to the T
It's just her boyfriend's at her house (Boy, that's what is scary)
It's OPP, time other people's what you get it
There's no room for relationship there's just room to hit it
How many brothers out there know just what I'm gettin' at
Who thinks it's wrong 'cos I'm splittin' and co-hittin' at
Well if you do, that's OPP and you're not down with it
But if you don't, here's your membership
------------ [Chorus:]
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) [x3]
Who's down with OPP (Every last homie)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) [x3]
Who's down with OPP (All the homies)

As for the ladies, OPP means something gifted

The first two letters are the same but the last is something 
It's the longest, loveliest, lean- I call it the leanest
It's another five letter word rhymin' with cleanest and meanest
I won't get into that, I'll do it...ah...sorta properly
I say the last P...hmmm...stands for property
Now lady here comes a kiss, blow a kiss back to me, now tell me 
Have you ever known a brother who have another like ah girl or wife
And you just had to stop and just 'cos he look just as nice
You looked at him, he looked at you and you knew right away
That he had someone but he was gonna be yours anyway
You couldn't be seen with him and honestly you didn't care
'Cos in a room behind a door no one but y'all are there
When y'all are finish, y'all can leave and only y'all would know
And then y'all could throw the skeleton bones right in the closet do'
Now don't be shocked 'cos if you're down I want your hands up high
Say OPP (OPP) I like to say with pride
Now when you do it, do it well and make sure that it counts
You're now down with a discount


You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) [x3]
Who's down with OPP (Every last lady)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) [x3]
Who's down with OPP (All the ladies)

This girl ah tried to OPP me

I had a girl and she knew that matter-of-fact my girl was partner's 
Had a fall out, disagreement, yeah an argument
She tried to do me so we did it in my apartment, bust it
That wasn't the thing it must have been the way she hit the ceiling
'Cos after that she kept on coming back and catchin' feelings
I said, "Let's go my girl is coming so you gotta leave"
She said, "Oh no, I love you Treach" I said, "Now child please"
You gots to leave, come grab your coat, right now you gotta go
I said now look you to the stairs and to the stairwindow
This was a thing, a little thing, you shouldn't have put your heart
'Cos you know I was OPP, hell from the very start
Come on, come on, now let me tell you what it's all about
When you get down, you can't go 'round runnin' off at the mouth
That's rule number one in this OPP establishment
You keep your mouth shut and it won't get back to her or him
Exciting isn't it, a special kinda business
Many of you will catch the same sorta OPP is you with
Him or her for sure is going to admit it
When OPP comes, damn-- skippy I'm with it


You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) [x3]
Who's down with OPP (This whole party)
You down with OPP (Yeah you know me) [x3]
Who's down with OPP (This whole party)

Break it down!

'R.S.P'             (Real-Smart Paraplegic)

"'The ONE' in the SUN
...Will 'EE-ven-SHUH-lee' have-WON.

R.S.P., What does that REALLY-MEAN?!

... However, 'tis NOT what it has-BEEN
'R' is for 'Really', 'S' is for 'Smart', ... which sure-as-HELL aiN'T WRONG!
... Then, there's 'P'.  ... Well, ... THAT woN'T last that-LONG.
I have the 'DRIVE' to RE-make my LEGS into 'tree-TRUNKS'.       
... The 'NEURAL-messages' are just 'NOT-THERE'.
Nonetheless, ... I've GOTTA CONTINUE-to TRY.
IF my 'rehab' were a 'GAME', ... I'd SOON be WINNIN'!
... Game-ON!
At 'em.  'Tis as-if I am 'twiddling my thumbs' & 'sucking up AIR'.
But, in ACTUALITY, my MIND has formulated quite the PLAN. 
... IF I could-ONLY show it, ... you'd ALL-SEE ... ''who's DA MAN''.
I speak the TRUTH ... 'T' to the 'R' to the 'U' to the 'T' to the 'H'.
I'm JUST a GENIUS ... 'IN my REALM'.  (DoN'T disturb 'MY-ZONE'!)"
-- I have-REACHED a point in my-LIFE, in which I FEEL it is NO-longer NECESSARY-to TRY-to impress ANYONE ... but ME.  
If OTHERS LIKE me the way I AM, GOOD. 
... And, if they doN'T, ... it's THEIR LOSS.    

-- "MAN was 

(--Zig Ziglar)

... You have everything you need to be successful.  ALL you NEED-to do is believe in yourself, and take action!
... Personally, I am very, VERY WELL-"ENDOWED" ... in terms-of "greatness-POTENTIAL"!

-- I went-OUT to a bar LATE-tonight with FOUR-friends for ... ALOTTA "TRIVIA-games"!  

(... 'Twas a "HOOT & a half"!)

P.S. RELAX!  ... The "charity" is JUST a JOKE from the COMEDIC-show, '2 Broke Girls'.


Saturday, July 23, 2016


... (WHEW!  ... YAY!)

--- Reflecting-upon a GREAT "POOL-Party" yester-DAY/last-NIGHT, 'tis IMPORTANT to let ALL-guests KNOW--as I DID


... "Attention ALL PAST & FUTURE Party-attenders of mine, I ONLY get in bed LATE at night, 'cuz I get TIRED ... of SITTING ... in a frickin' WHEELCHAIR!
... I'm still-AWAKE! After ~15 hours (~8 am to ~11 pm) in a HUNCHED-OVER position, ANYONE's body MAY-be a-BIT ... "ACHY"!

... "I doN'T know who's DEAD!
I doN'T know who's ALIVE!
I doN'T know who's CAUGHT!
I doN'T know who's NOT!"
(--'Reservoir Dogs')

-- I "caught-UP" A LOT with/on my "NOVEL-writing". 
... I watched some GOOD PREVIOUSLY-UNseen films.
(... I've ALREADY-FORGOTTEN the titles.) 


(AUDIBLE-sigh) SADLY, HARD-/TOUGH-times will always-reveal TRUE-friends.

SOME people THINK I say "IN-appropriate" things.

(... I will-NOT mention any NAMES.  ...)

... But, I PREFER-to THINK-of it as "RADICAL-HONESTY". 

-- I LACK the ENERGY to FINISH this blog-post "PARTY"ing-since ~1:00 pm.


Friday, July 22, 2016


MY "WoW"  -->  "FUN"!
(... "Words of Wisdom" = "Funny, Uncanny Necessities")
(... "When in-DOUBT, study the #s.")
(... "60% of the time, ... it works EVERY-time."
(--Ron Burgundy, 'Anchorman') 

... "A.J.K." --> "'SENSEI'"  
 "Anomalous Jester for 'Karateka'"  -->  "Smart-Educator for New Students' Earnest Inquiries"
(... Also, "A.J.K." just HAPPEN-to BE MY-initials = Altan Javit Kaynatma.)
(... AND, I HAPPEN-to BE a 'Japanese "Martial Arts"-Instructor' ... or 'Sensei'.)     
(...PLUS, the "A.J.K.A.-International" is an ACTUAL-organization.  I'm NOT-sure, if I ever-WAS a member of the "American 'Jiujitsu' & Karate Association-International".)

... My NURSE: "A.J., how R U?"
ME: "Oh, I'm FINE, ... as in 'Freaked-out, Insecure, Neurotic & Emotional'."
(--'The Italian Job')

... OTHER-than yet-ANOTHER rather-PRODUCTIVE "SPEECH-Therapy"-session, TODAY was rather UN-eventful, ... as I "PREPPED-for" TOMORROW's "par-TAY".  


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

CONTINUING-to have MY ... POSITIVE-effect ... on people ... AROUND me

Last night, I had a young 'Karateka' & his mother over to watch my VALEDICTORY, ... as he PREPARES-for HIS "high school 'JUMP'".
(... He's "EYEING" my alma mater--Saint Thomas Aquinas--as a POSSIBILITY.  ... Hence the speech-viewing)
... After the screening, BOTH were EXTREMELY-grateful!
(... SSSSSHHH!  I even saw the mom TEAR-up ... THREE-times!)

-- "You caN'T treat EVERYTHING as 'LIFE-or-DEATH situations', ... 'cuz you'll 'DIE' a-LOT.  

... Write THAT down."
"Ya know ... you shouldN'T take Life TOO-SERIOUSly. ... 
You'll never 'get-out ALIVE'!"

MY mom--about ME: "THAT's simply-what he DOES -- He INSPIRES the UN-inspired."
"I learned a LONG-time ago that ... 'WORRYING' is a-LOT like a 'ROCKING-chair': It's sumthin' to DO, ... but it doesN'T 'get you ANYWHERE'.
... Write THAT down."
(--Van, ''National Lampoon's Van Wilder''')

... DESPITE my being an OPTIMIST, my IMMEDIATE "Statistics-processing" also makes me a REALIST

... Obviously, I EXCITEDLY-watched this FANTASTICALLY-funny film this morning ... BEFORE two episodes of 'NUMB3RS'!

... (WARNING) In-BETWEEN the shows, I "'DROPPED some BOMBS' over Baghdad" ... for ~ten (NOISY) minutes.

(... WHEW!  ... YESSS!)

-- My BROTHER pours a glass of 'rah-KUH'* (... PHONETIC Turkish liquor ... like VODKA)-to ME:

"Is that glass half-EMPTY or half-FULL?"
"ALL I see is an engineering-ERROR in cup-SIZE. ... It's OBVIOUSLY 50% too-LARGE for the allotted-liquid."
(AUDIBLE-sigh) "TEXTBOOK 'TOOL'-answer."
My response: 
"NEED I remind you that I AM an ENGINEER."
"Hey, I HEARD that!  ... I HEAR ... EVERYTHING
... Also, NEED I REMIND you that YOU asked ME for MATH-help with ALGORITHMS?!"

watching some television WITH my brother for a couple hours EARLY this afternoon.

(... We SIMULTANEOUSLY TALKED-about 'TURKIYE', class, his tripS & "just SHOOTIN' the SHIT".)

-- This LITERARY-work ... UN-like "MATHEMATICAL-fun" ... is QUITE TIME-consuming ... & UN-interesting.

... I.e. My recent 'Accounting'-class was WAY-TOO term-oriented w/ NOT-enough numbers ... for MY-liking.

* = 'Raki' --> Turkish for ''lion's milk''  


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