Saturday, July 9, 2016

A "POSITIVE-attitude" might-NOT SOLVE all my PROBLEMS.

... But, it CERTAINLY-helps me "DEAL-with" 'em!
... I've "GROWN"* accustomed-to the WIDELY-accepted LIFE-view that "'SHIT' happens."  I ALWAYS TRY-to "SHRUG-it OFF" as just-ACCEPTABLE.  ... Then, I TRY-to IMPROVE the/MY circumstances.
(... = "Trial & Error" ... & ADJUST)       

-- SAY what you MEAN, & MEAN what you SAY.
... "INTEGRITY" is PRESENT, when what you SAY & what you DO ... are the SAME-thing.  

... I've always-been fairly-SUCCESSFUL at "TALKING-my way" OUT-of troubling-situations.  
I.e. ~Ten-to-twelve years ago, I was driving home from a girlfriend's house, when the driver in-FRONT of me STOPPED ... SEMI-abruptly.  I HAD-time to BRAKE and/or SWERVE, ... but I "rear-ended" the OTHER-driver.  So, I was TOTALLY-/ COMPLETELY-/UNDENIABLY-"at FAULT".
... BUT!  The OTHER-driver was a Hispanic-woman who spoke ZERO-English.  ... The POLICEman spoke ZERO-Spanish.  ... Sooo, I "cracked my knuckles" & "dove-IN" to "WORK": 
... I served-as "MIDDLE-man" to TRANSLATE-FOR the cop TO the woman ... & VICE VERSA.
... LONG-story SHORT: ... The GRATEFUL-cop was 'MUY agradecidos por mi conocimiento del español' that he MERELY-/ONLY-issued ME a ... WARNING!

... UN-fortunately, people will "JUDGE-me" by my ACTIONS ... NOT by my INTENTIONS.  ... Even-THOUGH I have a "HEART-of-GOLD", ... Then again, ... so does a HARD-BOILED EGG.

-- RATHER-than THINK that NEGATIVE-/PESSIMISTIC-people "drag ME DOWN", ... I PREFER-to "see it" as ... "MY POSITIVE-spirit 'lifts them UP".

... "'BEAUTY' is in the eye(S) of the BEHOLDER."

-- (AUDIBLE-sigh) RATHER-than REMAINING-UPSET that my "buzzer" was-NOT working, I JOKED-about it.
... At ~3:45 am ... EST, I HAD-to SCREAM to get my Caregiver's ATTENTION--which is ESPECIALLY-TOUGH/
... So, I "WALKED"-to my toilet ... to "RELEASE my URINARY-tension".  I OBVIOUSLY "HAD-to GO", 'cuz 'twas a POWERFUL "31-MISSISSIPI" urinary-SECRETION, ... followed-by a LOOONG-"SIGH of RELIEF".
... After "WALKING"-BACK to my bed, I complained that my BUZZER's batteries were "FAULTY".  ... So, I PRESSED the buzzer three times to DEMONSTRATE ... & heard three "RRRRRRING"s (onomatopoeia).  "A GOOD-workman dosN'T BLAME his TOOLS."  
(I pointed at/to the buzzer.) "'Tis VERY-temperamental &
-FLAKY ... like a WOMAN."**

-- I REFUSE-to "give-UP" ... NO-matter WHAT!  
(... --> THAT-/MY-attitude demonstrates COMMENDABLE-PERSISTENCE!)

-- I'm becoming more SELF-aware of the MOOD/AURA I'm PROJECTING.
... NEITHER my 'DynaVox'--WHICH WILL-be getting-REPLACED after ~SIX years, ... 'cuz it RANDOMLY just-BROKE ... NOT 'cuz it wasN'T charged--NOR my letter-board can VARY INFLECTION or TONE.  So, I TRY-to TALK MORE, ... ESPECIALLY-when the TIMING is NECESSARY for/to the JOKE.
(... "COMEDIC-timing")
(... I.e. After my buzzer was-NOT working EARLY this morning, I FELT that the HUMOR of/in the situation would BEST-/ONLY-be PROPERLY-expressed VERBALLY.  ... I was RIGHT.)

... "When you look ANNOYED ... ALL-the-time, ... people THINK you're BUSY."
(--George, 'Seinfeld')

-- A MIXTURE of MY LATE Friday-night, my "Martial Arts"-Professor's ABSENCE, my NOT-having my 'DynaVox' to COMMENT/SEMI-"teach" & an "ANNOYINGLY-'TOUCHY' & REALLY-OLD fellow-VIEWER" ... KINDA-"FORCED-me" to--UNFORTUNATELY--DEPART Karate-class somewhat-EARLY this morning.  
By NO-means did one NEW-student's DELIBERATE-INSOLENCE toward the teacher's INSTRUCTION.  I do-NOT "give-UP" that easily!  (... I was just very, VERY, ... VERY-ANNOYED!)

A scientist had a heart-attack, as he researched the "Periodic Table".  ... He COLLAPSED in DEATH, as he looked-up Chemical #56, as if "telling people" HOW-to "prepare" him ... AFTER-death.
(... Chemical #56 --> "Barium")


I JUST-"fell ASLEEP" for a FEW MINUTES, ... after I watched the USWNST ("United States Women's National Soccer Team") BEAT "Republic of South Africa" '1-0'.
(... My housemate--to ME: "Dude, you JUST ... BLINKED!")... TONIGHT, I'm gonna TRY-to SLEEP ... EARLY! 


... "DoN'T 'SWEAT' the 'SMALL-stuff'."


** = I APOLOGIZE to ALL the LADY-folk ... for the sexist-JOKE!  But, 'tWAS ... JUST a JOKE.  ... Plus, y'ALL caN'T DENY the scientific-FACT of/that "Pre-Menstrual Syndrome" is merely a "NUISANCE" to CONFRONT once every ~29.87 days.


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