Friday, July 1, 2016


"... 'BELONGS-to' those who BELIEVE-in the 'BEAUTY-of their DREAMS'."
(--Eleanor Roosevelt)

... "Things work out BEST for those who 'MAKE the BEST' of how things work out."
(--John Wooden, LONGTIME UCLA-basketball Hall of Fame COACH, Wizard of Westwood)
(... In lieu of my CURRENT-"UNFORTUNATE-situation/'-MENTAL-state'", I've ACCLIMATED-to NOT-being the "smartEST-one in the room" ... ESPECIALLY-with my DOCTORAL-seeking brother AND my 'salutatorian'-housemate here.)
(--'Now You See Me')
(... 'Tis MY DRAMATIC-interpretation of the film, 'Adaptation'.)  

-- What I say ... GOES.  
... I doN'T just-TALK, to RELISH my "SYMPHONIC-voice"*.  
At ~1:43 am ... EST, I awoke-to a "RAGING-urge" to URINATE!  I "BUZZED-for" my Caregiver.  "PROPZ-to him" for responding rather-QUICKLY at THIS-hour!  ... "SHAME-on him" for "taking his PRECIOUS-time" in JUST-"putting-DOWN my 'toilet-HANDLES' & lifting-UP my toilet-seat".

... So, I YELLED, "HURRY!"  ... TWICE!  ... Yet, STILL, ... he 'PUTZED'!  ... I was VISIBLY-FRUSTRATED & -ALARMED ... which MADE my-"WALKING" "SUFFER".  ... DURING my ensuing-"TREK" (... FINALLY!), I STUMBLED-twice.
(  : (  )
... When I FINALLY got-TO my "urinary-DEPOSITORY" & "assumed the POSITION", I "breathed a SIGH of RELIEF".  ... As-if to EMPHASIZE MY-POINT of "NECESSARY-QUICKNESS", I urinated a "POWERFUL-flow" for ... "~32 MISSISSIPPI"s.
(... JEEZ, I HAD-to "GO"!)
... AFTER I "WALKED"-BACK to bed, I HAD-to EXPLAIN-to him WHY such-"LOLLYGAGGING" is-/was-"NOT-cool".  

... DAMNIT!  Such EXTREME-frustration PREVENTED-me from "falling-BACK asleep", ... 'til I STOPPED thinkin' SO-MUCH about it!
((... I DID-sleep from ~3:45 am (?!) to ~7:00 am.))

-- AGAIN, I HAFTA-"WORK" ... EVERY-minute of EVERY-hour of EVERY-day.
(... YES, I EVEN "DEAL-with" my MYRIAD of LEG- & STOMACH-problems while SLEEPING!)
... I MUST-lie ... in the SUPINE-position ... with MINIMAL LEG-movement.

-- My brother--to ME:

"Dude. WHY the F--- do YOU have a TAMPON?!
ME: "I like-to SURPRISE-ladies ... with my HELPFULNESS."

-- UUUGGGHHH!  ... I suppose "I BROUGHT-it on MYSELF!"
... At 'NeuroFit 360' today, I WARNED my trainer, ... "FYI: My mom & brother JUST flew-into town ... from TURKEY, & we talked ... to CATCH-UP.  ... So, I'm REALLY-tired.  ... PLUS, my LEFT-leg AND -hip are just NOT-'listening-to' the 'MESSAGES' from my-BRAIN."

... Nonetheless, I "pushed-THROUGH" ... MOST of it!

... It didN'T HELP staff there was 16 minutes LATE, before a trainer FINALLY-"saw me".  ... So, I LEFT ~23 minutes LATE.

-- My Caregiver went-to the 'Comcast'-store to get the NECESSARY-'box' for my "Family-room"-TV.


... THANKFULLY, my Caregiver FIXED my "TV-issue" ... for my BIG 'Star Wars'-viewing "DATE" with my brother, my housemate & "The CREATOR" ... of MY-blog.

* = MY-voice DOES-remind me of 
... "Beethoven's Ninth" (Symphony).


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