Wednesday, July 20, 2016

CONTINUING-to have MY ... POSITIVE-effect ... on people ... AROUND me

Last night, I had a young 'Karateka' & his mother over to watch my VALEDICTORY, ... as he PREPARES-for HIS "high school 'JUMP'".
(... He's "EYEING" my alma mater--Saint Thomas Aquinas--as a POSSIBILITY.  ... Hence the speech-viewing)
... After the screening, BOTH were EXTREMELY-grateful!
(... SSSSSHHH!  I even saw the mom TEAR-up ... THREE-times!)

-- "You caN'T treat EVERYTHING as 'LIFE-or-DEATH situations', ... 'cuz you'll 'DIE' a-LOT.  

... Write THAT down."
"Ya know ... you shouldN'T take Life TOO-SERIOUSly. ... 
You'll never 'get-out ALIVE'!"

MY mom--about ME: "THAT's simply-what he DOES -- He INSPIRES the UN-inspired."
"I learned a LONG-time ago that ... 'WORRYING' is a-LOT like a 'ROCKING-chair': It's sumthin' to DO, ... but it doesN'T 'get you ANYWHERE'.
... Write THAT down."
(--Van, ''National Lampoon's Van Wilder''')

... DESPITE my being an OPTIMIST, my IMMEDIATE "Statistics-processing" also makes me a REALIST

... Obviously, I EXCITEDLY-watched this FANTASTICALLY-funny film this morning ... BEFORE two episodes of 'NUMB3RS'!

... (WARNING) In-BETWEEN the shows, I "'DROPPED some BOMBS' over Baghdad" ... for ~ten (NOISY) minutes.

(... WHEW!  ... YESSS!)

-- My BROTHER pours a glass of 'rah-KUH'* (... PHONETIC Turkish liquor ... like VODKA)-to ME:

"Is that glass half-EMPTY or half-FULL?"
"ALL I see is an engineering-ERROR in cup-SIZE. ... It's OBVIOUSLY 50% too-LARGE for the allotted-liquid."
(AUDIBLE-sigh) "TEXTBOOK 'TOOL'-answer."
My response: 
"NEED I remind you that I AM an ENGINEER."
"Hey, I HEARD that!  ... I HEAR ... EVERYTHING
... Also, NEED I REMIND you that YOU asked ME for MATH-help with ALGORITHMS?!"

watching some television WITH my brother for a couple hours EARLY this afternoon.

(... We SIMULTANEOUSLY TALKED-about 'TURKIYE', class, his tripS & "just SHOOTIN' the SHIT".)

-- This LITERARY-work ... UN-like "MATHEMATICAL-fun" ... is QUITE TIME-consuming ... & UN-interesting.

... I.e. My recent 'Accounting'-class was WAY-TOO term-oriented w/ NOT-enough numbers ... for MY-liking.

* = 'Raki' --> Turkish for ''lion's milk''  


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