Monday, July 11, 2016

If you doN'T like the way things "LOOK", CHANGE your "PERSPECTIVE".

-- There are NUMEROUS, DIFFERENT "outlooks"/"POINTS-of-VIEW".
Be-SURE to repeatedly-ALTER your-"VISION".

... I'm CURRENTLY TRYIN'-to develop my EMPATHY.

-- "My-'FUTURE' STARTS ... when I wake-UP ... EVERY-morning!"
(--Miles Davis)

... NOTHING is "PERMANENT".  ... DoN'T STRESS-yourself too-MUCH, ... 'cuz no-matter how-BAD the situation is, ... it WILL-CHANGE.

-- "[We] caN'T 'move-FORWARD' to 'TOMORROW' by 'RESTING-on our LAURELS' from the 'PAST'."
(--'Girl Meet World')
... Personally, I--Altan Javit Kaynatma--had a VERY-"DECORATED" & -"CELEBRATED" ... ~23 YEARS of ADMIRABLE-ACCOMPLISHMENT(S).  ... But, I caN'T CONTINUE-to EXCEL & PROSPER by JUST "'COASTING-on' the FEATS of 'OLD-ME'".  ... I've GOTTA accomplish MORE

-- I WANT-to INSPIRE people.  I WANT someone to look at me and say, "Because of YOU, ... I didN'T give up."

... I'm HOPING-that THIS-/MY-blog INSPIRES people to
"Be ALL they CAN be"!
... EACH of y'ALL IS ... "an ARMY of ONE"!   

-- "PRETENDING-to be a 'NORMAL-person' ... DAY-after-DAY" ... is EXHAUSTING!

... There are (MANY) times that I WISH I COULD just 

-- "It's BETTER to be-ALONE than to be-'SURROUNDED-by the WRONG-people'."
(--Jesse Doubek)

-- “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.” – Dale Carnegie  

... I.e. I DEVISE MANY "Self-DEFENSE"-techniques 

-- I've never been one to sugar coat. Although I am sweet. ... MOST of the time.

... UNFORTUNATELY, SOME-people are just ... STUPID & IL-logical.  Even-WORSE ... is when THOSE same 
OBTUSE-/DENSE-folks are ALSO too-STUBBORN to CHANGE their (WRONG-) "way-of-THINKING".  

... "HONESTY" is BETTER-than "'SUGAR-coated' 'BULLSHIT'."

-- On this road called LIFE, you have to take the GOOD with the BAD, ... SMILE with the SAD, ... LOVE what you've GOT & REMEMBER what you HAD.  Always-FORGIVE, ... but never-FORGET.  ... LEARN-from your MISTAKES, but NEVER-forget. People CHANGE.  Things go-WRONG.  But, just remember, ... the "RIDE" goes-ON.

-- "The secret to 'getting-AHEAD' is ...
(--Mark Twain)

... Sometimes, ... the TOUGHEST-"step" is the FIRST-one.

... THAT-metaphor by Mr. Twain "TRIGGERED" my "CREATIVITY".  So, I'll REVISE a song ... STARTING at ~10:30 am ... EST.
So, as I "PREPPED" for my "MORNING-TREK to 'RELIEVE my BLADDER'", I noticed how DIFFICULT 'twas to BEGIN my "WALKING".
So, I thought-of THIS song ... by Sheryl Crow:

"The First Cut Is The Deepest"

I would have given you all of my heart
But there's someone who's torn it apart
And he's taken just all that I have
But if you want I'll try to love again
Baby, I'll try to love again, but I know...

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
But when it comes to bein' lucky, he's cursed
When it comes to lovin' me, he's worst...

I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
And I'm sure gonna give you a try
If you want I'll try to love again, (try)
Baby, I'll try to love again, but I know...

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
But when it comes to bein' lucky, he's cursed
But when it comes to lovin' me, he's worst...

I still want you by my side
Just to help me dry the tears that I've cried
But I'm sure gonna give you a try
Cuz if you want I'll try to love again
(Try to love again, try to love again)
Baby, I'll try to love again but I know, OOHHH....

The first cut is the deepest
Baby I know
The first cut is the deepest
When it comes to bein' lucky, he's cursed
When it comes to lovin' me, he's worst

OOHHH, the first cut is the deepest
Baby I know (baby I know)
The first cut is the deepest
Try to love again...
... (MY version, entitled 
'The First Step is the Toughest':)

"I would have, at-least, TRIED a 'mayr-ah-THON'.
But, NOW, it's RARE, ... for my nerves t' be 'ON'.
Ya see, now, ... NOW, I LACK the leg-STRENGTH.
... I'm confused, 'cuz I KNOW my legs WERE STRONG.
But, 'tis 'CAUSE & EFFECT'.  And, NOW I KNOW.

The FIRST-step ... is the ... TOUGHEST!
The FIRST-step is the TOUGHEST!
But, when it comes-to WALKIN' STABLE, ... be 'PAY-SHENT'!
... Regarding MY 'meh-mohr-ee', it's 'OOOH-ver-RATED'.

I still NEED BOTH o' my LEGS
To 'STAY-bih-LIYZ' me, when I STAND-up on 'PEGS'!
I've gotta ''BUILD 'em'' to what they once-WERE!
I WILL-have 'tree-TRUNKS' as legs AGAIN!  (WERE)
C'mon, LEGS!  You WERE SO-STRONG, but I KNOW ...

The FIRST-step is the TOUGHEST!
The FIRST-step is the TOUGHEST!
But, when it comes-to WALKIN' STABLE, ... be 'PAY-SHENT'!
... Regarding MY 'meh-mohr-ee', it's 'OOOH-ver-RATED'.

I still NEED BOTH o' my LEGS
To 'STAY-bih-LIYZ' me, when I STAND-up on 'PEGS'!
I've gotta ''BUILD 'em'' to what they once-WERE!
... But, I need NERVES to be STRONG once-AGAIN!
(NEED strong-nerves AGAIN, NEED strong-nerves AGAIN!)

The FIRST-step is the TOUGHEST!
The FIRST-step is the TOUGHEST!
But, when it comes-to WALKIN' STABLE, ... be 'PAY-SHENT'!

... Regarding MY 'meh-mohr-ee', it's 'OOOH-ver-RATED'.

The FIRST-step is the TOUGHEST!

LEFT-leg, I KNOW!  (LEFT-leg, I KNOW!)
The FIRST-step is the TOUGHEST!
-- I LACK a FORMAL, "money-earning" "job-TITLE".  ... REGARDLESS!  ... 

-- "NEVER-IGNORE a person who LOVES you, CARES-for you & MISSES you.  
... One day, ... you MIGHT wake-up, & REALIZE ... you LOST the MOON, ... while counting the STARS."
(--'Whisper of the Heart')

... SINCE that TERRIBLE-day (July 6, 2008), I've noticed--FIRST-hand--that "being-IGNORED" is "FAR/WAY-WORSE" than "being-CRITICIZED"!
(... I can "DEAL-with" SCRUTINY.  ... I've ENDURED "TEASING" my WHOLE-life!  ... Y'ALL will-be SORRY, when I LACK the COMPETENCE to "operate" this BLOG.)

-- During HER workouts, her trainer & I CONSTANTLY-HAFTA REMIND my mom to ... "BREATHE!"
... On THAT-note, I'll tell-MYSELF:
All of the times you felt this anxious and this overwhelmed. All of the times you felt this level of pain. And remind yourself how each time, you made it through. Life has thrown so much at you, and despite how difficult things have been, you’ve survived. Breathe and trust that you can survive this too. Trust that this struggle is part of the process. And trust that as long as you don’t give up and keep pushing forward, no matter how hopeless things seem, you will make it.”
- Daniell Keopke

-- "It isn't what happens to is how we react...that is what defines the quality of our lives."

... It isN'T about the setBACKS.  It's about HOW you DEAL-with 'em.

-- "ASK, ... & you shall-RECEIVE."
... CURIOUS-to-KNOW, I--VERBALLY--asked my "SPEECH-Therapist", IF 
"the FACT that I--RIGOROUSLY--brush my TONGUE when I brush my teeth .. has ANYTHING to-DO with my NOT-tasting"?
(... She said, "No, the TASTEbuds are way-deepER.") 

-- NOTE to/for my "Martial Arts"-students:
"Know yourself, and know your opponent. He's never as strong as you think, and never as weak either."
... 'FAILURES' can be called 'STRENGTHENERS' ... as they make you determined to reach your goal with the lessons they teach." 

-- I've DECIDED that since I've VERY-RECENTLY become SERIOUS about "penning"/"writing"/TYPING an AUTObiography, I'm gonna TRY-to LIMIT my GENERAL-observations ... to focus-MORE on my DAILY-"battle"S. 

-- I HOPE y'ALL ENJOYED your (respective) "PRIME-Day" (7/11)!


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