Monday, July 18, 2016

IS it AAAAALLLLLLLLLLL-psychological(LY-based)?!

-- I woke-up, PISSED-off & HURTING ... at 4:03 am ... EST.
... My LEFT big-toe was in EXCRUCIATING-pain!  
... I know-NOT ... WHY.
I TRIED-to RE-position my foot in DIFFERENT placements, ... at DIFFERENT-angles. 
(... NO-/ZERO-help)

... (WARNING) FINALLY/ULTIMATELY, after ~90 minutes of NON-sleeping PAIN-ALLOWANCE, I TRIED  "bowel-/fecal-delivery".
(... 'Twas UN-related to the toe-PAIN.  ... Therefore, 'twas a "Terrific Turd-Tangent" from my "Terribly-Tumid & Tightened-/ Taut-Toe Tolerance."
... How's THAT for ALLITERATION?!)

(... "MAD-UPZ" to Karate ... & SOME Wrestling ... for TEACHING me HOW-to "SEPARATE the MIND from the BODY"!  ... OOOOOOOHHHHHMMMMMMM)

-- ALAS!  I TOLD my MAIN-Nurse of my toe-pain, .. & she scheduled me for a podiatry-appointment EARLY this afternoon.
(... YAY!)
... UUUGGGHHH!  How INFURIATING was THAT-appointment!
... FIRST, I sat in the "Waiting-Room" ... with ONLY-THREE other patients ... compared-to SIX nurses & FOUR doctors  working ... for 48 minutes.  ... THEN, I waited-IN a BACK PRIVATE-patients' room for ANOTHER ... 37 minutes.
WORST-of ALL, I overheard a MEAN-receptionist hang-up & tell a coworker: 
"Oh, THAT was just some-patient blathering-about a MISSED-appointment.  I just said that the doctor's OUT-of-TOWN all week AND we're VERY-busy.  ..."
(... I AUDIBLY-sighed.)            


the BEST-educators & purifiers."
(--Albert Einstein)
... I am--CURRENTLY/TEMPORARILY--"DEPRIVED-of" LEG-nerves, VOICE-cords & STRENGTH on my LEFT-side.
... Thus, I'm FORCED-to RE-organize/-plan ... EVERYTHING in my life.

-- In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity."

--Albert Einstein
... My CURRENT-life 'es MUY difícil'.  Ergo, I've GOTTA "take-ADVANTAGE of" my-"OPPORTUNITY" to RE-"start" my LIFE ... from "NEGATIVE-six".

-- “ Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. ”
― Lou Holtz     

-- (WARNING) The COMBINATION-of my "FECAL-EXCRETION" this morning & a very-ENCOURAGING workout at 'NeuroFit 360' at ~"NOON-ish" ... DIRECTLY-caused me to OPTIMISTICALLY-"carry my head HIGH" throughout the day!


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