Wednesday, July 20, 2016

MY Life COULD--cinematically--be ... 'CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER'.

Then, again, ... HHHMMM.
... My MAIN-issues lie-in/-with my questionable-FUTURE.
... AND, 'tis NOT-"clear" at-ALL. 
... It ALL depends on my CONCENTRATED-effortS NOW.  (... Ergo, for MY-tales, it'd be ...
(... But, THAT doesN'T sound NEARLY as INTERESTING or APPEALING at-ALL.)     

--   A WISE-man can learn more from a FOOLISH-question than a FOOL can learn from a WISE-answer.... I TEND-to ask ALOTTA questions ... NOT-ALL of 'em INSIGHTFUL.

(... SHUCKS!)
BUT!  ... PROBABILITY & STATISTICS say that ... the "Law of LARGE Numbers" (LLN) is a theorem that describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times. According to the law, the average of the results obtained from a large number of trials should be close to the expected value, and will tend to become closer as more trials are performed.
The LLN is important because it "guarantees" stable long-term results for the averages of some random events. 
... Ergo, no-matter HOW-MANY UN-successful attempts at ... STANDING or WALKING or ... SIDE-STEPPING or "EXCRETING SEMI-SOLID 'WASTE'" ... or ANYTHING, there WILL-EVENTUALLY be "VICTORY"!        

--I felt CREATIVE this morning.  ... Sooo, I THOUGHT I'd REVISE some WELL-known QUALITY-work.

(BASIS:)"The woods are lovely,
Dark and deep.

But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep."

Robert Frost)

... 'Wet-Legs SEEKETH'

"My legs seek ACTION.
With-OUT sweat, they DRY.
If they had tear-ducts, they'd CRY.
'Why', they whimper.  'Why, oh, WHY?!'
'Why', they whimper.  'Why, oh, WHY?!'"

... ''Young 'GUNZ''

"Yes, I feel that YEARNING,
''Burnin'-up'' my SOUL.
Maybe I'll use those legs I STOLE.
I've gotta walk, ... before I'm too OL'.
I've gotta walk, ... before I'm too OL'."


I may be quite-'DOWN'.
But, I'm 'FAR-from OUT'.
When I struggle, I mustN'T POUT.
I'll just use a diff'rent ROUTE.
I'll just use a diff'rent ROUTE."

-- I'm TIRED.

(... NOT "SLEEPY", ... just "TIRED".)


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