Tuesday, July 12, 2016

... (AUDIBLE-sigh) 'Tis yet-ANOTHER day of "TOUCHING people"!


-- (WARNING) Is it GOOD or BAD?!
... My EVENING-Nurse "fed me" the LOWEST-/SMALLEST-POSSIBLE (... I THINK!) "Bowel-STIMULANT", ... 'cuz I haDN'T "gone #2" in a few days.
... But, after THAT-"medication", I've "EXCRETED" [ALL-LIQUID] "Bodily-WASTE" three DIFFERENT-times ... in ~11.5 hours ... ALL "MOSTLY-LIQUID".
(  : (  )
... The "medication" is "workin' almost TOO-well! 

-- GREAT Karate-class!  
... I got to PLAYFULLY "talk-to" & TEASE one of my FAVORITE students!  
... I FINALLY-scheduled a MEETING with a VERY-PLEASANT mom & her family to ... WATCH my valedictory & LISTEN-to me TRY-to "sell" St. Thomas Aquinas as her son's SOON-to be FUTURE-"high school".


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