Friday, July 15, 2016

IS it a/THEE "Time for CHANGE"?!

-- I "arose" (from-BED) EARLY, ... 'cuz I had a MEETING with a 'DynaVox'-representative about my POSSIBLY-REPLACING my FAULTY/OLD-model device.
... My housemate--BLESS his ... BRAIN--got MY "OLD-school"-model to WORK on Wednesday!  (... It turns-out that ... CONTRARY-to what my Caregiver CLAIMED ... it JUST NEEDED-to be CHARGED!)
... It went very-WELL!  ... I've JUST GOTTA-LEARN ALL the "INs & OUTs" of the NEW-"system".
(... I can tell that THAT's gonna TAKE-TIME!)    

-- Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. 

If you concentrate on what you don't have,
you will never, ever have enough... ~ Oprah Winfrey

... I'm THANKFUL for ... being ALIVE  ... & having RIDICULOUSLY-STRONG "drive", "determination" & "zest" ... & possessing REMARKABLE-intelligence ... & having a GREAT-buddy/-housemate!

-- "Would you RATHER-have FAME ... or PRIVACY?"

... Weeellllll, I've had PLENTY-of SOMEWHAT-"privacy" since my accident. 
(... NOT a BIG-fan)
... In lieu of THIS, I'll take the "FAME".  ... Sooo, I'll write an AUTObiogrphy.    

-- In watching ALOTTA 'NUMB3RS' today (There was yet-ANOTHER 7-hour MARATHON ... from 9 am to 4 pm.), I was INSPIRED to write some "CODING": 

"1-12-20-1-14  8-1-19  5-14-20-9-18-5-12-25  20-15-15  

13-21-3-8  6-18-5-5  -  20-9-13-5."

-- Today, I FINALLY-demonstrated some EXCELLENT "SIDE-stepping" ... at 'NeuroFit 360'.
... I FINALLY "tilted my LEFT-foot OUTWARDS slightly!

-- "CODE"-Translation: 
"Altan has entirely too much free-time."

... (I numbered the letters 1 to 26.)


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