Thursday, July 28, 2016

(AUDIBLE-sigh) Yet-ANOTHER day of "SUCKING-"

... "out ALL the marrow of LIFE"
(--Henry David Thoreau)

... As "SHITTY" as my life may SEEM-to be ... RIGHT-NOW, 'tis ESSENTIAL to "live EVERY-day, as-if it were your LAST". So, I've GOTTA-STAY OPTIMISTIC!

-- I had an EARLY-morning (8:30 am ... EST) (PRE-set) appointment with my MAIN-(MEDICAL) doctor.

... It turns-OUT ... that I JUST HAD-to "give my ANNUAL BLOOD-sample".  I--WEIRDO that I am ... APPARENTLY--STARED-at the NEEDLE the WHOLE-time!

... The nurse didN'T KNOW what she was DOING.  MY HOME-Nurse CORRECTED her ... REPEATEDLY.  ... So, a DIFFERENT-/THIRD-nurse HAD-to come-in to RE-"stick" me with ANOTHER "BLOOD-sucker".

... I wore my (AMUSING) "'PI'"-shirt, ... 'cuz he APPRECIATES my INTELLIGENT-HUMOR.  
(... The shirt reads: 
"Come to the 'MATH'-side.  ... We have ['PI'-symbol]."

-- "WHAT ... IS it ... with ME & 'STRUCTURE'?!  ... Do you find me OVERLY-'structured'?!"
(--Larry, 'NUMB3RS')

... I HAFTA-schedule stuff in-ADVANCE! 

-- I've GOTTA-use my LIMITED-time ... WISELY!
... IMMDIATELY-after my return-home from the DOCTOR's office, I utilized my ~1.25 hours to DEVISE, DESIGN & PRINT yet-ANOTHER "Karate + Wrestling + 'Jiujitsu'"-technique:
(PARDON the Japanese.  My assistant UNDERSTANDS it.)

"Kick-DEFENSE to 'Juji kitame'"
(Attacker & Defender STAND & face EACH-other.)

1) Attacker executes a RIGHT-legged 'mae kagi geri' ('front snap-kick') at Defender's groin.

2) Defender shuffles-BACK & executes a DOWNWARD-'juji uke' ('X-block') to BLOCK kick.

3) Defender steps-FORWARD with OWN RIGHT-leg & wraps OWN RIGHT-arm/-hand around BACK-of Attacker's waist.

4) Defender pivots OWN HIPS COUNTER-clockwise & leans/pulls Attacker into an 'ogoshi' ('hip-toss').

5) ... With Attacker now on the ground, Defender grabs Attacker's RIGHT-arm &  SQUATS into a 'juji kitame'.

6) ... After Defender sits-/lies-back & breaks Attacker's RIGHT-elbow, Defender REPEATEDLY-kicks Attacker's head with OWN LEFT-foot ... AND kicks Attacker' midsection with OWN RIGHT-foot. 


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