Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I'm ... KINDOF ... a BIG-deal.

I'm HALF-Turkish, HALF-Minnesotan, ~7/103-Titanium, ~2/7-HOPES, ~1/8-DREAMS, 110%-"OOMPF" & 

RELAX, "MATH-twits"!
(... Read as: "Altan Javit Kaynatma".)
... My GENEALOGICAL-ANATOMIC-makeup CAN-be/IS overlapping.

I START-off as ... SLIGHTLY-superstitious, HOPING that there's SOME-kind of "RITUAL"/EXPLANATION I could use to ensure FUTURE-success.  Approximately HALFWAY-through any/ALL "LUCKY"-trials, I realize how RIDICULOUS the ATTMPT is.  
... Ergo, I'm ... JUST ... "SUPER".
(... 'Cuz I'm APPROXIMATELY the FIRST-HALF of "superstitious)
((... ACTUALLY, it's the FIRST 5/13ths (= ~38.46%).))

-- (WARNING) I BEGAN my MORNING TRIUMPHANTLY ... at ~6:20 am ... with a JOVIAL "Excretory-Extravaganza"!

... I FOLLOWED THAT with ANOTHER "Bowel-BOMB" at ~ 11:45 am.  (... MORE-RELIEF) 

... I CONTINUED my HAPPINESS by finding one of my FAVORITE-films--'High Fidelity'--on TV ... at 8 am.

... THIS cinematic-CLASSIC INSPIRED me to create a 
"'Top 5' List of MY ACADEMIC-Accomplishments":

#5 -- ALL "Straight 'A's" THROUGHOUT my 4-year CAREER at a TOP high school (St. Thomas Aquinas)
#4 -- "ACCEPTANCE-into" the ONLY-college to which I applied ("Ivy League"-Penn)
#3 -- "PERFECT"-Score on MATH  "S.A.T." AND "S.A.T. II (2)"
#1 -- SUCCESSFUL-GRADUATION (I THINK 'twas "with HONORS".) from "IVY League"-college

... "'Top 5' List of Athletic-Accomplishments":
#5 -- Making my (high school) VARSITY-WRESTLING team ... as a SOPHOMORE      

#4 -- Qualifying-for the "STATE-Wrestling Tournament" with ONLY ~3/5ths of my GOOD RIGHT-hand
#3 -- Being INVITED-into the ADULTS' Karate-class--TYPICALLY for students aged 16+--at ONLY-12 years old
#2 -- REPEATEDLY-combining MY UNIQUE-combination of Karate-, Wrestling- & 'Jiujitsu'-KNOWLEDGE to design SUCCESSFUL-techniques ... PRAISED-by ALL-viewerd
#1 -- SURPRISINGLY-earning TWO BLACK belts at my "TEST" ... PRE-18th birthday

... "'Top 5' List of LIFE-Notables":

#5 -- Providing a FREE "MATH-Tutoring Service" for INTERESTED-folks
#4 -- SUCCESSFULLY-being a TRUE "SCHOLAR-athlete" as my high school's FIRST ... & ONLY (to-date) VALEDICTORIAN-WRESTLER
#3 -- ESTABLISHING a CULTURALLY-DIVERSE background by FREQUENTLY-visiting family in TURKEY
#2 -- Setting an ADMIRABLE academic-standard for my youngER siblings

-- I had a PRODUCTIVE "SPEECH Therapy"-session.
... I ATE--via MOUTH--two scrambled/fried EGGS.

... I SPOKE several sentences ... EXEMPLARY, as my mom sat NEARBY ... with her back-TURNED, ... relying-to DECIPHER what I said. 

-- I BELIEVE it was the EVER-so WIIISE "Tigger" of 'Winnie the Pooh who deduced: "'LIFE' is NOT-about how-FAST you RUN or how-HIGH you CLIMB ... nut how-WELL you 'BOUNCE'"-BACK.


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