Thursday, July 7, 2016

"The GREATEST-trick the DEVIL ever 'played' ... was CONVINCING the world he didN'T exist. (THURSDAY)

... (--Verbal Kint, 'The Usual Suspects')
... ... Ergo, the federal government WAS TRYIN'-to make ME SEEM-to BE 'Hades'/'Mephistopheles'/Satan, ... when it--ILLEGALLY-- "STOLE" ... ALL my--SUPPOSEDLY Constitutionally-"INalienable" rights!
(... SHOULD I become ... a "COMMIE"?!)

-- IF I were to ... WALK ... or TALK ... or TASTE ... TOMORROW, ... then it'd ONLY-be 
a "2,924-day 'JOURNEY'".
(... AND counting)

... "It MIGHT take a YEAR, ... or MAYBE just a DAY.
... But, IF it's truly 'MEANT-to BE', ... it'll 'FIND a WAY'."
(--'Timeless Reminders')

-- (AUDIBLE-sigh) BACK-to my ACTUAL-day:

-- (WARNING) So, I awoke TOO-EARLY (~4:45 am ... EST), 'cuz I THOUGHT I HAD-to "EVACUATE my BOWELS".  ... But, it turns-out, ... 'twas JUST a "URINARY-deposit".
''C'est la vie.''
So, I "TRUDGED-back to bed ... SOLEMNLY & TIRED.

... HOWEVER, I guess my "AMBULATING" "'TRIGGERED' my 'GASTRIC-activity'"--AS I PREDICTED.  ... So, ~15 minutes later, I SUCCESSFULLY-"UNLOADED some 'FECAL-baggage'" that was "weighing me DOWN".

... As my "EXCRETORY-outPUt" was mostly LIQUID-esque, ... AND my NASAL-senses LACKED any SIGNIFICANT "hair-follicle TINGLING", MY-"theory" was FURTHER-SUPPORTED:

"The more 'SOLID-based' the EXCRETION, the more POTENT & NASALLY-offensive/-detectable it IS."

(... In OTHER-words, "'Nasal-DETECTION' is DIRECTLY-coordinated to 'fecal-SOLIDARITY'.")

-- "SIMPLICITY" is, ... ultimately, ... a matter of "FOCUS".
... WHENEVER I'm REALLY-concentrating/-focused, I ... SHUT my eyes ... to ELIMINATE POSSIBLE-distractions.

-- I'm HUMBLE-enough to KNOW that I'm NOT "BETTER-than" ANYBODY ... but WISE-enough to KNOW that I'm just-DIFFERENT-from ALL the-REST.


... BUT, I'm enough-of a REALIST ... to RECOGNIZE that this "Traumatic Brain-Injury" has DRASTICALLY-/SIGNIFICANTLY-limited my "Intellectual-BRILLIANCE" ... yet DRAMATICALLY-MAGNIFIED my EMPATHY for the LES-fortunate/UNDER-appreciated.
(... "There are TWO-sides to EVERY coin.")

-- After watching yet-ANOTHER GREAT KIDS' Karate-class, ... 'tis IMPORTANT/ESSENTIAL to-NOTE:

Y'all never-KNOW how STRONG you ARE, ... until being-STRONG is the ONLY-CHOICE you HAVE.

... ALAS!  (AUDIBLE-sigh) ... My SATURDAY-Caregiver FORGOT-to "CHARGE" my DynaVox.  So, it "konked-OUT" during class.  ... DAMNIT!

... Sooo, the combination of the ''Karateka''s JUST-"sparring to PREPARE-for an UPCOMING-tournament ... & my NOT-"being able-to comment ... to the CLASS" FORCED-me to depart-EARLY.  
(... AUDIBLE-sigh)

... During my drive HOME, I was DELIGHTED ... to actually-SMELL the EXHAUST from the "freight-/carrier-truck" ... ~150 feet in-FRONT of me!

-- (WARNING) JEEZ!  FOUR "FABULOUS FECAL-FESTIVITIES" in ~31 hours?!  'Ya think there's SUMTHIN' in the WATER?!  
(... Oh, WAIT!  ... I caN'T DRINK/IMBIBE.)


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