Saturday, July 16, 2016

Make the BEST of what you've GOT!

I awoke this morning with a "RAGING-PAIN" (NOT MERELY a "DISCOMFORT") in my BACK, when I TRIED-to ROTATE my "TRUNK".  
... When my Nurse asked me if I wanted any "PAIN-meds", I PONDERED for a minute ... then REFUSED.  
(... "I'll TRY-to WAIT-it-OUT & TRY various POSITIONING-changes to HOPEFULLY-'EASE the pain'", I thought.)

... SURE-enough, ~15 minutes later, I got-UP to "WALK" to brush my teeth.  ... Not-ONLY did my back NOT-hurt, but my posture was EXEMPLARY, as I "TRUDGED".

-- 'Twas a BUSY-day of "Martial Arts"!
(... YAY!)
... OTHER-than THAT, 'twas MAINLY:

-- "It's ALL-about STAYIN' in a POSITIVE-/OPTIMISTIC-/ HOPE-FULL frame-of-mind:
"I CHOOSE-to make the
REST-of my life ... the
BEST-of my life."
(--Louise Hay)


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