Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Gotta ADAPT-to Life's INFINITE-"hurdles"

I HAD a GOOD blog-post DETAILING my TERRIBLE-day yesterday ... & the "BEE-YOTCH" who caused it.  
... But, after consulting-WITH my ... CONSCIENCE ... & my mom, I decided-AGAINST recording it.
... PLUS, said-person is likely-to READ my-WORK & to FURTHER-"warp" MY-words into some-sort of "BULL-SHIT" about HER.
(... Yeah, the "ACCUSED" is THAT "FU__ed-up".)
... So, 'tis ANOTHER-day.

... UNFORTUNATELY, I spent MUCH of my DAY--NOT EVENING &/or NIGHT--RE-dwelling on THAT-horror.

-- In lieu of 'NeuroFit-360''s owner's ASKING-if I WANTED-to come for workouts more-FREQUENTLY, I'm thinkin' of WAITING-to see just-HOW my week "plays-OUT" ... THEN-deciding.
(... But, I'm "LEANING-toward" ... NO, I'm FINE ... AS-is.)


-- TRYING-to RELAX, I MOSTLY ... watched "television"*, monitored SPORTS, exercised & slept-EARLY.

* = As FURTHER-practice, I ALWAYS-say "television" ... RATHER-than "TV".  


Monday, August 29, 2016


So, I woke-UP a-TAD EARLY, ... 'cuz "NATURE called ... my BLADDER".  ... After I "sauntered-BACK to bed, I watched a few COMICAL-clips from the HILARIOUS-CLASSIC--'Blazing Saddles'!  
A "nig--- 'WORK-song"
(--'Blazing Saddles')
"caught my EAR".  So, I REVISED it:

'He Tries-for Moves From His Legs'

"His 'INJURY-story' will make you 'shed a TEAR'.
... If you are TOO-masculine, then you'll ask-for a BEER
It's a miracle he survived the SCARE!
When he's teaching Martial ARTS,
'Handing-DOWN' his GREAT 'fighting-SMARTS',
He's MOTIVATED-to DITCH his wheel-CHAIR!

He NEEDS some 'twitching'  LEG-NERVES.
When his legs say 'NO', that hurts his E-GO.
SEEMINGLY-muted, he still-BEGS,
... Still, he TRIES-for MOVES from his LEGS!

He COULD just-RELAX & not-TRY!
He's SURE that if he takes small-ER STEPS,
... Still, he TRIES-for MOVES from his LEGS!

He feels his 'heart JUMP', ... e'ry time he does-STAND!
WALKIN' really-makes him feel GRAND!
... SOMETIMES it's ROUGH, ... like 'paper with SAND'.
Maybe he will MARKET his name-BRAND.

... I mean, he KNOWS he's got LOTSA STRENGTH!
Instead-of sleepin', he just-BEGS!
... TRY ... as he MAY!  ... YES, the FINGERS are TWITCHIN'!  He TRIES-for MOVES from his LEGS!"

"I Get A Kick Out Of You"
by Frank Sinatra

"My story is much too sad to be told,
But practically everything leaves me totally cold.
The exception I know is the case
When I'm out on a quiet spree,
Fighting vainly the old ennui,
And I suddenly turn and see your fabulous face.

I get no kick from champagne.
Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all.
So tell me why should it be true
That I get a kick out of you?

Some, they may go for cocaine.
I'm sure that if I took even one sniff
It would bore me terrifically, too.
Yet I get a kick out of you.

I get a kick every time I see
You standing there before me.
I get a kick though it's clear to see
You obviously do not adore me.

I get no kick in a plane.
Flying too high with some gal in the sky
Is my idea of nothing to do.
Yet I get a kick - um you give me a boot - I get a kick out of you."


"It's JUST-another MANIC-MONDAY!"

UUUGGGHHH!  DoN'T these maids UNDERSTAND the conceptS of "RESPECT" & "COURTESY"?!

... They CLAIM-to ''No entienden el inglés.'' 
Sooo, I'll TRY: 
'Mostrar cortesía. Tener un poco de respeto.'
'Show courtesy.  Have some respect.')

-- GREAT SPEECH-Therapy session ... of EATING, ... WHILE playing Scrabble.
... UN-fortunately, my G.I.-doctor limited my food-INTAKE to just-ONE egg per meal ... as a PRECAUTION.
(... Aaahhh, ''c'est la vi.'')

-- FANTASTIC-workout!
... I "walked" A LOT ... with LITTLE- to NO-assistance!
... I REPEATEDLY stepped-ONTO & OFF a RAISED-stoop ... WITH-leaning & weight-SHIFTS!
... Upon the owner's ASKING .. & my ENCOURAGING-pruduction, ... I am REALLY-considering switching-BACK to "workouts on Monday, Friday ... AND Wednesday.
(... HHHMMM)
(... I have 'til FRIDAY to decide.)


Sunday, August 28, 2016


(... 'Tis KINDA "the CALM before the STORM" ... of a NEW-week.  ... Though--TECHNICALLY--each week BEGINS on a SUNDAY.)

... So, I MOSTLY-just WROTE my autobiography & articles for 'The Current', WATCHED some movies & sports and EXERCISED.

-- Upon actually-watching ALL of 'The Count of Monte Cristo'--for the FIRST-time--yesterday, I CONTINUE-to MARVEL-about how-MUCH MY LIFE-tales bare STRIKING-similarities to THOSE of Sir Edmund Dantes:
UN-lawful/WRONG-full "IMPRISONMENT"--JUST-as he [I] was to get-ENGAGED to his [MY] LOVE, RESULTING-"abundance of WEALTH", VAST-accumulation of assorted-KNOWLEDGE ... of PHYSICS, MATH, HISTORY, LITERATURE & LANGUAGE(S).

-- I watched ALL-of 'Along Came a Spider'.  ... WOWZA!  GREAT-film!
(... Actress Monica Potter REALLY-reminds me--APPEARANCE-wise--of my EX-.)


Saturday, August 27, 2016


So, I watched '21' at ~6:00 am ... & learned/CONFIRMED some ASTOUNDING/GRATIFYING "NUMERICAL-theories" of MINE.

... "Counting-cards" shouldN'T be ILLEGAL!
(... 'Tis JUST the APPLICATION of PROBABILITY-Theories to a GAME.) 

... You know what's WORSE-than being a LOSER?
... NOT-admitting that you played-something WRONG.

-- Speaking of "ADMITTING one's FAULTS/MISTAKES, I woke-up somewhat-EARLY ... & STARTED-to WRITE an article about 
"ADMITTING one's ERRORS", ... WHILE I watched '21'!
(... TEXTBOOK "MULTI-tasking")

-- After watching 'The Count of Monte Cristo', I have the UTMOST-respect & -admiration for "Edmund Dantes'.

... I am CONSIDERING ... BUYING 'F.I.N.R.'  
... A la "the Count",At FIRST, I WAS thinkin' of "BURNING it to the ground".  But, NOW, I'd SEEK-to IMPROVE it ... to BETTER FUTURE-generations ... of FELLOW-"mental-ODDITIES".


Friday, August 26, 2016

"T.G.I.F."! ... (SORTA)


-- I MOSTLY-relaxed TODAY.
... A high school BUDDY & I TRIED--UN-successfully to hang-OUT.  So, we REscheduled for TOMORROW.

-- A rather UN-pleasant IN-formally "DISMISSED-me" from WRITING-for the School-newsletter.
(  : (  )

... But, as she had ZERO-support, ... I'm pretty-SURE she caN'T do THAT!
... So, ... ''C'est la vie.''


Thursday, August 25, 2016


I HAD ONLY-"Karate" SCHEDULED today.
... (WARNING) But, THAT did-NOT INCLUDE ... 
my SECOND "Bowel-Bonanza" in ... ~30 hours, 
my writing some articles for 'The Current' (my SCHOOL-newsletter) & 
my reviewing my Editor's notes for MY autobiography.
(... LOTSA-writing!)


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I have SO-MUCH to DO ... in NOT-ENOUGH TIME!


... PRE-breakup & even PRE-accident, I USED-to ENJOY ALOTTA "RELAX-time".
... NOW, too-MANY "LESS-than BRIGHT"-thoughts CAN/MAY "JUMP-into" "the ol' TICKER".  Thus, I've GOTTA-keep my brain ... "OCCUPIED".

... 'Por ejemplo', TODAY I did ALOTTA-"writing" ... for my AUTOBIOGRAPHY ... & for my School-newsletter--' .......................

... ALSO, I had yet-ANOTHER GREAT "UPPER body"-workout!

... GREAT, "just-about FLAWLESS", QUICK eating ... of ONE egg in SPEECH-Therapy!

... (WARNING)  
DAMN these "TB.I."-centered/-caused MEDS!  
They WOKE me ... TWO-SEPARATE times BEFORE my FIRST-"breakfast" (~4:15 am & ~7:15 am) ... to "go #2".  
... THANKFULLY, my "bodily-ALARMS" "DISTURBED my SLUMBER" with ENOUGH-time to "climb-ATOP" my "porcelain-THRONE" & "make my 'EXCRETORY-deposit'".  

-- MUCH writing today!



Monday, August 22, 2016

'Cogito ergo sum.'

... (--Latin for 'I THINK, therefore I AM', Rene Descartes)

-- REFLECTING-upon a PHENOMENAL "Fallen Warriors" "Martial Arts"-Seminar over the weekend ... in which ... my "Professor" earned a SURP
RISE-promotion to 9th dan (out of TEN, ... so the second-highest rank POSSIBLE), a fellow-INSTRUCTOR shared THIS-anecdote:

Once, an arrogant warrior approached a wise Samurai.
Arrogant Warrior : You are an old fool !!
Arrogant Warrior : You are old, you have no strength left !

Arrogant Warrior : I'll strike you down in one blow !

But the old teacher ignored the warrior and continued with his lesson. Soon after the arrogant warrior walked away. One of the wise Samurai's student questioned his teacher :

Student : "Master, why did you tolerate his insults? You could have defeated that arrogant fool easily. You should have challenged him to a fight!"
Wise Samurai : "If someone brings you a gift, and you refuse to take it... to whom does the present belongs?"
Student : "To the person who wants to give it".
Wise Samurai : "Its the same with envy and insults. IF YOU REFUSE TO ACCEPT THEM, THEY BELONG TO THE PERSON WHO OFFERED THEM TO YOU."

-- GREAT SPEECH-Therapy .... with some FLAWLESS-EATING ... of ONE-egg, some COGENT-SPEAKING & a NARROW-"victory" in 'Scrabble' (94-91).



"A 'TRA-jeh-DEE' fell 'UH-pon' ME.
Tire BLEW-up, ... HURT my BRAIN.
... Now, I must 'RE-ha-BIH-lih-TAYT'.
I MUST-prove ... I am SANE."

Known-Spontaneity"I AM quite 'LOHN-lee.  I need GUESTS.
I've GOT-to PLAN 'fun-DAY'.
I FEEL 'out-OF the LOOP', ... e'er SINCE
... I 'LOST' my 'FEE-ahn-SAY'.

New "AngleS"
"My 'WHEELchair-VIEW' is 'DIFF-eh-RENT'.
'Tis NEW to 'LOOK' so-LOW.
STILL, I 'rih-MAYN' 'op-TIH-mihs-TIK.
Life WILL im-PROVE, ... I KNOW."

 (Ballads were originally written to accompany dances, and so were composed in couplets with refrains in alternate lines. These refrains would have been sung by the dancers in time with the dance.[7] Most northern and west European ballads are written in ballad stanzas or quatrains (four-line stanzas) of alternating lines of iambic (an unstressed followed by a stressed syllable) tetrameter (eight syllables) and iambic trimeter (six syllables), known as ballad meter. Usually, only the second and fourth line of a quatrain are rhymed (in the scheme a, b, c, b), which has been taken to suggest that, originally, ballads consisted of couplets (two lines) of rhymed verse, each of 14 syllables.

-- So, I attended the FIRST-meeting of WRITERS for MY "SCHOOL-newsletter"--'The Current'.  ... It went VERY-WELL!

... I THINK it's "BIWEEKLY", ... which is--in ITSELF--an AMBIGUOUS-term.

... In lieu of yet-ANOTHER "obligation" of mine--& the "TIME-commitment" it IS, I'll likely be-writing HERE LESS.

... (I SHRUG.) ''C'est la vie.''

... Between BLOGGING, writing my AUTOBIOGRAPHY & writing-for my school-NEWSLETTER, ... CAN I NOW-"JUGGLE"?!


Sunday, August 21, 2016


"Un-break My Heart"

"Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The nights are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart

Take back that sad word good-bye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry this tears
I cried so many, many nights
Un-break my

Un-break my heart oh baby
Come back and say you love me
Un-break my heart
Sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on
Can't go on...."
'UN-"KILL" My Nerves'

'UN-"KILL" My Nerves'

"ALL-this emotional-'PAIN'
'TESTS' whether I can STAY-SANE.
'Grow-BACK' ... to help me RE-'WALK'.
Help me 'toss' this CHAIR 'AWAY'.
LEGS, please hold me UPRIGHT right-NOW.
Bring-BACK ... that-STRENGTH that helped me ... 'ROCK the KASBAH'!

SHOW you'll 'HOLD-me' 'AH-GHEH-HEN'!
UN-do this SHAME that you CAUSED,
When ALL-you-do is IG-NORE!
Raise-UP my E-GO!
... My NERVES!

RE-store 'HER-kyihl-EE-uhn'-STRENGTH!
... I've had 'NOTHING' for a LONG TIME-LENGTH!
... I really-MISS kickin' BUTT!      
My MIND for-GETS when you 'shut-DOWN'.
... But, LIMBS forgot-NOT!
MY-Life kinda-SUCKS with-OUT LEGS under-NEATH ME!

SHOW you'll 'HOLD-me' 'AH-GHEH-HEN'!
UN-do this SHAME that you CAUSED,
When ALL-you-do is IG-NORE!
Raise-UP my E-GO!
... My NERVES!

DoN'T 'LEAVE me' NO-where to GO!
... I MISS my days of JUMPIN'-in my POOL.

SHOW you'll 'HOLD-me' 'AH-GHEH-HEN'!
UN-do this SHAME that you CAUSED,
When ALL-you-do is IG-NORE,
Raise-UP my E-GO!
... My ... 

RE-vive my nerves!  MY, oh, MIND!
Come-BACK, & SHOW me your STRENGTH!
UN-'kill' my ... NERVES!
With-OUT y'ALL I just sit-ALONE!

... SIT-ALONE ... !"
-- I spent MUCH of my DAY & EVENING, RE-writing my autobiography.


Saturday, August 20, 2016

(DAMNIT) Aaahhh, ''c'est la vie.''

-- So-much for my-"WORK" ... in WRITING
Some-HOW, ... I "LOST" ~"a THIRD" (~six out of 18 pages) of my "autobiography".  
... I've BEEN-"SAVING" it, so ... "W.T.F."?!


-- "Martial Arts"-class had a SEMINAR today.  
... The system's "Head-HONCHO" visited (''O'Sensei'' Roensch) & SURPRISINGLY-PROMOTED "Professor" to 9th-dan.(... WOWZA!)

... Upon my LEAVING-class EARLY in the afternoon, "Professor" QUIETLY-thanked me for HELPING him "INDIRECTLY"-attain his NEW-rank.

-- So, I started-watching 'Wolf of Wall Street'--for the FIRST-time EVER.  (... GOOD-film!)
It INSPIRED me to check MY (HYPOTHETICAL) "Stock-Portfolio".

... As-of 8/2/16, I had 'FAUX'-GAINED--'cuz I just-told my 'Accounting-team' that I JUST-wanted something to-DO/-CHECK--"$13,154.90" on 11 stocks.
(... Technically, THAT's ~$1,195.90 PER stock.)


Friday, August 19, 2016

REFLECT-on the (MANY) "GOOD"s, ... RATHER-than the (FEW) "BAD"s.

-- So, FIRST-thing this morning, I did ALOTTA (EXTRA/"MORE-than-USUAL") "REVERSE-crunches".  ... At-FIRST, 'cuz I wasN'T "FEELIN' the 'BURN'" ... after ONLY ~50 reps, I THOUGHT I was doin' 'em WRONG.  ... So, I SLOOOWED 'em down.  ... At the slowER-speed, I actually BEGAN-to SEMI-sweat. 

... I read that my high school FOOTBALL team [St. Thomas Aquinas] NOT-only "SHELLACKED" RIVAL-Dillard, '51 - 0', last night--in the PREseason, but we/they are the #1-ranked high school team ... in the COUNTRY!

... A couple of GREAT 'S.N.L.'-reruns this LATE-morning!

-- I had an even-BETTER than usual WORKOUT at 'NeuroFit 360' today!  I NEWLY worked-on my SIDE-stepping that I had-NOT been ABLE-to DO .... for YEARS (~8.09)!
... Also, I ASKED-for & RECEIVED some EXCEPTIONAL ANKLE-stretching on/for my LEFT-ankle!

... The "STRETCHING" is OBVIOUSLY- ... HELPING!  ... I went-home, & on my-OWN time, did some LESS-INTENSE/-"HARDCORE" ankle-stretching.  
... I've NOW IN-creased my LEFT EXTERNAL-/OUTWARD-ankle-ROTATION to ~215 degrees.  

-- My brother's EX stopped-IN.  
... She's cool. 


Thursday, August 18, 2016

When in-DOUBT, ... ADAPT.

I HAD-to CANCEL TODAY's VIEWING-trip to "Martial Arts"-class (from ~4:30 pm to ~7:00 pm) in lieu of two friends'--from high school--visiting. 

... I'm BUMMED, 'cuz "directing the KIDS' self-defense" is ONE-of my FAVORITE-activities to DO ... in-PUBLIC. 

... But, I'm EXCITED, 'cuz I haven't SEEN them in ... ~13 YEARS!  

... Surprise, SURPRISE!  They have two kids ... TOGETHER!

... GREAT-visit!

-- (WARNING) My day BEGAN-WELL ... with a "LARGE, semi-SOLID FECAL-deposit INTO "my porcelain-THRONE".  Then, I continued "MY 'Weekday-MORNING" routine ... of SEVERAL abdominal-exercises, 'NUMB3RS'-episodes, 'S.N.L.'-reruns & BOOK-writing.

--  I watched some Olympics with my brother.  
We watched a girl we went to high school with ... "DOMINATE" in INDOOR-volleyball.
... He JOKED that ONE muscular-girl was takin' "'ROIDS!"
THEN, the camera scrolled-UP to her face, & I IMMEDIATELY yelled, "NOSE-'roids!"
... UN-fortunately, she HURT her KNEE.  ... With-OUT her, the team LOST the semifinal to Serbia.
(  : (  )
...PLUS, we RE-watched 'Happy Gilmore'.
(... NOICE!)
(... At 53 kg--116.6 lbs, Helen Maroulis of the USA scored a MONUMENTAL-"UPSET" by BEATING Saori Yoshida of Japan!)
(... 'Twas Yoshida's FIRST-loss in NINE-years ... & SECOND-loss in 14.  ... WHOA!)
(Maroulis became the FIRST American-WOMAN to EVER-win WRESTLING-gold!

-- Afterwards, I JUST-kinda "shot the (proverbial) 'SHIT'" ... in-BED.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

"W.O.W."! = "'Wild-On' Wednesday"!

-- HHHMMM.  "Wild-On" just SEEMS-to imply 
"RAUNCHY, UN-disciplined (LACK-of) behavior" ...
which is most-CERTAINLY NOT MY-case.
(... UN-fortunately!)

... How 'bout "Weird Or Worse"?!
OR, "Wobbly 'Obtuse-Walking'"?!
OR, "Wacky 'Opposites of Wallowing'"?!

-- After reading an article my "UPPER body"-trainer emailed me, I had MANY QUIZZICAL-issues with it:


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

WHERE's the frickin' 'OFF'-button?!

-- A "urinary-URGE" AWOKE me at ~4 am.
(  : (  )
... So, I "WALKED" to "'mi JUAN'" to "RELIEVE the TENSION".
(  : )  )
... I could-NOT "fall BACK-aslep".
(  : (  )
... So, I "wrote" MORE ... autobiographical-INFO.
(  : )  )

-- "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to END-up ALONE.  ... It's not. 
... The WORST thing in life is to END-up with people who make you FEEL-ALONE."
(--Robin Williams)

... In lieu of Mr. Williams's POIGNANT-observation, I decided-to take a "TRIAL-/"TEST-run" of the DRIVE for my "WRITERS' Meetings" at SCHOOL ... starting NEXT-Tuesday.

-- I had a PRODUCTIVE--yet, DISAPPOINTING--interview with a 'DynaVox'-representative.
(  : )  )    ...      (  : (  )

... It turns-OUT that the PREVIOUS-rep LIED-to me ... about FREE info-transfers.  ... It turns-OUT ... that SUCH an automatic/computerized "file-TRANSFER" is NOT-even POSSIBLE!

... So, I've GOTT-type 'em ... on FRIDAY!


Sunday, August 14, 2016

"FUN-day MUN-day"!


-- Weird Al ALREADY-parodied 'Star Wars' ... to the tune of 'American Pie':

"The Saga Begins"
"A long, long time ago
In a galaxy far away
Naboo was under an attack
And I thought me and Qui-Gon Jinn
Could talk the federation into
Maybe cutting them a little slack
But their response, it didn't thrill us
They locked the doors and tried to kill us
We escaped from that gas
Then met Jar Jar and Boss Nass
We took a bongo from the scene
And we went to Theed to see the Queen
We all wound up on Tatooine
That's where we found this boy...

Oh my my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

Did you know this junkyard slave
Isn't even old enough to shave
But he can use the Force, they say
Ah, do you see him hitting on the queen
Though he's just nine and she's fourteen
Yeah, he's probably gonna marry her someday
Well, I know he built C-3PO
And I've heard how fast his pod can go
And we were broke, it's true
So we made a wager or two
He was a prepubescent flyin' ace
And the minute Jabba started off that race
Well, I knew who would win first place
Oh yes, it was our boy

We started singin' ...
My my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

Now we finally got to Coruscant
The Jedi Council we knew would want
To see how good the boy could be
So we took him there and we told the tale
How his midi-chlorians were off the scale
And he might fulfill that prophecy
Oh, the Council was impressed, of course
Could he bring balance to the Force?
They interviewed the kid
Oh, training they forbid
Because Yoda sensed in him much fear
And Qui-Gon said "Now listen here"
"Just stick it in your pointy ear"
"I still will teach this boy"

He was singin' ...
My my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

We caught a ride back to Naboo
'Cause Queen Amidala wanted to
I frankly would've liked to stay
We all fought in that epic war
And it wasn't long at all before
Little Hotshot flew his plane and saved the day
And in the end some Gunguns died
Some ships blew up and some pilots fried
A lot of folks were croakin'
The battle droids were broken
And the Jedi I admire most
Met up with Darth Maul and now he's toast
Well, I'm still here and he's a ghost
I guess I'll train this boy

And I was singin' ...
My my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

We were singin' ...
My my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
I followed-suit.

'My Rehab-BattleS'

"About EIGHT years 'ah-GO', 
I was driving inter-STATE.
My expired-tire?  ... It ex-PLODED.
But, I was thinkin' I was 'HOT SHIT',
After I just 'gave ALL their egos a HIT'. 
'COLLEGE-Boy'* JUST 'took them ALL to SCHOO'!
But, my drive HOME, it wasN'T that 'COO'.
I panicked & swerved, as my tire BLEW.    
OVER seat belt, I was THROWN.   
You MIGHT-say I'd 'reaped what I'd SEWN'.
I gained ONE-thing FROM that CRASH.
... I NOW-have seven 'butt-loads' of CASH.
'THANK-full-lee', there wasN'T a SMAAASH.
... Sooo, ... I've still-got ... my MIND.


Holy-COW, that really-WAS a big-OOOWWW!
Maybe girl I MISS will 'take my KISS'.  ... NNNOOO!  She just 'gave me a DISS'.
Ever since she left my HOME, her laugh has been MISSED.
I mumble, 'I yearn-FOR that romantic-BLISS.'
'I yearn-FOR that romantic-BLISS.'


Have you heard my 'Karate-TALK',
About my DETERMINED-zest to WALK?!
... I've got ALOTTA 'drive', you'll SEE.
Yes, did you read MY 'WALKING' at the GYM?!
... The owner SAW.  I sure-SURPRISED HIM!
Yeah, I'm HOPEFULLY-gonna win a race SOMEDAAAY!
Y'all should GUESS my life is QUITE a MESS.
But, I ONLY do-super & won't settle for LESS.
... JUSTICE 'saw' HOPE, it's TRUE.
So, I made a million or TWO.
I'm a wheelchair-BOUND, quiet business-MAN,
... Who IS a SUCCESS despite my brain's LEG-BAN.
With-OUT my LEGS, I really-USE my RIGHT-HAND
... But, ... I've STILL-got ... my MIND.


I'll just start WALKIN'.  
... Oh, MY, ... GUYS!  Just watch me RISE!
There'll be SUCCESS that's time-LESS.  Now there are JUST lotsa SIGHS.
I'll leave my chair, after I rub & kiss BOTH my THIGHS.

Exclaimin', ''I'm gonna-SCREAM joyous-CRIES!''
''I'm gonna-SCREAM joyous-CRIES!'' 


Soooon, I'll get-to 'STRUT my STUFF'.
The REHAB-process sure-WAS quite-ROUGH.
... But, I've SHOWN I can 'take some PAIN'.
... So, I 'searched my GUT' to try-to REPEAT the FEAT.
I'm gettin' TIRED-of bein' ON my SEAT
 ... But, I WILL-show  LOTSA-GAIN!
... Well, my BRAIN knows-of my 'PUSH', for-SURE!
HOW can I PROVE my nerves aren't 'PURE'?!
EVERYONE doubts my PAIN.
... CONTRARY to THEM, I AM quite-SANE.
I design great techniques for my Karate-PEERS
... They listen-INTENTLY with their 'OPEN-EARS'.
I've still-GOT ... my GREAT-MIND.


I'll start WALKIN'.  
... Oh, MY, ... GUYS!  Just watch me RISE!
There'll be SUCCESS that's time-LESS.  Now there are JUST lotsa SIGHS.
I'll leave my chair, after I rub & kiss BOTH my THIGHS.
Exclaimin', ''I'm gonna-SCREAM joyous-CRIES!''
''I'm gonna-SCREAM joyous-CRIES!''


I'll RID-myself OF my CHAIR,
... 'Cuz I'm TIRED-of SITTIN' THERE.
... Frankly, I doN'T WANNA-STAY!
My LEG-nerves WILL RE-generate to support-MEEEEE!
... With my IN-creased MOVES, I'll 'look PAST TODAY'!
'Twas as-if my LEGS said, 'Look at me, HEY!'
Too-MANY folks were ... DOUBTIN'!
... There's REALLY ''no-use POUTIN''!
And, the 'BRAIN-powers' I use-MOST
... Are 'SOCIABILITY' & 'being a GOOD-HOST'.
Thank goodness FOR my MIND!


Sooo, I'll start WALKIN'.  
... Oh, MY, ... GUYS!  Just watch me RISE!
There'll be SUCCESS that's time-LESS.  Now there are JUST lotsa SIGHS.
I'll leave my chair, after I rub & kiss BOTH my THIGHS.
Exclaimin', ''I'm gonna-SCREAM joyous-CRIES!''
''I'm gonna-SCREAM joyous-CRIES!'' 


I'll be-WALKIN'.  
... Oh, MY, ... GUYS!  Just watch me RISE!
There'll be SUCCESS that's time-LESS.  Now there are JUST lotsa SIGHS.
I'll leave my chair, after I rub & kiss BOTH my THIGHS.
Exclaimin', ''I'm gonna-SCREAM joyous-CRIES!''"

* = 'Twas a PLAYFUL-nickname--given to ME--by the oldER "Martial Arts"-instructors at my dojo


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