Friday, August 19, 2016

REFLECT-on the (MANY) "GOOD"s, ... RATHER-than the (FEW) "BAD"s.

-- So, FIRST-thing this morning, I did ALOTTA (EXTRA/"MORE-than-USUAL") "REVERSE-crunches".  ... At-FIRST, 'cuz I wasN'T "FEELIN' the 'BURN'" ... after ONLY ~50 reps, I THOUGHT I was doin' 'em WRONG.  ... So, I SLOOOWED 'em down.  ... At the slowER-speed, I actually BEGAN-to SEMI-sweat. 

... I read that my high school FOOTBALL team [St. Thomas Aquinas] NOT-only "SHELLACKED" RIVAL-Dillard, '51 - 0', last night--in the PREseason, but we/they are the #1-ranked high school team ... in the COUNTRY!

... A couple of GREAT 'S.N.L.'-reruns this LATE-morning!

-- I had an even-BETTER than usual WORKOUT at 'NeuroFit 360' today!  I NEWLY worked-on my SIDE-stepping that I had-NOT been ABLE-to DO .... for YEARS (~8.09)!
... Also, I ASKED-for & RECEIVED some EXCEPTIONAL ANKLE-stretching on/for my LEFT-ankle!

... The "STRETCHING" is OBVIOUSLY- ... HELPING!  ... I went-home, & on my-OWN time, did some LESS-INTENSE/-"HARDCORE" ankle-stretching.  
... I've NOW IN-creased my LEFT EXTERNAL-/OUTWARD-ankle-ROTATION to ~215 degrees.  

-- My brother's EX stopped-IN.  
... She's cool. 


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