Friday, August 5, 2016


-- If you've NEVER-"LOST your MIND", ...
then you've NEVER "FOLLOWED your HEART".

-- "You know the BEST-way to get-OUT of a 'NEGATIVE-spiral'?  ... 'A-tit for TWO-tats'."
(--Charlie, 'NUMB3RS')

-- I watched 'Dead Poets Society' yet-AGAIN early this morning.
... "The 'POWERFUL-play of LIFE' goes-ON, ... & YOU may contribute a 'VERSE'."................

... "There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution, and a wise man understands which is called for."
(--Professor Keating, 'DPS')

... "No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
(--Professor Keating, 'DPS')

-- Really in lieu of my "FOOT-/ANKLE-Rotating SUCCESS", I was INSPIRED to REWRITE a "CELEBRATORY-song":


'This is MY Life'
(by Edward Maya)

"I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming out loud
I'm searching the missing part of my heart
Uuuuu uuuu uuuu,you catch me every time I fall
When I look into your eyes
I just know you tell me lies
This, this is my life I'm looking for you searching love in your eyes
This, this my life I'm chasing a dream that fade away in the night
Can you get to my soul,
I'll make you lose the control,
I'll be your sun in the night
Just come here inside
I'm playing with you
I'm falling for you
When I look into your eyes
I just know you tell me lies
Ref: This,this is my life I'm looking for you searching love in your eyes
This, this my life I'm chasing a dream that fade away in the night
I can't follow dreams forever
Just to see them fall apart
We can change the world if we are together
'Cause I know I won't let it go
When I look into your eyes
I just know you tell me lies
This, this is my life I'm looking for you searching love in your eyes
This, this my life I'm chasing a dream that fade away in the night
I start to miss your smile,your voice is all I hear
I'm chasing hollow eyes,show me I'm wrong tonight
This,this is my life I'm looking for you searching love in your eyes
This, this my life I'm chasing a dream that fade away in the night"
'I Need MY Legs'
(by A.J. Kaynatma)

"I'm TRYING-to STAND ... 'con-STANT-LEE'!
I'm WAITING-for my LEG-nerves to RE-GROW!

Tiiiiime, tiiiiime, TIIIIIME, ANY-activity is QUITE-DUE!
When I use MO-MEN-TUM,
... Then ADD 'fatigue' as a SUM,
... It'll ALLOW me to STAND, ... & WALK to get some-more RUM.    
I 'rih-FUZE' to LET-myself STUMBLE from the weight ALL-on my LEGSS!
Can I 'suh-PORT' my WEIGHT?!
... OR, will my temper serve as BAIT?!
I'll 'STEADY-up' & 'settle-DOWN'.
... DoN'T feel-bad, IF I FROWN.
... I'm STILL feelin' 'STRAIGHT'.
I just con-cen-TRATE.
... When I STAND with BACK real-STRAIGHT,
... I feel-PROUD, 'cuz I've been QUESTIONING my PROGRESS-RATE!    _____
I shaN'T let my REMARKABLE-dream FADE from several-MISCUES!
... I've gotta-MAKE 'REE-AH-LIH-TEE'
... To DIS-prove ALL you 'HATERZ'!


I've GOTT-watch ... the


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