Saturday, August 27, 2016


So, I watched '21' at ~6:00 am ... & learned/CONFIRMED some ASTOUNDING/GRATIFYING "NUMERICAL-theories" of MINE.

... "Counting-cards" shouldN'T be ILLEGAL!
(... 'Tis JUST the APPLICATION of PROBABILITY-Theories to a GAME.) 

... You know what's WORSE-than being a LOSER?
... NOT-admitting that you played-something WRONG.

-- Speaking of "ADMITTING one's FAULTS/MISTAKES, I woke-up somewhat-EARLY ... & STARTED-to WRITE an article about 
"ADMITTING one's ERRORS", ... WHILE I watched '21'!
(... TEXTBOOK "MULTI-tasking")

-- After watching 'The Count of Monte Cristo', I have the UTMOST-respect & -admiration for "Edmund Dantes'.

... I am CONSIDERING ... BUYING 'F.I.N.R.'  
... A la "the Count",At FIRST, I WAS thinkin' of "BURNING it to the ground".  But, NOW, I'd SEEK-to IMPROVE it ... to BETTER FUTURE-generations ... of FELLOW-"mental-ODDITIES".


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