Friday, August 12, 2016

"Ask, ... & you SHALL-receive."

(SOMETIMES/OFTEN, I doN'T "ASK-for" HELP.  So, PLEASE do-NOT assist me!)
(... HOW can I IMPROVE, if I doN'T get the CHANCE to accomplish stuff ... "on-my-OWN"?!)

-- EVERY-time I go to 'NeuroFit 360', I caN'T HELP-but-ADMIRE a message on a wall:
"Convert 'POTENTIAL' into 'PROGRESS'".

-- So, I RE-watched 'Forrest Gump'. 
(... WOWZA!  That-movie REALLY-reminds me of MY-life!
... The MAIN-character "OVERCAME" the NUMEROUS-"drawbacks" of his poor-/BAD-LEGS.  ... He "FALLS-for" a GORGEOUS-nurse.  ... He earns a GARGANTUAN-wealth  ... He becomes an incidental-INSPIRATION!)
(... OR, am I MORE-like "Lieutenant DAN", ... 'cuz he's business-SMART, kinda-BOSSY & LOYAL.)


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