Thursday, August 18, 2016

When in-DOUBT, ... ADAPT.

I HAD-to CANCEL TODAY's VIEWING-trip to "Martial Arts"-class (from ~4:30 pm to ~7:00 pm) in lieu of two friends'--from high school--visiting. 

... I'm BUMMED, 'cuz "directing the KIDS' self-defense" is ONE-of my FAVORITE-activities to DO ... in-PUBLIC. 

... But, I'm EXCITED, 'cuz I haven't SEEN them in ... ~13 YEARS!  

... Surprise, SURPRISE!  They have two kids ... TOGETHER!

... GREAT-visit!

-- (WARNING) My day BEGAN-WELL ... with a "LARGE, semi-SOLID FECAL-deposit INTO "my porcelain-THRONE".  Then, I continued "MY 'Weekday-MORNING" routine ... of SEVERAL abdominal-exercises, 'NUMB3RS'-episodes, 'S.N.L.'-reruns & BOOK-writing.

--  I watched some Olympics with my brother.  
We watched a girl we went to high school with ... "DOMINATE" in INDOOR-volleyball.
... He JOKED that ONE muscular-girl was takin' "'ROIDS!"
THEN, the camera scrolled-UP to her face, & I IMMEDIATELY yelled, "NOSE-'roids!"
... UN-fortunately, she HURT her KNEE.  ... With-OUT her, the team LOST the semifinal to Serbia.
(  : (  )
...PLUS, we RE-watched 'Happy Gilmore'.
(... NOICE!)
(... At 53 kg--116.6 lbs, Helen Maroulis of the USA scored a MONUMENTAL-"UPSET" by BEATING Saori Yoshida of Japan!)
(... 'Twas Yoshida's FIRST-loss in NINE-years ... & SECOND-loss in 14.  ... WHOA!)
(Maroulis became the FIRST American-WOMAN to EVER-win WRESTLING-gold!

-- Afterwards, I JUST-kinda "shot the (proverbial) 'SHIT'" ... in-BED.


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