Monday, August 29, 2016


So, I woke-UP a-TAD EARLY, ... 'cuz "NATURE called ... my BLADDER".  ... After I "sauntered-BACK to bed, I watched a few COMICAL-clips from the HILARIOUS-CLASSIC--'Blazing Saddles'!  
A "nig--- 'WORK-song"
(--'Blazing Saddles')
"caught my EAR".  So, I REVISED it:

'He Tries-for Moves From His Legs'

"His 'INJURY-story' will make you 'shed a TEAR'.
... If you are TOO-masculine, then you'll ask-for a BEER
It's a miracle he survived the SCARE!
When he's teaching Martial ARTS,
'Handing-DOWN' his GREAT 'fighting-SMARTS',
He's MOTIVATED-to DITCH his wheel-CHAIR!

He NEEDS some 'twitching'  LEG-NERVES.
When his legs say 'NO', that hurts his E-GO.
SEEMINGLY-muted, he still-BEGS,
... Still, he TRIES-for MOVES from his LEGS!

He COULD just-RELAX & not-TRY!
He's SURE that if he takes small-ER STEPS,
... Still, he TRIES-for MOVES from his LEGS!

He feels his 'heart JUMP', ... e'ry time he does-STAND!
WALKIN' really-makes him feel GRAND!
... SOMETIMES it's ROUGH, ... like 'paper with SAND'.
Maybe he will MARKET his name-BRAND.

... I mean, he KNOWS he's got LOTSA STRENGTH!
Instead-of sleepin', he just-BEGS!
... TRY ... as he MAY!  ... YES, the FINGERS are TWITCHIN'!  He TRIES-for MOVES from his LEGS!"

"I Get A Kick Out Of You"
by Frank Sinatra

"My story is much too sad to be told,
But practically everything leaves me totally cold.
The exception I know is the case
When I'm out on a quiet spree,
Fighting vainly the old ennui,
And I suddenly turn and see your fabulous face.

I get no kick from champagne.
Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all.
So tell me why should it be true
That I get a kick out of you?

Some, they may go for cocaine.
I'm sure that if I took even one sniff
It would bore me terrifically, too.
Yet I get a kick out of you.

I get a kick every time I see
You standing there before me.
I get a kick though it's clear to see
You obviously do not adore me.

I get no kick in a plane.
Flying too high with some gal in the sky
Is my idea of nothing to do.
Yet I get a kick - um you give me a boot - I get a kick out of you."


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