Wednesday, August 10, 2016


... --my "UPPER body"-trainer

-- I awoke EARLY this morning ... with this STRONG "Alarm-Clock" ... in my BLADDER.

by A.J. Kaynatma

(To be recited in the tune of ... Dr. Seuss's 'Green Eggs & Ham':)

 "In lieu OF ... my early-RISEI marveled-AT ... my painless-THIGHS.
When 'deep-in-THOUGHT', ... I shut my EYES,
To better-'SEE' ... my eventual-PRIZE.
While doing THIS, ... many-folks think I'm in-PAIN.
Contrary to popular-BELIEF, ... I AM quite-SANE.
Nooo, I'm NOT-pregnant.  ... I just-have an 'internal-ahLARM'
 ... that's lately-been bringing more HELP than HARM.
Emotions are GONE, ... 'cuz of my 'alarm-CLOCK'.
Y'all caN'T 'see' my 'Highs' & 'LOWS'.  ... So, I seem 'steady as a ROCK'.
Alas, I'm not-always grinnin'.  ... I frequently just-SIGH.
I'm constantly-FRUSTRATED.  ... DAMN this 'T.B.I.'!
Sooo, please doN'T ASSUME.  ... 'How ya feelin'?'  Just ASK.
'Tis an AWFUL-feelin', ... when I caN'T handle a needed-TASK!
Lately, I'm IMPROVIN'.  ... I'm gonna TRY-to put-ON my SOCK.
... IF I'm UN-successful, ... then I'll--AGAIN--hit 'SNOOZE' on my 'alarm-CLOCK'."

-- So, in LIEU of my IN-ability to get-in MY-pool, I decided-to "EXPERIMENT" ... in my BATHTUB ... with MY-BROTHER.
(... Whoa, whoa, ... WHOA!  Eeeasssy, SICKOS!)
My brother helped my Caregiver put me INTO my tub, ... with my clothes-ON, ... so I had water-RESISTANCE, ... as I REPEATEDLY-kicked each LEG under the water.
... THAT was TIRING!

(... At one point, I even SURPRISED my Caregiver with my REMARKABLE LEG-strength & "Take-CHARGE"-Initiative.


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