Tuesday, August 9, 2016


... --'The NeverEnding Story'
(... I RE-watched SAID-film this morning.)

Falcor: "Never give up, & GOOD-luck WILL find you."

(... Since I'm ONLY ~"HALF-superstitious"*, WHAT/WHO will be MY-"Falcor"/"GINORMOUS FLYING-dog"?!)
(... MY--personified--LEGS!)

-- (In lieu of my-SURVIVING my CATASTROPHIC, death-DEFYING car accident) ME: "I will not die easily. I am a warrior!"

(--Atreyu, 'The Never-ending Story')
... From my 24+ YEARS of "Martial Arts"-STUDYING/           
-TRAINING, I've "collected" three shirts mentioning 
BUSHIDO' ... which is Japanese for 'the way of the WARRIOR'.
((... Practically-SYNONYMOUS. 'ZANSHIN' (--'the MARTIAL-way ... a RECURRING-theme in TEACHERS'-/MY-lessons in class

-- My NeuralPsychoTherapist (NPH)--to ME: "[YOUR-

creativity] has NO-boundaries." 


ME: "That's NOT-true! You're LYING!"

MPH: "Foolish boy.  Don't you know ANYTHING about [your-

creativity]?  It's the world of human fantasy.  Every part, every 

creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind. 

Therefore, it has NO-boundaries. 

ME: "But, WHY is [MY-creativity] 'DYING', then?!"

... NPH: "Because people have begun to lose their hopes and 

forget their dreams. So [your-'T.B.I.'] grows stronger."

... ME: "HOW-so?" 

NPH: I"t's the emptiness that's left. It's like a despair, 

DESTROYING [YOUR-mind].  But, I have been TRYING-to

help [you 'BEAT'] it."

-- So, I attended a meeting this AFTERNOON about my FUTURE ACADEMIC-tenure at "Nova BUSINESS-School".
(... The resultS were KINDA-"To Be Determined".)

* = I START/TRY a "LUCKY-tactic" (?!).  But,  ~HALFWAY-through ('Tis ACTUALLY ... 38.461538461538464% --> 5 of 13 letters in "SUPERstitious".), I realize the STUPIDITY of said-"COINCIDENCES".  ... Ergo, I'd ONLY-/ JUST-be "SUPER-".  


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