Thursday, August 4, 2016

LIFE's MAIN-goal ... for the "BIG-picture":


-- ... For the last ... 2,951 days, ... (since July 6, 2008), I've ATTEMPTED-to CHANGE ... my ONCE-ASTOUNDING "potential" into greatER MENTAL- & PHYSICAL-IMPROVEMENTS.

-- 'Twas a "grab bag of AMBIVALENCE" today:

... I was doing some LEFT-footed "STRETCHING-exercises" in-bed, ... when I noticed that I could pain-LESS-ly rotate my LEFT-foot/-ankle  COUNTER-clockwise/OUTWARD ... ~35 degrees ... as OPPOSED-to the PAST ~8.07 YEARS of being "PIGEON-toed".
(  : )  )

... I learned that it would cost an (UNKNOWN) EXORBITANT-amount of $ to build & INSTALL the NECESSARY-covering for me to SWIM in MY POOL ... in lieu of STRAY-animals, their respective-EXCREMENT and/or URINE, MY G-tube & my ODDLY-shaped/MULTIPLE-layered POOL.
(  : (  )

... My housemate told me that he's figured-out how-to get-to his work/job EASIER.
(  : )  )

... Sooo, he declared that--within the MONTH--he's gonna move-OUT ... to Miami--close-to WORK.
(  : (  )

... 'Twas a FABULOUS "Martial Arts"-class ... with GREAT/HLPFUL remarkS from ... "the peanut-gallery" (ME).

... During the drive-HOME, some JERK-driver SWERVED ... almost-INTO my van ... ALL-the-WHILE, he's YELLING EXPLETIVES at my Caregiver.
(  : (  )

... (WARNING) I reflected-upon my TWO SOLID "bowel-movements" in a span of 16 hours today.
(... GOOD-"sign"!)


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