Monday, August 22, 2016

'Cogito ergo sum.'

... (--Latin for 'I THINK, therefore I AM', Rene Descartes)

-- REFLECTING-upon a PHENOMENAL "Fallen Warriors" "Martial Arts"-Seminar over the weekend ... in which ... my "Professor" earned a SURP
RISE-promotion to 9th dan (out of TEN, ... so the second-highest rank POSSIBLE), a fellow-INSTRUCTOR shared THIS-anecdote:

Once, an arrogant warrior approached a wise Samurai.
Arrogant Warrior : You are an old fool !!
Arrogant Warrior : You are old, you have no strength left !

Arrogant Warrior : I'll strike you down in one blow !

But the old teacher ignored the warrior and continued with his lesson. Soon after the arrogant warrior walked away. One of the wise Samurai's student questioned his teacher :

Student : "Master, why did you tolerate his insults? You could have defeated that arrogant fool easily. You should have challenged him to a fight!"
Wise Samurai : "If someone brings you a gift, and you refuse to take it... to whom does the present belongs?"
Student : "To the person who wants to give it".
Wise Samurai : "Its the same with envy and insults. IF YOU REFUSE TO ACCEPT THEM, THEY BELONG TO THE PERSON WHO OFFERED THEM TO YOU."

-- GREAT SPEECH-Therapy .... with some FLAWLESS-EATING ... of ONE-egg, some COGENT-SPEAKING & a NARROW-"victory" in 'Scrabble' (94-91).


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