Friday, October 30, 2015

I'm doin' WELL … considering I'm ALIVE … & SLOWLY yet SURELY … IMPROVING!

… (ESPECIALLY after a--TYPICAL--GREAT-appreciation of MY Jujitsu-technique)
"Well, it's certainly better than MY average day:
reading philosophy,
avoiding gang-rape in the wash-room …
Though it's LESS of a problem nowadays.
Perhaps I'm losing my sex-appeal."
((--John Mason (actor Sean Connery), 'The Rock'))

(… RELAX!  There's NOT an "Insane Clown Posse" waiting in my bathroom.)

(… I checked.)

… SOME time TODAY, I HAFTA design … AT LEAST TWO NEW Jujitsu-techniques.  
(… It'd be a HELLUVA-LOT easIER to DESIGN helpful/logical/smooth "GROUND & POUND"-techniques with a PARTNER … to help VISUALIZE & "FEEL" the LOCKS & STRIKES!  
But, ''C'est la vie.''  (… 'Such is LIFE.')

… ONE technique "DOWN"/DONE … at/by 10:34 am!
(… I eat "PRESSURE" for BREAKFAST!  "… With SKIM milk."
--Happy in 'Subway'-commercial, 'Happy Gilmore')

… AAANNNDDD, TWO techniques DONE at 11:06 am!
HHHMMM, … I guess I'll just HAFTA make-up MORE!

… THREE!  

RATHER-than play ALOTTA "Minesweeper"--which I did, … LATER, I watched the GREAT 2006-remake of the 1976-CLASSIC 'The Omen'.
(… I had NEVER-seen EITHER ONE, but … WHOA!  NOICE!)

I had a VERY-GOOD "Speech Therapy"-session (as ALWAYS), in which I ate TWO scrambled eggs--practically flaw-LESS-ly--& "kicked-ASS" in Scrabble.

(WELL-said:  …)
"(I AM) UN-stoppable, … NOT because (I) do NOT have FAILURES or DOUBTS, … but because (I) CONTINUE-on DESPITE them."
(--Beau Taplin, 'Unstoppable')
(… Can I get an "AMEN!"?

… ME: "AAA-MEN!")

Tonight I watched a MEMORABLE-film--ESPECIALLY-poignant to MY REHAB for the title--
''Can't Hardly Wait''!


Thursday, October 29, 2015

I can-NOT SEEM-to get this DAMN "dirt off my shoulder"!

… (ALAS!  I continue to ATTEMPT-to "brush it ASIDE".)

Earlier this week (Sunday*), I thought I had NOT created enough NEW Jujitsu-techniques for the KIDS' classes.

Today, I THOUGHT my bedside-buzzer was BROKEN.
(… "Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')
Sure enough, FOUR "rings"/"buzzes" later, it "SOUNDED".

(… My NEW "Caregiver" just CHOSE-to IGNORE it.  
(… THAT's PHONETIC Turkish for 'IDIOT!')

(… PARDON me, … MOM!  I forgot to include my "AUDIBLE-sigh" … which I DID!)

… Said (INCOMPETENT) Caregiver REPEATEDLY STRUGGLES-to "put-ON"/"pull-OFF" the foot-pedals of my (MANUAL-)wheelchair.
WHY is it that he's the ONLY-one who REALLY-struggles with my "chair-PARTS"?!
(… He's the ONLY-person who "BITCHES-about" the "HOW-to"/"WORKINGS" of my chair.  … CONTRARY-to his IMPLICATIONS, it's instructions/directions are "NOT in Japanese"!
(… Seeing as I've been studying 'Okinawan**-Shoreiru Karate' for OVER 23 YEARS, I THINK I would know!)

NOT to seem CONDESCENDING, but I thought of Dr. Sheldon Cooper of 'The Big Bang Theory':

"What are the odds that I'd be wrong TWICE in the SAME WEEK?!"

(… Then, I CHUCKLED.)

So, I'm feeling RATHER/"a TAD-BIT" "DOWN in the DUMPS", JUST 'cuz I KEEP thinkin' about my seemingly-INEVITABLE "hip-REPLACEMENT surgery".  
(… Look at my RIGHT-hand/-forearm, my LEFT-big toe, my LEFT-shoulder … and/or my SKULL!) 

My MAIN-nurse JUST informed me that SAID surgery is not NECESSARILY a "GIVEN".  My hip's "OKAY, provided (I) REST & do NOT put ADDED/UN-necessary PRESSURE on it".

… I WANNA attribute my LACK-of VISIBLE-/PHYSICAL-pain TO my 23+ YEARS of "pain-TOLERANCE".  … But, my nurseS INSIST that--at least SOME-of--IT's from my "SEVERED-/DEAD-"nerves.
… "Just 'cuz I doN'T SCREAM in PAIN & AGONY, doesN'T mean it's NOT THERE."
(--War-veteran PATIENT to operating-doctors, 'House')

… So, UN-fortunately, I can-NOT DEMONSTRATE my Jujitsu-techniques.  I MUST enTRUST my 'Sempai' to do-so.
… WHEW!)

… Furthermore, UN-fortunately one of my Caregivers MIS-placed/LOST THREE of my FOUR NEW Jujitsu-techniques.
(… AUDIBLE-sigh) 

… REGARDLESS of THEIR IR-responsibility, I SHALL 
"just SHAKE-it-OFF" & review my PAST-work.
“When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.” - William Arthur Ward
… My 'Sempai'/buddy DID demonstrate my ONE technique BEAUTIFULLY tonight.  
(… He even "threw-in" a CLEVER/HELPFUL alteration to make the technique "SMOOTHER".  
… MUCH-appreciated!)
(… So, I've GOTTA prepare AT LEAST … TWO NEW techniques BEFORE Saturday's class.)

“Show me a man with both feet on the ground, and I’ll show you a man who can’t put his pants on.” - Arthur K. Watson
(…   So, Mr. Watson's LITERALLY-implying that I CAN/COULD "put-ON my pants"--INDIVIDUALLY.  … HHHMMM, I'll TRY that … tomorrow.)

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” - Helen Adams Keller
(… Ergo, my HORRENDOUS, UNFORTUNATE, CATASTROPHIC injurIES are HELPING-to bolster my "SOLID-'character'".)
(… Based-on my NEWLY-developed EMPATHY … & ENTREPRENEURSHIP, I believe I'm FURTHER-"solidifying" MY PERSONAL, AWE-"inspiring" "success".)

The REAL reason WHY I tend-to be SAD, LONELY & prone-to HOST social-gatherings:
"People with CANCER get DEPRESSED, NOT because of the PAIN, but because they're afraid of dying-ALONE."
(--DR. Wilson, 'House')

TODAY's Caregiver RUINED "the moment", JUST as I was "telling him" a JOKE.
(… AUDIBLE-sigh) 
After my Karate-class ENDED, SAID "Caregiver" was complimenting my GREAT technique, when I TRIED-to "spell-out" a JOKE:
"You sound SURPRISED."
(… But, after FOUR "spelling-TRIALS", I AUDIBLY-sighed & just "WITHHELD my SARCASM".

… He ALWAYS-tells me "ONE more time", … THEN he repeats THAT-task AT LEAST … THREE more times.
… While I brush my teeth, he HELPS with my oral-care.  When he SCRUBS my … TONGUE & such, he says, "Okay, now between your TEETH & GUMS."
(… WouldN'T he NEED-to perform "dental-SURGERY" in order to do-THAT?!)
(… Am I being TOO-LITERAL?!)

P.S. MY NEW Jujitsu-technique was SO "SWEET", that ~"a quarter of an hour" (~15 minutes) AFTER he learned the/MY technique, a 'Karateka' APPLIED it in his "M.M.A."-sparring.

(… WELL-done!)
(… I stuck my RIGHT-thumb WAY HIGH-UP … during class!)

* -- According to ANY calendar, the "WEEK" BEGINS on a "SUNDAY".

** -- 'Okinawa' = city in JAPAN 


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"ONE for 'BAD'. TWO for 'GOOD'."

… (--Charlie Babbit, 'Rain Man')

(WARNING) (The total length of the digestive tract varies by person, but in an adult male can stretch from 20 to 40 feet … OR 240 to 480 INCHES.)

A few days ago, my "digestive system" was VERY "ACTIVE".  In a span of ~34 HOURS, I "evacuated my BOWELS" … THREE different times.  (… 9:45 pm --> 9:40 am --> 7:45 am)

… So, by "plugging-IN" & QUANTIFYING/CALCULATING, THAT would be ("Distance / Time-travelled = Speed") 

~20 feet x 3 "EXCRETIONS" / ~34 hours = 
~1.763 intestinal-feet travelled per hour .

OR, THAT'd be 

~40 feet x 3 "EXCRETIONS" / ~34 hours =
~3.529 intestinal-feet travelled per hour.

"Hey, if you caN'T help FRIENDS in-NEED, who CAN you help?!"
(… I like-to THINK that I have MANY friends.  Also, I'm by-NO-mans "STINGY".)

… I've ALWAYS been a "GIVER".  (I'm GENEROUS
… ESPECIALLY now that I have ALOTTA "material-VALUE".)

I seem-to have a "TALENT" for finding quality-MOVIES & SHOWS on the television.
'Rounders', 'Rain Man', 'Ghostbusters', 'X-Men: Days of Future Past', 'Ghostbusters 2' … & 'Limitless' on "on-DEMAND".)
… I USED-to be VERY ATHLETIC/"SPORTY" … back when I COULD actually PARTICIPATE-in MANY GAMES.  But, NOW … I kinda-HAFTA spend ~66.67% of my WAKING-hours on my laptop AND/OR watching the "BOOB-TUBE".
(… Upon reflection, I'm gonna do MORE "AT-HOME workouts".)

… This "PRE-vening" I "caught the END"-of 'Pay it Forward'.
(… I just REALLY-like the title, 'cuz--NOW that I HAVE the MONETARY-means--I'd SO LITERALLY do that … for MY life!)

My housemate showed my SPEECH-Therapist a "NOICE"-picture of our WINNING a RECENT-pic of HIS & MY WINNING a "Halloween Costume-Contest".  

… In HONOR of my Halloween-"costume", I believe I AM--EERILY-close to BEING "Charles Xavier"/"Professor X":
"As THESE 'go' (pointing to my LEGS), THIS returns (pointing to my STUPENDOUS-mind)."
(--YOUNG Charles Xavier, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past')
(… By NO-means am I IMPLYING that … as my legs IMPROVE, my REMARKABLE-mind WEAKENS.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

"The biggest RISK in life … is 'NOT taking-one'."

… (--'Supergirl')
(… NOTHING in "the GAME of LIFE" comes EASY!
--Shawn Colfax, 'Fired Up')
(… 'Tis APPROPRIATELY-named.)

… "Listen, (y'all).  When you get the chance to 'RIGHT a WRONG', you SEIZE it."
(--Fin Tutuola, 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit')
((… I'm certainly-NOT afraid/hesitant/embarrassed to ADMIT that  I am … OCCASIONALLY … IN-correct (… NOT or RARELY in "the MATHEMATICAL-realm").  Thus, I MUST-ALWAYS "FIX my ERRORS … in JUDGMENT".))

My Event-Schedule for TODAY is
A LOT more "OPEN"/"FREE"/UN-eventful, ...
as I give my LEFT-hip some "Rest & Relaxation".
(… I JUST have my "UPPER body"-workout.) 

My MAIN-nurse informed me that--based on the look of my RECENT X-ray--I'd eventually NEED (DREADED) "Hip-REPLACEMENT Surgery".
After/As I SILENTLY-SULKED, my MAIN-nurse informed me that "(I've) just gotta CONTINUE-to NOT "STRESS"/"put EXCESS-PRESSURE on" it.
… After PONDERING my (hopefully-NOT) INEVITABLE-MISERY, I decided I'd MUCH-rather have the "REPLACEMENT-surgery" LATER than sooner … like, AFTER I can WALK and/or TALK.  

I'm REALLY stretching-/"pushing-"out my LEFT-shoulder during my "UPPER body"-workouts.
THAT POSITIVE-energy/ENTHUSIASM was EVIDENT, when my TRAINER commented to ME:
"WOW!  That's the straightEST & highEST RIGHT arm-movement I've ever-SEEN from you!"

"'PSYCHOLOGICAL-pain' CAN manifest-itself as 'PHYSICAL-pain'."
(--DR. Wilson, 'House')
(… Ergo, about WHAT could I POSSIBLY have-BEEN SO-UPSET that "WARRANTED" the--TEMPORARY--"LOSS-of" my LEG-nerves STRENGTH?!)
(… I've GOTTA … EVENTUALLY "UN-fuck myself"!)


Monday, October 26, 2015

I am REALLY SUFFERING from--a FORM of--"P.T.S.D."

MY "ailment" is A BIT unique, in that
NO two "EXTENTS of 'CONDITIONS'' are exactly--or even REMOTELY--the SAME … as those of ANY-OTHER "T.B.I."-sufferer.

… I "SUFFER" from a RARE-form of …
"Psychological-Tunnel Stimulus-Deficiency", …

in which … (fingering-through my notes) …
29.125% (~2.33 / 8) … of my senses have been SIGNIFICANTLY-decreased/-diminished.

… HERE's a "breakdown"--with a "Y" by any "sense" that's been "HURT" by my "T.B.I.":
logical-thinking N, 
vision N,
hearing N,
touch N,
temperature N,
taste Y,
smell Y,
OUTWARDLY-expressing/-conveying feelings ?
(happiness N,
sadness Y,
anger N,
excitement N,
fatigue N,
pain Y)

"'CHALLENGES' are what make life INTERESTING, &
'OVERCOMING' them is what makes life MEANINGFUL."
(--Joshua J. Marine)

… "The day I (METAPHORICALLY/SYMBOLICALLY) 'DIED' was when my (NEW) 'life' BEGAN."
(--Catwoman, 'Catwoman')

… The resident-/FOREMOST-BADASS in the movie 'Snatch'​ is …(British-accent:) "TUHKISH"

… Since I'm HALF-Turkish, THAT would make 
my ass HALF-"BAD".
((… Using my "BIO-medical Engineering"-knowledge, I can CONFIDENTLY-declare that my LEFT-bun is my "BAD" (LITERALLY) half.  While the RIGHT "hemisphere" of my 'gluteus maximus' would-be more-SLANG "BAD".))


Sunday, October 25, 2015

… My (RELATIVELY-) NEW "powers":

"Ya know, being DIFFERENT isn't always a BAD thing."

… Yeah, "LIFE" is a MYSTERY.
(… Thus, I am QUITE the ENIGMA.)
When "PONDERING your EXISTENCE, be SURE-to INTERROGATE "the ANGEL & DEVIL nestled-upon each shoulder.)
(… "If you doN'T like the 'ANSWERS', then 
(--Charlie, 'NUMB3RS')

(Regarding my "POWERS":)
"Maybe (they're) meant to be--like for/from a 'GREATER/HIGHER POWER'."

Y'all: "Like WHAT--makin' MONEY and gettin' GIRLS?!""

ME: "IS THERE anything GREATER?!"

(--'Fantastic Four')

"If you doN'T 'go-AFTER' what you WANT, you'll never HAVE it.
… If you doN'T ASK, the answer is ALWAYS 'NO'.
… If you doN'T 'step-FORWARD', you're ALWAYS 'in the SAME-place'."
(--Nora Roberts)
(… I URGE my 'Karateka' to "NEVER-hesitate to ask ME questions about MOVES, TECHNIQUES, APPLICATIONS or … ANYTHING!")

"'OPTIMISM' is the 'FAITH that leads-to ACHIEVEMENT'.
Nothing can be done without HOPE & CONFIDENCE."
(--Helen Keller)

"Absorb what is HELPFUL.
Discard what is NOT.
Add what is UNIQUEly your-OWN."
(--Bruce Lee)
(… "You've GOTTA 'harness-IN' the GOOD-energy, … & 'BLOCK' the BAD."--WEIRDO-golfer, 'Happy Gilmore')

(song-version of
Aerosmith's 'Walk this Way':)

"Backstroke lover always hidin' 'neath the covers
'Til I talked to your daddy he say
He said you ain't seen nothin' 'til you're down on a MUFF AND
Then you're sure to be a-changin' your way
I met a cheerleader was a real young breeder
Oh the times I could reminisce
'Cause the best things of lovin' with her sister and her cousin
Only started with a little kiss
A like this

See-saw swingin' with the boys in the school
And your feet flyin' up in the air
Singin' hey diddle diddle
With your kitty in the middle of the swing like you didn't care
So I took a big chance at the high school dance
With a missy who was ready to play
Wasn't me she was foolin' 'cause she knew what she was doin'
And I know love was here to stay
When she told me to

Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way

A just gimme a kiss
Like this

School girl sweetie with a sassy kinda classy
Little skirt's climbin' way up the knee
It was three young ladies in a school gym locker
When I noticed they were lookin' at me
I was a high school loser never made it with a lady
'Til the boys told me something I missed
Then my next door neighbor with a daughter had a favor
So I gave her just a little kiss
A like this

Seesaw swingin' with the boys in the school
And your feet flyin' up in the air
I sing hey diddle diddy
Wit'cha kitty in the middle of the swing like ya didn't care
So I took a big chance at the high school dance
With a missy who was ready to play
Wasn't me she was foolin' 'cause she knew what she was doin'
When she told me how to walk this way
She told me to

Walk this way
Talk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Walk this way
Talk this way

A just gimme a kiss
Like this"

MY version--entitled ''Tryin' to Walk AT-ALL'':

"Jeen-yus cripple always strug-glin' with his POS-TURE,

While his trainer repeatedly YELLS.
He said, 'Your posture's leanin' so bad you're lucky you don't FALL.
Then, might you step with 'alarm-BELLS'.
With the tips from a great gym-STAFF, he can only LAUGH
As he yearns to RE-gain his GAIT.
He's gotta r'member to keep his eyes FOCUSED & UP.
To have stable STRIDES, the back

See-saw swingin' goes his head back-&-FORTH.

But, his hips just stay where they ARE.
Even though he STRUGGLES,
His CONFIDENCE shows that his goals areN'T all that 'FAR'.
He's ''takin' big STEPS'', as he IN-creases his REPS.
'Cuz his PRIDE just woN'T let him QUIT.
Doctors say he should STOP.
But, he doesN'T underSTAND.

TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.

A just show me your GAIT.

Stamina's increasin' at 'NEURO-FIT'.
'Tis the CON-STANT stretching that's helpin' him RE-LAX.
When he noticed his in-creased FLEX-IH-BIL-IH-TEE,
He's been a QUIY-EHT-'cripple', neh-ver really COMPLAINED
'Til his trainer told him to 'rih-place his HIP'.
Then, his hip-doctor told him he JUST needed some REST.
So, he's treatin' it like an upcoming-TEST:
Relax & REST.

UN-steady-swingin' go his HIPS as he 'WALKS',
As his neck lets his head droop LOW.
He 'snaps his neck STRAIGHT,
When his trainer taps his head, … as IF he didN'T KNOW.
So, he earned a big-THRILL … by testing his hip-SKILL
As he cheered himself

TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … TALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.
TRY … to … WALK.

And, 'pick up your JAW'
… In AWE."


Saturday, October 24, 2015

"If you find yourself in a CONFUSING-situation, … simply LAUGH-KNOWINGLY & walk away."

… (--Jim Ignatowski, 'Taxi')

I had a LATE--but FUN--night last night!
(… NO.  I did-NOT say "BUTT-fun", you SILLY-goose!  The HYPHENS … indicates a SLIGHT-PAUSE.)  

My Caregiver last night was … GOOD--in terms of his behavior, WHILE I PARTIED-LATE with friends.  
… HOWEVER, upon my CONCLUDING MY FUN-festivities … at ~12:25 am … he was awake--FINE--but he had his television-volume SO-HIGH/-LOUD, that he--SOMEHOW--did NOT hear NEITHER my KNOCKS on his room-door NOR my CALLS/YELLS for his attention/help to put me in my bed.  
(… He was seated ~12 feet from the OPEN-door.  … So, I STARED-at him, as I "TRIED-to VOCALLY 'get his attention' … to NO-avail.)

… TODAY--SUNDAY--marked a much-BETTER day of "OUTER extracurricular activities!
My housemate & I went down to/for a POOL-PARTY for a BUNCH-of "somewhat-RANDOMS" … courtesy-of one of his WORK-associates.  
I had a FANTASTIC-time with …

Funny & Friendly Folks--including 
Lovely, Loud-Laughing Ladies--in Wonderfully-Warm yet Wet ('cuz of the SPLASHING-bodies in the pool) Weather!
(… "Alliteration aside."--Peter LaFleur, 'Dodgeball')


"There's a time for DARING, and there's a time for CAUTION."

… "A WISE man WHICH is called for" … and WHEN.
(--'Dead Poets Society')

First & FOREMOST, … "T.G.I.F."  ("Thank God It's Friday")
USUALLY, I'd be EXCITED that TODAY would mark 
(WARNING) HOWEVER, I BEGAN this morning by--very-INTUITIVELY--getting into my wheelchair (at ~7:30 am), 'cuz I KINDA-felt the "URGE/RUMBLE to MOVE my BOWELS".  Sure enough, ~10 minutes AFTER my "assuming the (FECAL-EXCRETIONARY) position" in my wheelchair--with my pants-ON, I "gave BIRTH to YET-ANOTHER 'POOP-PARTY'".
(… Ergo, MY "T.G.I.F." would-be 
"Trust Gastro-Intestinal Fundamentals/Functionality".)

(STILL, I'm UPSET over/at my auto-/tire-mechanic's FAULTY-repairs" ... AND my-OWN "LACK-of QUESTIONING of HIS 'WORK'" for my RESULTING injurIES!)

"All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you 

find with another, and regardless of how much you blame 

him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to 

keep the focus off you when you are looking for external 

reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration." 

(--Wayne Dyer)

(… Ergo, I should FOCUS/CONCENTRATE most/ALL of my 

ANGER with/at MYSELF.  For, ULTIMATELY, "the 

CULPABILITY lies/falls within MYSELF".)

"To NEED-to become FUNNY usually comes from a way of SURVIVING."
"… I guess I have a 'HEALTHY-problem' with AUTHORITY."
(--Sarah Silverman on 'Inside the Actors Studio')
(… ADMITTEDLY, I use HUMOR as a "COPING-mechanism".
When I get "UN-comfortable in a situation" (EMOTIONALLY/PSYCHOLOGICALLY … NOT PHYSICALLY)

… "'BLIND-obedience' to authority is the 'greatEST ENEMY' of the TRUTH."
(--Albert Einstein)
… "The 'BIGGEST enemy' of 'GREATNESS' is 'Good-ENOUGH'."
(--My "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR)
(… I LISTEN & DO his INSTRUCTIONS, 'cuz he's PROVEN/SHOWN that he's a VERY WELL-respected martial artist who KNOWS what he's talking-about … in relation to "self-defense".)

"Some of our finest moments are most likely to occur when 

we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. 

For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, 

that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching 

for different ways or truer answers."

(--Scott Peck)

… "We doN'T 'see things' as THEY are.  
We 'see them' as WE are."
(--Anais Nin)
(… "'BEAUTY' is in the eye of the BEHOLDER."
… I caN'T STAND, … when IGNORANT-people tell ME, "Oh, I KNOW how YOU FEEL."  … ENOUGH BULLSHIT!)

"ALL that we ARE is the result of what we have THOUGHT."

"In LIFE, it's NOT WHERE you go, … but WHO goes WITH 


(--Charlie Brown, as he models a hooded-jacket with 

SNOOPY's MISCHIEVOUS-face protruding from SAID hood)

"My BAD!"

I got-HOME from a LATE-night of POKER & PARTYIN' … 

AFTER 1 am!  So, … GOOD times!


Thursday, October 22, 2015

"My body has a mind of ITS OWN! It doesN'T LISTEN TO ME!"

… (--Lincoln Rhyme, 'The Bone Collector')
(… My STUBBORN limbs CONSTANTLY-FRUSTRATE me, 'cuz I'm like an ANTI-"SPAZ":
"Messages" just do NOT get from my BRAIN to ALL of my MUSCLES … consistently.)

… Regardless of my (SOMETIMES) NON-cooperative limbs, I am STILL rather-STUPENDOUS about my Orthopedist's analysis yesterday:
Just "take it EASY for ~a week, THEN resume USUAL-activity.  Just take MANY rest-breaks."

(WARNING) My MAIN-nurse made a GREAT-call by telling ME, 
"Your stomach still seems a BIT distended."
… SURE-enough, ~11 minutes AFTER my "SECOND-breakfast", I "dropped a DEUCE" … for the SECOND time in ~12 hours.

… STILL: I experienced NO/ZERO/'NADA' pain, when I SAT … upon my "porcelain-THRONE".
(… YAY!)

… I utilize/APPLY MY "Bio-PHYSICS-knowledge" to my "EVERYDAY-activities": 
ENTERING/EXITING my wheelchair, "WALKING" to my bathroom to brush my teeth, DESIGNING effective Jujitsu-/Karate-/Wrestling-techniques, MANEUVERING my rump in my SHOWER-chair, POSITIONING my "BUTT-pillow" alongside me in/on my wheelchair.

… "Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death and disability in children and adults from ages 1 to 44."

"Every year, approximately 52,000 deaths occur from traumatic brain injury."
(… FYI: I'm NOT dead.  … SURPRISE, Surprise!)
"At least 5.3 million Americans, 2% of the U.S. population, currently live with disabilities resulting from TBI."
(… I am NOT "alone" … in my "BATTLE".)
"Males are about twice as likely as females to experience a 'TBI'."
(… HOW do EX-ternal gebitalia & an Adam's apple INCREASE the LIKELIHOOD of MENTAL-issues?!  … WOMEN, 'SILENCIO, por favor.')


-- "… Statistics show that 'MEMORY'  is not-ALWAYS reliable."
(--Charlie Epps, 'NUMB3RS')

(WARNING) My NEWest Caregiver … FURTHER-PROVED his IN-consistency by (AUDIBLE sigh) by STARTING the day WELL.  
… MOST of my "TOILET-trip"--to "go #2" was tolerable.  But, he STILL doesN'T understand MY "WIPING" … DESPITE my NUMEROUS explanations!  He DID adhere to my request/ORDER for his NOT breathing so-HEAVILY/-WEIRDLY ON ME.  

"'DESTINY' is what we MAKE it."
(--Lincoln Rhyme, 'The Bone Collector')

… "Only those who will risk going too far 

can possibly find out how far one can go."

(--T.S. Eliot)
(I THANK my housemate for organizing my/our 

SOCIAL-scene.  But, ALAS!  I HAD-to DEPART to "BLOG".  

My housemate/BUDDY--to ME: "Sounds like you're starting to 

enjoy this work."

(--Lincoln Rhyme, 'B.C.')


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

… What's my NEXT adventure, you ask?

"… I'm gonna HAVE SEX with the Statue of Liberty."
(--Andy Samberg's impersonating Nicolas Cage as guest speaker at Harvard's graduation)

"Where there's PAIN, there are NERVES."
(--Dr. Gregory House, 'House')

… In a SEMI-related story, I'm in a FABULOUS-mood, after my doctor's appointment--for my SORE-/ACHING-LEFT hip went EXCEPTIONALLY-WELL!  … He said--as I've been telling folks for ~a WEEK--that it could/SHOULD feel BETTER with REST!  Doc's analysis--BASICALLY: My bones are ALREADY very-BRITTLE.  But, if the MINIMAL-pain is only SPORADIC, then "why CHANGE a GOOD-thing"?!

So, I was watching my NEEDED-dose of 'NUMB3RS' this "MID-day", when I sought-to "APPLY" the premise of the show:"
PRIOR-to my birth, parents thinking:
"Lowest NON-one PERFECT-SQUARE (4) multiplied by the # of SONS we hope to have (x 2 = 8) … of "projected TOTAL # of KIDS + maternal-grandparents' children" (3 + 5 = 8) minus maternal-sisters (8 - 3 = 5)".
Ergo, MY "birfday" is 4/8/85.

"A NEW-study found that people who 'take their coffee BLACK' are MORE-likely to exhibit 

And, people who order a 
'Quad-shot, Non-fat, vanilla soy, EXTRA-foam, LIGHT-whip with caramel-DRIZZLE'
are more likely to be 
their VICTIMS."
(--Seth, 'Late Night with Seth Meyers')
(… Ha ha HA!  After waking-up WAY-too EARLY this morning … & NOT falling-BACK-asleep, I NEEDED this chuckle.)

… Since I've NEVER-drunk a CUP of (ANY kind/type/form of COFEE, WHAT does this study IMPLY about MY level-of "PSYCHOSIS"?
(… "CAFFEINE" is a DRUG!  
… ME?  I'm "HIGH on LIFE"!)

EVERY morning, I have THIS INTERNAL-monologue … with MYSELF:
Remember that.
YOU may have a NUMBER of DOUBTers, HATErs & 'NAYSAYers'.  But, there's ONLY ONE 'judge' who MATTERS … to YOU.
THAT is … Altan Javit Kaynatma."

"There's NO 'MYSTICAL-field' that CONTROLS my destiny."
(--Han Solo, 'Star Wars: A New Hope')

This afternoon I watched a PHENOMENAL-film that's SEMI-about "the PRE-accident ME"--'Good Will Hunting'.  

I had a VERY-ENJOYABLE evening, as I went-OUT--DOWNTOWN MIAMI--for a "Penn-ALUMNI get-together" … GREAT-stories from GREAT-people!


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

… It … WAS … ALWAYS "that time of the month".

So, I arose this morning a-TAD GROUCHY/MOODY.
I know-NOT WHY.   

IS IT … "THAT TIME of the month?!
Am I … "MAN-strating"?!
Lemme check with my EX-.  (Our "periods" linked.  So, we're "MENSA-twins".)
(… It's a CLEVER "play-on-WORDS", 'cuz we're BOTH very-SMART!  … Yeah.  I thought of the name.)
I'm "~15 days LATE".  … I HOPE I'm NOT "PREGGERS"!
WHERE are my "MAN-pons"?!

… OR, ya think it's MY "P.M.S."? 
(… "Periodic Manic Scrutiny")

… Oh, I KNOW WHY I'm "in a bit of a FUSS"!  
My NEWest Caregiver's KINDOF … an IDIOT.
… DESPITE there being NUMEROUS notes on the "CHECK-board" … which he's SUPPOSED-to read FIRST-thing upon his work-ARRIVAL (… Hence the NAME) … that I--TEMPORARILY--can/do NOT "WALK" … 'cuz of my SORE-hip.
So, I HAD-to EXPLAIN to him--WHILE "holding-IN" my urine--WHY I NEED my "toilet-CHAIR".

… NEEDLESS to say, upon hearing of my DIS-pleasure/UPSET-edness, my "NeuralPsychoTherapist" suggested that I "write/(type-up) a 'MANUAL' for HOW-to CARE-for" ALL my NEEDS, PRIORITIES, COMMITMENTS & little-QUIRKS.
… So, THAT's my HOME-work.)

Ya know what's a "SWEET", NEW show … that my mom mentioned to me, & I found on "ON-DEMAND"?
… 'Limitless'!
-- The TITLE interests, intrigues & KINDA inspires me!
-- I LOVE shows, movies, articles, … ANYTHING … about "SMARTEES" (whether the INTELLIGENCE is MEDICALLY-enhanced or NATURAL)!
-- It SEEMS that a good-PORTION of the protagonist's "SMAHT-ness" "stems SIMPLY from" …
… This LAST "point" is ESPECIALLY/PARTICULARLY "promising" to/for ME, 'cuz--due to my SEVERELY-DAMAGED vocal nerves--my CURT-ness ALLOWS me to "witness" MORE as I talk LESS.

(Coolio's ''Gangsta's Paradise''-song lyrics = INSPIRATION:)

"As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I take a look at my life and realize there's none left
'Cause I've been brassing and laughing so long that
Even my mamma thinks that my mind is gone
But I ain't never crossed a man that didn't deserve it
Me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of
You better watch how you talking, and where you walking
Or you and your homies might be lined in chalk
I really hate to trip but I gotta lope
As they croak I see myself in the pistal smoke fool
I'm the kinda G that little homies want to be like
On my knees in the night, saying prayers in the street light
They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise             
They got the situation, they got me facing
I can't live a normal life, I was raised by the strip
So I gotta be down with the hood team
Too much television watching got me chasing dreams
I'm a educated fool with money on my mind
Got my ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye
I'm a loped out gangsta set trippin banger
And my homies is down so gonna rouse my anger fool
Death aint nothing but a heart beat away      
I'm living life do or die, what can I say
I'm twenty three never will I live to see 24
The way things is going I don't know
Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me.
They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise
Power and the money, money and the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody's running, but half of them ain't looking
What's going on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cooking
They say I've got to learn but nobody's here to teach me
If they can't understand it, how can they reach me
I guess they can't
I guess they won't
I guess they front
That's why I know my life is out of luck fool
They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
They been spending most their lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise
We keep spending most our lives living in the gangsta's paradise
Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me.
Tell me why are we so blind to see
That the ones we hurt are you and me."

''Crippee's Contributions''

"As I 'roll' through the 'realm' of society's DISAPPROVAL,
I 'look at my life' & think to slowly 'roll my EYES'.'
'Cuz I've been ''kickin' metaphorical ass' for so LONG that
Even my mama thinks that my mind's still 'ON'.

But, I've NEVER refused to tutor ANYONE who asked for it.
MY being viewed as a 'TARD, I know that's 'UN-CALLED for'!
You'd better BEWARE of how y'all are WALKIN' & TALKIN'
Or, KARMA may ''take a big CHOMP o' yo' ASS''!

I really-HATE bad news, but I've gotta BLOG!
HEY!  My life's not ALL-BAD, so I highlight the 'GOOD'!
I've got the kind-of HOPE that many 'crips' wish they HAD.
Exercisin' EVERY DAY, so my legs aren't SO BAD.

Karma's bound-to 'reward' this crippee's CONTRIBUTIONS.
Karma's bound-to 'reward' this crippee's CONTRIBUTIONS.
DoN'T UNDER-estimate this crippee's CONTRIBUTIONS.
DoN'T UNDER-estimate this crippee's CONTRIBUTIONS.

Y'all know my 'situation'; y'all know my 'HURDLES'.
I caN'T live a 'NORMAL'-life, 'cuz that's 'BELOW-ME'.
Yet, I've gotta-be HUMBLE with my employee-DEALINGS.
My confidence makes me 'BITE-off MORE than I can CHEW'.

I'm HIGHLY-educated with MATH on my MIND.
Got algebra in my HEAD & a graph in my EYE.
I'm a NON-speaking, determined, GEN-er-us JEEN-yus.
So, doN'T TRY-to OUT-smart me!

UN-fortunately, my LEGS can-NOT be healed with any SALVE.
The way things are going, I'm STRUGGLIN'-to remain HAPPY.
Nonetheless, I MUST trust my-own 'FIGHT'.


(… UN-finished)


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