Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I've experienced 'The Good, the Bad & the Ugly' of the MEDICAL-"field".

"GOOD" --> DOCTORS SALVAGED a GREAT-deal of my FUNCTIONING "parietal lobe" of the BRAIN.  My LEFT-side was most-SEVERELY/DRAMATICALLY/TRAUMATICALLY INJURED, & the "parietal lobe" is PREDOMINANTLY-located along the LEFT-hemisphere of the/my brain.  Considering I'm STILL a MATHEMATICAL-GENIUS, I've GOTTA THANK those medical-WUNDERKINDS! 

"BAD" --> In a SEEMINGLY-simple attempt to repair my BROKEN TIGHT-forearm … in the Spring of '02, my surgeon "SLICED" my RIGHT-ULNAR nerve, thereby PERMANENTLY-prohibiting my ABILITY to OPEN my RIGHT ring-finger AND pinkie.

"UGLY" --> My HORRIFIC-accident MUSTA-been VERY GRUESOME … as evidenced by the GNARLY/gut-WRENCHING surgical-SCAR on my left shoulder AND the accompanying-metal IN it.

… From a NON-medical- but purely SOCIAL-"sense", I've FOUND/OBSERVED that WAY too-MANY "ignoramuses" are "far too-QUICK" to "JUMP-to (FALSE/IN-correct) 'ASSUMPTIONS'".  
((… 'Tis SAD.  … (SIGH) But, 'tis TRUE.))

… (SIGH) My newEST employEE/"Caregiver is REALLY-SLACKING.
At LEAST three DIFFERENT times, I've told him,
"You HAFTA close my bedroom-door at night, 'cuz YOUR snoring is REALLY-LOUD!"
3:46 this morning!)
(… Among my MANY psychological-issues:) I could NOT "fall-BACK-asleep".
… Did I mention that he--RECENTLY--stepped HARD on my toes, 
(… THEN he did NOT understand WHY I "flipped-OUT"?!)

… I'm NOT gonna say I'm SURPRISED.  …

But, I CAN'T, so I SHAN'T.

Upon "DEALING-WITH" some (ONE) of my rather "THICK-headed" employEEs, I came to this rather/VERY UN-pleasant conclusion:

"PERHAPS I should stop explaining myself, when I realize 

people only understand from their level of perception."

(… Ergo, RATHER-than "DUMB it DOWN", PERHAPS I 

simply woN'T speak … in the HOPE that said "DUNCES" 

can/will apply THEIR-OWN jargon & understanding to 

BETTER-comprehend my concern.  

… "To EACH his OWN.")


(… 'Twas NOT my INTENTION!  

… I'm merely stating that ... the EXTREME-frustration from 

which I "SUFFER" CAN--REGRETTABLY--lead-to UN-

characteristic PHYSICAL-displays of MY DIS-content.  These 

"demonstrations" are NOT "PRETTY sights to BEHOLD".)

IRONICALLY, my mood dramatically-IMPROVED this LATE-morning, 'cuz
1) (WARNING) I "dropped 'BOMBS over Baghdad'" ~"half an hour" after "SECOND-breakfast"(--Samwise, 'Lord of the Rings').  FANTASTICALLY, my EXCREMENT was LARGE & ALL-SOLID!
2) … PLUS, I could KINDA-SMELL the … STINK!  My excretions KINDA "REEKED of … DEATH"!
(… YAY for SMELL!)
3) … Directly-AFTER my "POOP-party", I watched the HILARIOUS CLASSIC-film 'What about Bob?' … about a COMEDIC-weirdo with MENTAL-"issues"!  (… Oh, sweet I-ron-EE!")
… My HAPPINESS CONTINUED throughout my day:
4) My mom & my "UPPER body"-trainer BOTH read & COMPLIMENTED my RECENT revised-songS about … MY "situation".  
(… I'm doin' a curtsy.)
5) (WARNING #2) In the LATE-afternoon (~3:35 pm), I--AGAIN--"dropped a DEUCE".  … HOWEVER, THIS "BOWEL-evacuation" was more "liquidY" & I could NOT SMELL my SECOND "#2" … MUCH to my CHAGRIN.

A LIL' of TODAY's humor:
"… Roses are RED.  
Violets are BLUE.
… And, so am I."
(--Bob Wiley, 'What about Bob?')

YAY!  The TURKISH National soccer team OUTRIGHT-qualified for the "2016 European Championships" by BEATING first-place Iceland 1-0.

NOBODY wished me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today!

But, I guess I shouldN'T be SURPRISED, …
considering it's NOT
"the ANNIVERSARY of my TRIUMPHANT-'ESCAPE' from my mother's 'PRISON'-esque WOMB".
'Tis ONLY MY … ("Carry the 1.") … 11,145th day ALIVE.
((… "Write THAT down"(--MY 2003 valedictory), DUMB-ASSed American government-officials!))

(TODAY's RATING--on a 1-100 scale:)



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