Friday, October 2, 2015

"FATE--it seems--is NOT without a sense of IRONY."

--'The Matrix'

Now, … UN-fortunately, I "get the (IN-opportune) CHANCE" to APPLY MY college-major ("Biomedical Engineering") to my EVERYDAY/EVERY-MINUTE ACTIVITIES:
I CONSTANTLY HAVE-to incorporate "Bio-PHYSICS" into my decisions of/for choosing the SAFEST "path of LEAST-resistance".

… My "PHYSICS"-teacher in high school is/was GREEK.
As a TURK, I adhere to the saying: 
"NEVER trust a Greek, even when bearing gifts."
So--Thus--Ergo--Consequently, do I DOUBT any/ALL that he TAUGHT me?!
… Well, well, WELL!  By APPLYING HIS "PHYSICS"-lessons & MY-OWN "BIOMECHANICS"-learnings, I ACTUALLY "handle" my CONSTANT (PHYSICAL-) disabilities/handicaps quite-WELL to ALL my (SLOOOW) SAFE doings.  

So, I "conducted" TWO job-interviews early this afternoon.  
I HAVE-to find a NEW Caregiver in lieu of ONE EX-employee's harm-FULL NEGLECT, RUDENESS & INCOMPETENCE.  
… BOTH "candidates" SEEMED promising!  … However, ONE guy (ACTUALLY, the one I liked slightly-MORE) (… SSSHHH!) "ELIMINATED-himself" by admitting how OFTEN he SMOKES.  
(… My PRIMARY-nurse stiPulated--and I CONCUR--that EXCESS-smoke stiMulates MY salivary glands to produce an INORDINATE-amount of SPIT.)
(… I never really LIKED cigarettes PRE-accident.  But, I TOLERATED 'em.  NOW, I'm VERY-/"SUPER-SENSITIVE"--NOT "allergic", as my SPEECH-Therapist THOUGHT--to the "NOXIOUS-fumes".)
… So, needless to say, he's "DONE, before he STARTS".
… I have two-MORE interviews tomorrow-morning … BEFORE Karate-class.


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