Wednesday, October 7, 2015


… (--'Dodgeball')

… Oh, you doN'T?!
"Well, uh. THAT's just, uh, like, uh, YOUR opinion, man."
(--The DUDE, 'The Big Lebowski')

… "A change in perspective changes … everything! 

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. 

Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."

~ Marcus Aurelius

((… "I told you BEFORE: We can-NOT 'see-past' the 

decisions we doN'T understand."

(--The ORACLE, 'The Matrix Revolutions')

(… I doN'T comprehend WHY--EXACTLY--my car-tire 

EXPLODED on the UN-fortunate, FATEFUL, 

AWFUL/CATACLYSMIC day--2,649 DAYS ago.  

… Ergo, I STILL kinda DWELL-on "BLAME-pointing" & 


((… As I "WALKED" past my bathroom-MIRROR, I "blew a 

KISS" at, … well, … ME.  I recalled the words of these 


"Beauty is bought by judgement of the eye,"
(--William Shakespeare, ''Love's Labours Lost'')

"Beauty, like supreme dominion
Is but supported by opinion."
(--Benjamin Franklin, ''Poor Richard's Almanack'')

"Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them."
(--David Hume's essays, 'Moral & Political').

I PONDERED--as DROOL hung from my lips, 

"WOWZA, A.J.!  YOU, sir, are frickin' GORGEOUS!"


"DoN'T pray  for an EASY-life.  (If you MUST:) 

Pray for the STRENGTH to ENDURE a DIFFICULT-one."

(--Bruce Lee)

( Well, well, WELL.  It DUDN'T get much MORE 


MY last  2,649 DAYS.  

 Nonetheless/Regardless, I "trudge-ONWARD".)

 'Por ejemplo':

(WARNING) "At APPROXIMATELY 1:30 am/'in the 

MORNING'"/'Saat bir buc(SMALL vertical line under 'c')uk' 

(PHONETIC-Turkish = 'Saht BEER boo-CHOOK'), I AWOKE!  

For the first time in a LONG while, 

my "BLADDER-tension" "DISTURBED my 

SLUMBER".  So, I--DESPITE my being "NOT so much 

'TIRED' but VERY-SLEEPY"--"WALKED" 'a mi banyo' to 

"RELIEVE the 'URINARY-tension' in my BLADDER".  … 

Upon my RETURN to bed AFTER my JAUNT/TREK, I felt 

my "stomach's 'RUMBLING'", so I "motioned-for" my CHAIR 

to "escort/transport me" TO my "porcelain-throne".


… UN-fortunately, I could ONLY "fall-BACK-asleep" for ~six 

hours (… YAY for "sleeping-THROUGH" the NOISY shift-

change at 6:00 am!), before there was MORE "RUMBLING". 

I, AGAIN, felt some "UNEASINESS in my BLADDER".  So, 

I "AMBLED-over" to my "Heart of DARKNESS"/TOILET for 

"urinary-RELIEF".  (… RELAX!  I do NOT have a "U.T.I"!  

JUST 'cuz I've been urinating FREQUENTLY, does NOT 

mean my Urinary-Tract is Infected!  There is NO-pain, when I 

urinate, AND said "secretion" STILL has LIGHT-yellow hue.)  

SURE-enough, … a "gastric-QUIETING" ensued!  Right-

AFTER I "exercised a 'BLADDER-release'", I sat-down & 

Exhibited (ANOTHER) "Emergency Excretionary-Evacuation".

… "'#2'-SUCCESS!"  (… THAT was a NUMERIC "play-on-

words" 'con el numero DOS''s indicating "EXCRETION", … & 

'twas the SECOND "Fecal-FRENZY" of EXTREMELY-

RECENT memory.)

… I LAUGH in the face of any/ALL of MY "DOUBTERS" who 

EX-nayed my (EVENTUAL) NOT-NEEDING my "G-/peg-


ME: "'IMPOSSIBLE'?  (SNICKER) More like … 


(--Agent Smith, 'The Matrix Revolutions')


I had an appointment for a SCHEDULED-/REGULAR-"dental 

checkup" in the LATE-morning (11:15 am EDT).

(I'm not gonna lie: I WAS a TAD PROUD that "my STREAK" 

… of 11,139 days (MY LIFE) with-OUT a cavity--


BRAGGED-to my dentist about said "STREAK".

The Oral-Hygienist even chimed-in: "(Chuckle) I BELIEVE it.  

He's got BETTER-teeth than MOST of my patients."

… I was BACK, at MY house, in MY chair, on MY laptop by 

12:22 pm EST.  (… That's INCLUDING ~13 minutes of 

DRIVE-time--BOTH ways--AND ~eight minutes of "transfer"-


In my SPEECH-Therapy session AFTER my dental-

"CLEANING", I ATE--via MOUTH--ALL of two scrambled 

eggs.  My teacher OFFERED to play Scrabble.  But, I 

DECLINED … to focus-MORE on my IMPROVING "lingual- 

("tongue-)movement" & alliteration.

I tried a few very-DIFFERENT exercises at "NeuroFit 360" 


-- I practiced SETTING & MAINTAINING my feet to PUNCH--

with BOTH hands (… ONE at-a-time) hand-held pads, … 

WHILE I STOOD … & held-to … NOTHING.

(… YAY!)

-- I STOOD, … as I pedaled-on a "HAND-bike" for 2.5

minutes.  (… THEN, I REVERSED my pedaling-DIRECTION 

for another 150 seconds.)

-- Finally, my trainer RIGOROUSLY-stretched my LEFT-hip, 

… which has been sore ALL-day, … but MOSTLY when I 


"When I was EIGHT years old, a horse KICKED me in the 

penis.  … So, I can NEVER have kids."

(… So, … BUMMER!)

(… Actually, … PSYCHE!

That "Donkey-GROIN"-incident is from last night's PILOT-

episode of 'Grandfathered'.)


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