Tuesday, October 6, 2015

UUUGGGHH! I'm TIRED of being UP in my wheelchair.

"I just wanna lie in my bed, and watch 'Friends' all day!"
--'22 Jump Street'

there IS a "YYYUUUUUUUJJJ!"(--Comedian Jimmy Fallon's MOCKING-of Donald Trump's voice/personality) difference between 
"being TIRED" 

"being SLEEPY".
(… I USED-to--PRE-accident--PRIDE-myself on my SPECTACULAR-endurance & -stamina.  **
NOW, for SOME-reason, I tire way-TOO QUICKLY for MY-liking.)
But, what I UNDERSTAND/KNOW is that "TIRING" merely involves the "FATIGUING-of MUSCLES".  It has NOTHING/ZERO/ZILCH/'NADA' to do with "SLEEP-deprivation"!  So, when I--HESITATE-to--declare that "I'm TIRED", SPARE me the 'FAUX'-/SARCASTIC-sympathy of YOUR LATE-/SLEEPLESS-nights! 
(… Ya see, I "function" quite-WELL with MY LATE-nights & EARLY-mornings!) 

A "DREAM" becomes a "GOAL", when

… "A 'GOAL' is a DREAM with a deadline … PLUS 'ACTION-steps'."
(--Napoleon Hill)

… So, I KINDA DIS-agree … to an EXTENT.
Granted, a TIME-requirement DOES "impose FURTHER-RESTRICTIONS" on said "GOAL".  But, I DIS-agree that 'tis a "REQUIREMENT". 
… The word "DEADLINE" just seems TOO "matter-of-FACT"/"cut-&-DRY"/"ALL-or-NOTHING" for MY-liking.
How 'bout "DESIRE" … or "GUIDE-line"? 
(… 'Cuz there'll STILL-be great-CELEBRATION upon the COMPLETION of said-task.  Just, IDEALLY, it'd be NICE if it were "DEFEATED" with-IN the REQUESTED-"parameters".)

… Today I reviewed a FEW of my "GOALS" with my "Neuro-psychotherapist":
-- AUDIT a class AT my LOCAL "grad-school" to RE-establish myself as a "GRADUATE-student".
(… Only THIS time, switch-to a "CONCENTRATION", select ONLY courses I'm INTERESTED-in & be more-SOCIAL.
-- (AGAIN:) Get-/Go- OUT more!
(… I'd NEED GOOD-company!)
-- Find a charter-/NON-profit-/volunteer-organization in-which I can/may "CONCENTRATE" all my SPARE-time.
(… BESIDES my NON-paying "MARTIAL ARTS"-teaching?!  BESIDES my NON-paying MATH-tutoring?!

MY PERSISTENT-/CONSTANT-motto THROUGHOUT MY recovery/rehabilitation:
"Hey, IF it were EASY, then EVERYONE would do it."

(( No, I do NOT wish MY (UN-enviable) "situation" upon my WORST-enemy.
Nonetheless, I "trudge-ON", … 'cuz I KNOW I'm "BETTER than this.  … Also, "the WORLD"/SOCIETY BENEFITS from MY MANY "contributions".))

 UNDERSTANDABLY, just-about ALL tasks take me a tad-longER to COMPLETE than "the average bear".  
It isn't 

that I "caN'T SEE the solution".  

It's just that--from time-to-time--I don't understand the 

problem clearly-ENOUGH.   

(… Thus, I--UN-ashamedly--"PEPPER" the "problemEE" 

with RELATED-questions.)

… 'Tis MUCH-easIER to resolve a problem when you know 

exactly what it is. 

(… NOT to BRAG, … but I WILL … IN-directly:)

"If I had 60 minutes to SOLVE a PROBLEM, I'd spend 55 

minutes DEFINING (SPECIFYING) it, & FIVE minutes 


(--Albert Einstein)

ALAS!  I HAFTA get-OUTTA this/MY wheelchair!

"(SIGH) Nobody decides WHEN."

(--'Gross Pointe Blank')


** = During my senior-year of high school--my BEST 

WRESTLING-season, I "was PINNED"/"gave-up" 

(REGRETTABLY) JUST THREE times in 34 matches!

(… THAT's … ~8.82%.)


"If ANYONE had a 'NOT-so-good' TODAY, do your BEST 

to 'ROCK that shit' TOMORROW.

Life is TOO SHORT for TWO days of 'BULLSHIT' in a 


(--Jay Long)



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