Saturday, October 24, 2015

"There's a time for DARING, and there's a time for CAUTION."

… "A WISE man WHICH is called for" … and WHEN.
(--'Dead Poets Society')

First & FOREMOST, … "T.G.I.F."  ("Thank God It's Friday")
USUALLY, I'd be EXCITED that TODAY would mark 
(WARNING) HOWEVER, I BEGAN this morning by--very-INTUITIVELY--getting into my wheelchair (at ~7:30 am), 'cuz I KINDA-felt the "URGE/RUMBLE to MOVE my BOWELS".  Sure enough, ~10 minutes AFTER my "assuming the (FECAL-EXCRETIONARY) position" in my wheelchair--with my pants-ON, I "gave BIRTH to YET-ANOTHER 'POOP-PARTY'".
(… Ergo, MY "T.G.I.F." would-be 
"Trust Gastro-Intestinal Fundamentals/Functionality".)

(STILL, I'm UPSET over/at my auto-/tire-mechanic's FAULTY-repairs" ... AND my-OWN "LACK-of QUESTIONING of HIS 'WORK'" for my RESULTING injurIES!)

"All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you 

find with another, and regardless of how much you blame 

him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to 

keep the focus off you when you are looking for external 

reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration." 

(--Wayne Dyer)

(… Ergo, I should FOCUS/CONCENTRATE most/ALL of my 

ANGER with/at MYSELF.  For, ULTIMATELY, "the 

CULPABILITY lies/falls within MYSELF".)

"To NEED-to become FUNNY usually comes from a way of SURVIVING."
"… I guess I have a 'HEALTHY-problem' with AUTHORITY."
(--Sarah Silverman on 'Inside the Actors Studio')
(… ADMITTEDLY, I use HUMOR as a "COPING-mechanism".
When I get "UN-comfortable in a situation" (EMOTIONALLY/PSYCHOLOGICALLY … NOT PHYSICALLY)

… "'BLIND-obedience' to authority is the 'greatEST ENEMY' of the TRUTH."
(--Albert Einstein)
… "The 'BIGGEST enemy' of 'GREATNESS' is 'Good-ENOUGH'."
(--My "Martial Arts"-PROFESSOR)
(… I LISTEN & DO his INSTRUCTIONS, 'cuz he's PROVEN/SHOWN that he's a VERY WELL-respected martial artist who KNOWS what he's talking-about … in relation to "self-defense".)

"Some of our finest moments are most likely to occur when 

we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. 

For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, 

that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching 

for different ways or truer answers."

(--Scott Peck)

… "We doN'T 'see things' as THEY are.  
We 'see them' as WE are."
(--Anais Nin)
(… "'BEAUTY' is in the eye of the BEHOLDER."
… I caN'T STAND, … when IGNORANT-people tell ME, "Oh, I KNOW how YOU FEEL."  … ENOUGH BULLSHIT!)

"ALL that we ARE is the result of what we have THOUGHT."

"In LIFE, it's NOT WHERE you go, … but WHO goes WITH 


(--Charlie Brown, as he models a hooded-jacket with 

SNOOPY's MISCHIEVOUS-face protruding from SAID hood)

"My BAD!"

I got-HOME from a LATE-night of POKER & PARTYIN' … 

AFTER 1 am!  So, … GOOD times!


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