Thursday, October 22, 2015

"My body has a mind of ITS OWN! It doesN'T LISTEN TO ME!"

… (--Lincoln Rhyme, 'The Bone Collector')
(… My STUBBORN limbs CONSTANTLY-FRUSTRATE me, 'cuz I'm like an ANTI-"SPAZ":
"Messages" just do NOT get from my BRAIN to ALL of my MUSCLES … consistently.)

… Regardless of my (SOMETIMES) NON-cooperative limbs, I am STILL rather-STUPENDOUS about my Orthopedist's analysis yesterday:
Just "take it EASY for ~a week, THEN resume USUAL-activity.  Just take MANY rest-breaks."

(WARNING) My MAIN-nurse made a GREAT-call by telling ME, 
"Your stomach still seems a BIT distended."
… SURE-enough, ~11 minutes AFTER my "SECOND-breakfast", I "dropped a DEUCE" … for the SECOND time in ~12 hours.

… STILL: I experienced NO/ZERO/'NADA' pain, when I SAT … upon my "porcelain-THRONE".
(… YAY!)

… I utilize/APPLY MY "Bio-PHYSICS-knowledge" to my "EVERYDAY-activities": 
ENTERING/EXITING my wheelchair, "WALKING" to my bathroom to brush my teeth, DESIGNING effective Jujitsu-/Karate-/Wrestling-techniques, MANEUVERING my rump in my SHOWER-chair, POSITIONING my "BUTT-pillow" alongside me in/on my wheelchair.

… "Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death and disability in children and adults from ages 1 to 44."

"Every year, approximately 52,000 deaths occur from traumatic brain injury."
(… FYI: I'm NOT dead.  … SURPRISE, Surprise!)
"At least 5.3 million Americans, 2% of the U.S. population, currently live with disabilities resulting from TBI."
(… I am NOT "alone" … in my "BATTLE".)
"Males are about twice as likely as females to experience a 'TBI'."
(… HOW do EX-ternal gebitalia & an Adam's apple INCREASE the LIKELIHOOD of MENTAL-issues?!  … WOMEN, 'SILENCIO, por favor.')


-- "… Statistics show that 'MEMORY'  is not-ALWAYS reliable."
(--Charlie Epps, 'NUMB3RS')

(WARNING) My NEWest Caregiver … FURTHER-PROVED his IN-consistency by (AUDIBLE sigh) by STARTING the day WELL.  
… MOST of my "TOILET-trip"--to "go #2" was tolerable.  But, he STILL doesN'T understand MY "WIPING" … DESPITE my NUMEROUS explanations!  He DID adhere to my request/ORDER for his NOT breathing so-HEAVILY/-WEIRDLY ON ME.  

"'DESTINY' is what we MAKE it."
(--Lincoln Rhyme, 'The Bone Collector')

… "Only those who will risk going too far 

can possibly find out how far one can go."

(--T.S. Eliot)
(I THANK my housemate for organizing my/our 

SOCIAL-scene.  But, ALAS!  I HAD-to DEPART to "BLOG".  

My housemate/BUDDY--to ME: "Sounds like you're starting to 

enjoy this work."

(--Lincoln Rhyme, 'B.C.')


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