Thursday, October 29, 2015

I can-NOT SEEM-to get this DAMN "dirt off my shoulder"!

… (ALAS!  I continue to ATTEMPT-to "brush it ASIDE".)

Earlier this week (Sunday*), I thought I had NOT created enough NEW Jujitsu-techniques for the KIDS' classes.

Today, I THOUGHT my bedside-buzzer was BROKEN.
(… "Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')
Sure enough, FOUR "rings"/"buzzes" later, it "SOUNDED".

(… My NEW "Caregiver" just CHOSE-to IGNORE it.  
(… THAT's PHONETIC Turkish for 'IDIOT!')

(… PARDON me, … MOM!  I forgot to include my "AUDIBLE-sigh" … which I DID!)

… Said (INCOMPETENT) Caregiver REPEATEDLY STRUGGLES-to "put-ON"/"pull-OFF" the foot-pedals of my (MANUAL-)wheelchair.
WHY is it that he's the ONLY-one who REALLY-struggles with my "chair-PARTS"?!
(… He's the ONLY-person who "BITCHES-about" the "HOW-to"/"WORKINGS" of my chair.  … CONTRARY-to his IMPLICATIONS, it's instructions/directions are "NOT in Japanese"!
(… Seeing as I've been studying 'Okinawan**-Shoreiru Karate' for OVER 23 YEARS, I THINK I would know!)

NOT to seem CONDESCENDING, but I thought of Dr. Sheldon Cooper of 'The Big Bang Theory':

"What are the odds that I'd be wrong TWICE in the SAME WEEK?!"

(… Then, I CHUCKLED.)

So, I'm feeling RATHER/"a TAD-BIT" "DOWN in the DUMPS", JUST 'cuz I KEEP thinkin' about my seemingly-INEVITABLE "hip-REPLACEMENT surgery".  
(… Look at my RIGHT-hand/-forearm, my LEFT-big toe, my LEFT-shoulder … and/or my SKULL!) 

My MAIN-nurse JUST informed me that SAID surgery is not NECESSARILY a "GIVEN".  My hip's "OKAY, provided (I) REST & do NOT put ADDED/UN-necessary PRESSURE on it".

… I WANNA attribute my LACK-of VISIBLE-/PHYSICAL-pain TO my 23+ YEARS of "pain-TOLERANCE".  … But, my nurseS INSIST that--at least SOME-of--IT's from my "SEVERED-/DEAD-"nerves.
… "Just 'cuz I doN'T SCREAM in PAIN & AGONY, doesN'T mean it's NOT THERE."
(--War-veteran PATIENT to operating-doctors, 'House')

… So, UN-fortunately, I can-NOT DEMONSTRATE my Jujitsu-techniques.  I MUST enTRUST my 'Sempai' to do-so.
… WHEW!)

… Furthermore, UN-fortunately one of my Caregivers MIS-placed/LOST THREE of my FOUR NEW Jujitsu-techniques.
(… AUDIBLE-sigh) 

… REGARDLESS of THEIR IR-responsibility, I SHALL 
"just SHAKE-it-OFF" & review my PAST-work.
“When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.” - William Arthur Ward
… My 'Sempai'/buddy DID demonstrate my ONE technique BEAUTIFULLY tonight.  
(… He even "threw-in" a CLEVER/HELPFUL alteration to make the technique "SMOOTHER".  
… MUCH-appreciated!)
(… So, I've GOTTA prepare AT LEAST … TWO NEW techniques BEFORE Saturday's class.)

“Show me a man with both feet on the ground, and I’ll show you a man who can’t put his pants on.” - Arthur K. Watson
(…   So, Mr. Watson's LITERALLY-implying that I CAN/COULD "put-ON my pants"--INDIVIDUALLY.  … HHHMMM, I'll TRY that … tomorrow.)

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” - Helen Adams Keller
(… Ergo, my HORRENDOUS, UNFORTUNATE, CATASTROPHIC injurIES are HELPING-to bolster my "SOLID-'character'".)
(… Based-on my NEWLY-developed EMPATHY … & ENTREPRENEURSHIP, I believe I'm FURTHER-"solidifying" MY PERSONAL, AWE-"inspiring" "success".)

The REAL reason WHY I tend-to be SAD, LONELY & prone-to HOST social-gatherings:
"People with CANCER get DEPRESSED, NOT because of the PAIN, but because they're afraid of dying-ALONE."
(--DR. Wilson, 'House')

TODAY's Caregiver RUINED "the moment", JUST as I was "telling him" a JOKE.
(… AUDIBLE-sigh) 
After my Karate-class ENDED, SAID "Caregiver" was complimenting my GREAT technique, when I TRIED-to "spell-out" a JOKE:
"You sound SURPRISED."
(… But, after FOUR "spelling-TRIALS", I AUDIBLY-sighed & just "WITHHELD my SARCASM".

… He ALWAYS-tells me "ONE more time", … THEN he repeats THAT-task AT LEAST … THREE more times.
… While I brush my teeth, he HELPS with my oral-care.  When he SCRUBS my … TONGUE & such, he says, "Okay, now between your TEETH & GUMS."
(… WouldN'T he NEED-to perform "dental-SURGERY" in order to do-THAT?!)
(… Am I being TOO-LITERAL?!)

P.S. MY NEW Jujitsu-technique was SO "SWEET", that ~"a quarter of an hour" (~15 minutes) AFTER he learned the/MY technique, a 'Karateka' APPLIED it in his "M.M.A."-sparring.

(… WELL-done!)
(… I stuck my RIGHT-thumb WAY HIGH-UP … during class!)

* -- According to ANY calendar, the "WEEK" BEGINS on a "SUNDAY".

** -- 'Okinawa' = city in JAPAN 


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